Itchy feet: how to prevent and treat this annoying problem

If we think of a pain or a condition of our body that bothers us particularly, we cannot help but think of itchy feet. How many of us have it happened that, out of nowhere, the foot started to itch intensely, but, not being able to take off our shoes and socks, we had to endure with enormous discomfort? In fact, this is a fairly common problem that shouldn't cause too much concern. However, it can happen that the itch is persistent and, at times, even debilitating for the person suffering from it. In cases like this, you should go to your doctor and ask for a consultation.

Since quite a few people are afflicted with this problem, we thought we would clarify, by informing you about everything you need to know about itchy feet. Let's find out the main causes, symptoms and remedies together.

But before we go any further, watch this video and find out how to take care of your skin from the inside out!

Itchy feet: what it is

Itchy feet is a fairly common disorder that can affect people of all ages, from children to the elderly. Depending on the case, it can be a general discomfort, which affects the whole foot, or localized and, therefore, perceptible only in a certain area such as the back, the sole and, more frequently, the space between the toes.An itchy sensation in the feet can occur at any time of the day, both day and night, and sometimes it can be so intense that it is difficult to walk regularly and take away the sleep of those who suffer from it. Generally, itching is not to be considered a condition for which to be alarmed, however, when it is strong and persistent, it becomes necessary a medical study that reveals the causes and identifies what may be the most effective remedies depending on the case.

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Reasons why your feet itch

As with all the times in which we perceive a certain discomfort in our body, the first thing to do is to investigate what may be the causes of its origin. As for itchy feet, there may be more than one triggering cause and that is why it is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out a self-diagnosis without the intervention of a doctor and after carrying out specific tests. In general, here are the main causes of an itchy foot:

  • excessive sweating
  • insect sting
  • dermatosis
  • appearance of blisters
  • dryness of the skin
  • environmental causes (heat, cold, thermal shock)
  • urticaria
  • erythema
  • animal bite
  • pathogens such as bacteria and fungi
  • diabetes
  • liver disease
  • scabies
  • skin diseases (atomic dermatitis, contact dermatitis)
  • allergic reactions (for example to certain foods or certain drugs)
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • neurobiological disorders
  • blood circulation problems (in this case the itching is accompanied by other symptoms such as tingling in the legs or the appearance of chilblains)

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Other causes

Let's not forget that the head can also play an active role in the state of health of the body and in the manifestation of certain ailments. In fact, it can sometimes happen that itchy feet are caused by psychic diseases such as depression, anxiety, hypochondria or an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At other times, however, it may be the side effect of some drugs, taken without giving too much weight to the package leaflet. On the market, there are some medicines containing certain active ingredients that can trigger allergic reactions, the symptoms of which can also include an itchy feeling in the feet.

Last but not least, the choice of socks and shoes is also fundamental. Some materials and models, in fact, can compromise not only our movements, but also the state of health of the skin, irritating it and causing an annoying itch.

Symptoms of itchy feet

As already highlighted at the beginning of the article, this disorder can affect the whole foot or only a certain area. The appearance of itching, however, is not always the only symptom. Often, in fact, this sensation can be accompanied by other symptoms, which vary according to the triggering cause (disease, allergy, sting, etc.). Below is a list of the most frequent:

  • burning
  • reddened skin
  • peeling
  • swelling
  • tingling
  • blisters
  • bubbles

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Itchy feet in pregnancy

Sometimes, it is not uncommon for a problem such as itchy feet to appear during pregnancy, especially in the last three months of gestation. Carrying a baby in your womb can alter the normal functioning of our body, generating symptoms of different degrees. In the case of pregnancy, here are some of the most common causes of feet starting to itch:

  • polymorphic dermatitis from pregnancy
  • high transaminases
  • hormonal changes
  • water retention
  • managed hepatic
  • herpes gestationis
  • molested in pregnancy

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What not to do when you feel itchy feet

Although it seems impossible, when we feel a stinging itch in the feet, we absolutely must not scratch. This gesture, in fact, could further irritate the vulnerable part of the body and cause other problems, ending up inflaming or infecting the skin and favoring the appearance of any abrasions.

Diagnosis and treatment

Although, in the vast majority of cases, itchy feet is a rather harmless problem, if it persists, it is good to contact your doctor or, for an even more targeted check, a dermatologist and investigate what the causes may be. of this annoyance. This step is especially important during pregnancy or if you suffer from other diseases such as diabetes. In general, the doctor in question will try to collect all the necessary information regarding the patient's clinical picture, to exclude or take into account certain pathologies. During the visit, the specialist will observe the area from which the itch radiates and analyze the skin in detail to highlight the presence of any irritation. To trace the origin of this disorder, it is important for the patient to remember the first appearance of the symptom and the behaviors following which it is usual to perceive the itching in a more acute form. If further tests are needed to get a clearer picture of the clinical situation, the doctor may order certain tests such as blood tests, urinalysis and allergy tests.

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How to prevent itchy feet

It is not always possible to do this, but if you want and can prevent an annoying itchy sensation in the feet you need to take some precautions, such as:

  • hygiene: wash your feet every day and rinse them with warm water. Once washed, pat them gently with a cotton or microfiber towel, but never rub them. Be careful to dry the entire surface, leaving no traces of moisture on the feet, especially in the space between the toes. After drying, apply an emollient and moisturizing cream to treat any dry skin.
  • the choice of footwear: wear shoes that are comfortable for your feet, with a breathable sole, not at all tight, oppressive or constricting and that allow you to move freely.
  • the choice of socks: choose strictly cotton or silk socks. In fact, these fabrics will help your foot breathe without sweating.
  • the choice of detergent: when you wash your feet, do not use any product. Buy cleansers that are gentle to the skin.
  • the choice of detergents: when buying detergents for your clothes, don't just pay attention to the price or the brand. Focus on the ingredients too. Sometimes, in fact, they may contain irritants and consequently cause allergic reactions on the skin.
  • If you regularly go to gyms or swimming pools, absolutely avoid walking barefoot and always carry small slippers with you to wear even in the shower.

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Foot care products

Below, you will find some effective products against itchy feet that you can conveniently buy on Amazon:

  • Emollient and moisturizing foot cream based on olive oil, hyaluronic acid, panthenol and shea butter. The ideal ointment to restore the skin of your feet after a fantastic foot bath.
  • Foot spray for athletes suffering from excessive sweating. This product also acts as an antifungal, preventing the formation of fungi, and neutralizes bad odors.
  • Antifungal cream for foot care, perfect in case of skin flaking.
  • Electric pedicure set, useful for thoroughly cleaning the feet, eliminating dead cells and smoothing the skin.

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All remedies for itchy feet

Do you suffer from itchy feet? There are several remedies with which to tackle the problem and solve it. First of all, in these cases, as pointed out above, it is always better to have feedback from your doctor who will be able to indicate the best solution with which to alleviate the discomfort and treat the disorder at its root. In fact, if itching is a symptom of a disease, the doctor will administer special medications, whether these are a cream or ointment to be applied to the inflamed skin or solutions to be taken orally such as antihistamines, cortisone or possibly antibiotics. Obviously, the doctor himself will instruct us on how to use the selected drug.

In cases where the cause of the itching was poor skin hydration or temporary skin irritation, it is possible to resort to home-based but still effective solutions, such as foot baths. All you need is water at room temperature and ingredients such as bicarbonate or essential oils of lavender and tea tree, which not only help moisturize and soften the skin, but also neutralize bacteria.

If the itching is caused by a circulatory problem, know that there are special massages to reactivate the regular blood circulation and reduce the itching.

If, on the other hand, it is a sweating problem, during the day remember to sprinkle your feet with talcum powder, a substance capable of absorbing liquids and keeping the skin dry.

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