How to make the couple survive when they are very different

Among the various mistakes that women and men commit when they love each other and are together, there is the very common one of relating to the person of the other sex as if they were a person of their own sex. In this way, expectations or real demands are generated that lead to misunderstandings, misunderstandings, disappointments, and every reason becomes good for arguing and arguing. Here is how we should do to survive together without fighting each other, see:

The differences in the relationship ...

When faced with a problem, we women want to be heard and understood. Externalizing our emotional state, exaggerating or complaining is a way for us to release the accumulated tensions. On the contrary, what very often happens is that our partner minimizes our emotions and thinks about how to solve the problem, and this is frustrating! But it is not their fault that they have a greater practical sense and give less importance to emotions. (in general, of course ...) Women forget that men are different and when they have a problem they don't want to talk, but mostly to be alone and think. This silence, together with the lack of attention and support practical and emotional, it makes us women suffer, as evidenced by the numerous female complaints ...

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... and sexual differences

The differences in sexual desire between men and women are not few. Difference number one: sex for men is the preamble of sentiment, when in principle for us it is the opposite, sentiment is the preamble of sex! Many misunderstandings arise right from here. Man becomes collaborative, attentive and thoughtful when he is sure that his woman accepts, appreciates and values ​​him. And above all, from sex, man derives the right predisposition to lovingly and emotionally support his partner.
Another difference lies in the mode of arousal, which is more elaborate in women. The woman loves foreplay: in addition to making her feel desired, they create a crescendo of excitement that prepares her for sexual intercourse and to experience pleasure. Man, on the other hand, gets aroused more quickly and automatically and tends to avoid all these preambles, going straight to the point. Unfortunately, through sexual intercourse alone it is very difficult for a woman to reach orgasm, so she often remains unsatisfied and can feel unsuitable, make her partner feel inadequate and this can generate various misunderstandings.

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How to make the couple survive despite the differences?

Undoing differences in a relationship is a serious mistake; knowing them, accepting them and respecting them pushes, instead, to find a compromise and to reconcile, gaining a priceless harmony. Sometimes we women don't notice, but we ask our partner to change, and often they are big changes. Trying to change in favor of a two-person relationship is necessary for anyone, instead demanding a change from the partner or from ourselves, which affects our way of being, is the same as signing a contract to end a relationship. So how to make a relationship last? With sincerity, authenticity and a conscious desire to accept those who are different from us.

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