Can I eat yogurt when pregnant? Here are the benefits and how to choose it

Eating yogurt while pregnant can and should be done, because it is a low calorie snack, therefore healthy, but at the same time tasty. In general, the entire diet during the 9 months before childbirth will be reviewed and corrected even with the help of a nutritionist, to ensure the correct intake of all macronutrients. Before you continue reading, watch the video below with the foods to watch out for during pregnancy.

Calories, nutritional values ​​and benefits of yogurt in pregnancy

Yogurt is a food with a creamy consistency and a slightly sour taste, it derives from milk and undergoes a fermentation process that makes it as we know it. A natural whole yogurt contains about 66 kcal, but there are also "lean" versions with a caloric intake of about 36 kcal. Nutritional source of proteins, vitamins and specific minerals, yogurt is recommended as part of any diet, even for those with intolerances or during gestation.
Eating yogurt while pregnant is highly recommended, as it can have multiple benefits for the mother and baby. It is a natural probiotic, rich in elcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, proteins, vitamins; here are all the benefits.

  • Promotes intestinal regularity, useful for fighting constipation or hemorrhoids typical of pregnant women
  • Helps the formation of the baby's bones thanks to calcium and vitamins B and K
  • It affects the well-being and regularity of sleep.

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Yogurt in pregnancy: here's why you should eat it

Proper nutrition is always a source of concern for expectant mothers, who often wonder what foods to avoid during pregnancy and which ones are allowed.
We would like to reassure you immediately, as yogurt is one of the foods that you can consume without problems, especially appreciated as an afternoon snack with fruit, or as a hearty breakfast with muesli.

Although there are many forbidden foods during pregnancy and can be a danger to the health of women and children, yogurt is not one of them. Eating yogurt cannot harm the health of the fetus especially because the product is subjected to special treatments: it contains lactic ferments and bacteria useful for regulating intestinal activity, so for expectant mothers who have to fight against constipation during pregnancy it is also a valuable ally.

In general, the consumption of dairy products during pregnancy is always recommended as these are useful for the supply of protein and calcium. It is obvious that you have to choose consciously because many of the dairy products on the market undergo a pasteurization process that eliminates pathogens, but this is not the case for everyone. A striking example of what has just been described is milk: the one in the carton we buy at the supermarket can be considered safe because it is pasteurized and subjected to strict safety controls. The same cannot be said of raw milk, such as that bought on farms or freshly milked, which is not recommended during pregnancy.

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How to choose yogurt during pregnancy

Yogurt made with pasteurized milk is the best choice for pregnant women. The milk used, in fact, is brought to very high temperatures in order to eliminate all pathogens. Whole yogurt is also a good choice: it contains no additives and boasts a low fat content.
Other recommended types of yogurt are organic and fruit yogurt but without artificial sweeteners. All the aforementioned types are excellent afternoon snacks in both summer and winter.
What about Greek yogurt? It can be safely consumed both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Contains many nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B12, iron, protein, sodium, calcium.

Types of yogurt not recommended or to be avoided

Surely unpasteurized yogurt, especially homemade yogurt, is to be avoided if you know you are pregnant. In fact, the machines for the home production of yogurt do not pasteurize the milk and do not eliminate the bacteria that are dangerous for the development of the fetus.
Furthermore, according to some studies, low-fat yogurt should also be avoided because it is often added with dyes and sugars that are not healthy at all to compensate for the low level of fat.

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Alternatives to yogurt for intolerant mothers

Classic yogurts are made from cow's milk, rich in proteins, which once drunk, coagulates in the intestine, forming medium-sized lumps.
Some people do not have the enzymes necessary to break down these lumps, so they struggle to digest and manifest a real intolerance to milk and lactose. Fortunately, mothers who experience this problem can run for cover by choosing lactose-free yogurt, soy yogurt or yogurt made with goat's milk.

Yogurt in pregnancy and toxoplasmosis: are they related?

Toxoplasmosis is a very dangerous and feared infection by pregnant women. It is triggered by a bacterium found in raw, unwashed fruit and vegetables, or in meat. From this it can be deduced that there is no connection between yogurt in pregnancy and toxoplasmosis.

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