When sex becomes a cramp: what is vaginismus and how to counter it?

Vaginismus, also called vaginal cramp, is a cramp-like contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and parts of the vaginal muscles. This cramp is usually accompanied by severe pain, which makes sex restricted or even impossible.

However, women with vaginismus often suffer not only during the actual sexual act, gynecological examinations or hygiene are also often a painful procedure.

More and more often there is talk of vaginal cramps and vaginismus, where there is even talk of cramps so intense that the man could not extract the penis from the vagina and only a doctor could have separated the couple. Don't worry: this is part of the realm of modern myth. !

However, vaginismus is a painful affair, which the female population can suffer severely from. And if the partner suffers during sex, the same goes for the man, of course.

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What's behind vaginismus?

Basically, vaginismus can be described as a natural defensive reaction of the organism. The muscles of the vagina tense so much in anticipation of unwanted penetration, that objects, fingers or penis of the partner cannot be inserted or only with great pain.

In medicine, a distinction is made between primary and secondary vaginismus:

  • Primary vaginismus is something that exists from birth. Not only sexual intercourse, but also the insertion of objects, such as tampons, is only possible in the presence of severe pain.
  • Secondary vaginismus occurs after a "traumatic experience, whether it occurs after pregnancy, surgery, sexual abuse, or during menopause."

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The possible causes of vaginismus

The causes of vaginal cramps can be both physical and psychological. Physical backgrounds can be found in the field of muscle dysfunction.

The typical causes of the psychological area concern negative sexual experiences, for example through an extreme or violent encounter with sex. Also negative experiences made later in life, which unconsciously linked the pain to the genital area (for example a traumatic birth. ), can express themselves in the form of vaginismus.

Vaginismus is basically a defensive reaction of the body. Without clarification of the cause, the disorder can become more frequent or a regularly occurring symptomatology, intensified by the fear of subsequent vaginismus. This cause must be identified and, if necessary, resolved with the help of a specialist.

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How to treat primary vaginismus

Primary vaginismus is often treated with desensitization, for example with dilators of various sizes. The vagina is thus gradually accustomed to accepting smaller dilators at first and larger later, without cramps. The procedure takes place in small steps, so that insertion becomes easier with each practice.

The goal is to deprive the woman of the fear of impending pain and to prevent the muscles in the vagina from contracting, similar to a cramp. Relaxation exercises and pelvic floor training can complement this treatment. If vaginismus is triggered by physical causes, professional treatment can lead to success relatively quickly.

How to treat secondary vaginismus

As for secondary vaginismus, a traumatic experience is usually the cause of vaginal cramps. Fear of these pains can also be treated with dilators, but also with muscle relaxation exercises, pelvic floor training, and similar therapies.

Of course, however, psychological assistance and counseling is the main objective. Long-term therapies are often needed to bring back or even develop the positive feelings and joy of sexuality for the affected woman.

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Where do affected people find help?

It is certainly not easy to get help with this problem, but one must absolutely be daring. The patient's partner and the gynecologist should be the main interlocutors. The ability to talk openly about your ailments can often be alleviated by understanding and considering a short-term (secondary) vaginismus occurring, as this can help overcome initial fears.

The investigation of the causes and the subsequent treatment of vaginismus must be carried out immediately; any further vaginal cramp, in fact, intensifies the symptoms. This condition therefore requires not only resistance and discipline on the part of the patient herself during the execution of the exercises, but also on the part of her partner, who must show a high degree of understanding and consideration, without leaving room for pressure.

The more comfortable the patient feels and the less pressure in the relationship, the easier it is for her to deal with her body and her sexual disorder, thus coming to experience pleasure and passion again with her partner!

Important Note: This article is for informational purposes only. If you have any further questions, contact your doctor.

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