Test: which mythical Christmas movie are you?

The Christmas holidays are a time of reunion, not always welcome, with loved ones. There are rituals and traditions related to Christmas and undoubtedly among these we can include the moment of the Christmas film all together. As sacred as the tree, the presents and the pandoro in hot chocolate, the Christmas film ritual embraces both a series of Disney films and a wide range of films shown annually on TV that are a must. Before you find out which of these you are, check out this video on Christmas, details in hand:

Test: which mythical Christmas movie are you?

So there is no Christmas without that family reunion on the sofa with movies and pajamas. If the tradition of the Christmas movie is important to you too, as we believe, you will be looking forward to finding out which mythical Christmas movie you are. So here is the test that will reveal it to you, have a good test and a Merry Christmas:

See also

Test: what Christmas song are you based on your personality?

Test: What color should you make the "Christmas tree this year"?

Test: Are you greener like the Grinch or red like Santa Claus?

Is the Christmas tree or the good old nativity scene inevitable? Take the test and find out which side you are on!

Tags:  Parenthood Old-Home Fashion