Test: what annoying attitude are you?

Everyone, without exception, has annoying attitudes: there are those who turn their faces away while walking to pretend not to have seen you, those who disappear and do not respond to messages and then find (you are lucky) a pathetic justification, there is who is always the victim of something bad and must have all the attention, there are those who trivially make noise while chewing, there are those who always tend to emphasize their superiority ... Sometimes we are tolerant towards the defects of the people to whom we love, other times we are not. But we all know what a feeling it is to have to do with these annoying attitudes, in the video you find a series of these attitudes with reactions, watch it to understand what we are talking about:

Test: what annoying attitude are you?

Now you don't necessarily have a certain kind of annoying attitude, but maybe that kind of attitude affects you in a mild way, maybe you insinuate that specific feeling of annoyance in others or maybe you will discover that you have exactly that "attitude, who can We with our test, here it is:

See also

Test: how anxious are you?

Test: which of the protagonists of Friends are you?

Personality and color test: which one reflects yours the most?

Year 2020, speaking of annoying things, what will you miss about this difficult year? Take the test and find out, maybe it's not all to throw away:

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