Test: what color is the perfect costume for you?

"Mirror, mirror of my desires, what is the perfect costume color for my desires?". As for dresses, bags, shoes or underwear, even in the costumes we wear there is a piece of us. The choice of the swimsuit is fundamental for our summer. Of course, no one has just one costume, but we all have a favorite costume. So after watching this enlightening video, take our test!

Test: what color is the perfect costume for you?

Not only the type of costume affects but also the color or colors. We all have colors that blend best not only with our colors, but also with our personalities. So which color mainly enhances your qualities, physical and otherwise? Our test reveals it to you, take the quiz:

See also

Test: what color will the eyes of the man in your life have?

Test: What color should you make the "Christmas tree this year"?

Test: the perfect essential oil for you according to your personality!

How comfortable are you when wearing the costume? Take the test and find out!

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