Story of an incredible friendship between a chicken and a Chihuahua without the forelimbs

These sweet friends, Penny and Roo, live in America, inseparable since the day they met. Nothing strange, you will think, were it not that one is a chicken with a long plumage and the other, a Chihuahua with missing front legs.

The two first saw each other last year, still puppies, and had both been rescued by Alicia Williams, the receptionist at Duluth Animal Hospital, Georgia. Alicia adopted the chicken after saving it from a life of experimentation, while little Roo was found in a ditch after being abandoned by the owners.

A dramatic story behind them for the two little friends who, however, had a sweet happy ending when they met. The two are now inseparable and spend all the time together. From nap to baby food, from running in the snow to games. Penny and Roo are proof that we often still have a lot to learn from animals, especially when it comes to love and respect.


Roo the Chihuahua