Dreaming of giving birth: what meaning does this dream have and why is it so frequent?

Dreaming of giving birth is one of those recurring dreams that hide many different meanings. In some cases, those who dream of giving birth may also be afraid of becoming pregnant during sexual intercourse. Of course it could be exactly what you want on an unconscious level or it could just be a great fear because you don't feel ready. If this is your case, watch the video and discover the most effective contraceptives when having sex!

Dreaming of giving birth: the main meanings that this dream hides

We are usually torn: on the one hand we want to trust dreams, on the other we often misunderstand and we cannot understand deeply what what we have dreamed of means. Maybe it happened to you too to dream of giving birth. Everything that appears to us in dreams generally represents your unconscious, your desires and sometimes even the things you are afraid of. When a person dreams of giving birth, this dream generally connects to the end of a period in which he became aware of a novelty or in a broader sense of a change . When you have a similar dream it means that in some way something has arrived at its destination, has reached a goal, a desire takes shape or even something creative is finally completed. Reading this article we will discover the meaning of dreaming of giving birth, a symbolism that is connected to very common archetypal and dream images. As we have seen, the person who dreams of giving birth is about to face a change. iation, something new that is part of the dreamer's life and that is preparing to upset it. Not only something that begins, but also something that ends, in this case represented by pregnancy. Sometimes in dreams you dream of being the woman who gives birth, other times the dreamer dreams of witnessing a birth of which he is not the protagonist, in both cases it is an image of great emotional impact that in a certain sense is linked to the ability creative and to the inner evolution of each of us. According to the interpretation of dreams, dreaming of giving birth indicates the ability to give birth and is connected to the female gender and therefore to the archetype of the female symbolizing expectation, sacrifice and gestation. Giving birth, in the life of every woman, and even in a dream is a fundamental moment. Something new comes into the world and nothing will ever be the same again. It could be intended to fully understand the dream as a sudden revolution that overwhelms the life of the dreamer.

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Dreaming of giving birth - why a woman can have this dream

Not only women dream of giving birth! And in any case, even if a man dreams of witnessing the birth, the meaning of the dream is similar. However, even a man could dream of giving birth because when he dreams there is an overturning of habits and thought patterns, which makes everything possible, even the impossible! Certainly the meaning of change is the most widespread interpretation of a dream. in which you give birth. This dream image concentrates within all the female archetypes and beyond, it also preserves a symbolism linked to the mystery of life, and is typical of every race and every culture.
We can also say that dreaming of giving birth is connected to life but also, by contrast, to death, in that continuous and perennial circle that connects all things: a circular motion that focuses on the sacredness of childbirth and does not take into account the time and space. If you have also happened to give birth in dreams, start first of all to reflect on what has died and on the things you have to abandon in order to embrace new ones. According to experts, a possible interpretation of dreaming of being pregnant represents the desire of your couple to have a girl or a child, in that case your pregnancy is not a symbol of a goal or a change but a real and concrete desire to your needs as a couple. If you have not yet talked about the possibility of having children, perhaps the dream of your pregnancy and being pregnant can be the occasion for a discussion on your desire to become parents.
Women who are not yet mothers and have dreamed of having a child will probably have one soon! Many women sometimes dream of having a child in February and then in March they discover that they are already pregnant: this is an unconscious awareness of the desire for motherhood and the desire for your pregnancy: a phenomenon common to many couples that does not require a real one. interpretation of dreams but rather it is a clear desire to become a mother! If you have dreamed of the birth of your child and maybe you already have a child or you are sure you do not want a pregnancy at this moment then you can think with greater awareness on a different interpretation of the dream!

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Dreaming of giving birth: different interpretations that can be given of this dream according to psychoanalysis

Whether you have dreamed of having a baby as a girl, or that you have visualized only the moment of understanding that you are pregnant, or that you are carrying on a pregnancy, or that in the dream you have focused on the moment of contractions, birth and of the exultations of relatives: how can you understand every slightest nuance of this dream influences its interpretation and what you dreamed about characterizes your awareness and your unconscious in different directions. In general, as we have seen, this dream brings with it a breath of fresh air. It symbolizes in an almost absolute way the creativity and the desire of the dreamer to express it and bring it to completion. Similarly to other types of dreams, dreaming of giving birth must not cause fear for one's life and health: it is an emblem of interior and exterior renewal, it is the announcement of a change that we have perhaps received purely at an unconscious level and of which in everyday life we ​​are not actually aware yet. Dreaming of the birth of a child, be it a boy or a girl, is a moment of pure light and brightness: it has the scent of happiness. How you will have the opportunity to learn more by continuing to read this article, the announcement of a pregnancy or the awareness of being pregnant, like the moment of birth, never have negative connotations, they can tell a new beginning, a change, a desire, the fulfillment of a great work project but this dream is not never a moment of sadness or mourning. Just remember that if you are pregnant and you are carrying on your pregnancy having this dream, that is, if you have dreamed about the time of delivery, then it could hide that you are about to approach the birth with a hint of fear of pain and fear of childbirth: it can be very normal, however, talk to your gynecologist and your obstetrician to face the birth with the utmost awareness and serenity. Dreaming of giving birth is a great professional and personal achievement, it wants to tell us that our projects have been realized, but sometimes it can also indicate the end of something and therefore a moment of transition. According to other interpretations, this dream also indicates that fate is reserving you an "opportunity to be seized. The birth of a child is metaphorically combined with a new life, a new reality and a destiny different from what you imagined. C" is an "opportunity" in your life that needs to be learned.And are you ready to do it?

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Dreaming of giving birth: different dream possibilities and what it means to give birth

The theme of giving birth and its possible advance has been told at length by Socrato, the philosopher spoke of the art of maieutics, that is, the possibility of "pulling out". It is certainly not a casual way of saying if we think that Socrates' mother was a midwife and therefore she was a woman who gave birth, and brought out, many children. Socrates with "the art of maieutics" wants to represent the idea of ​​childbirth: the ability to bring out something, a child, of course, but also a memory that makes us unhappy, a thought that torments us, an idea. Giving birth according to the Socratic school also means letting go of something. Dreaming, and especially dreaming of giving birth, our body and our mind show us the way to get rid of something, to let go of memories or even to start a new path. There are also substantial differences based on what happens in the dream. Take for example the sex of the unborn child: whether male or female is of great value! If you dream of giving birth to a boy this indicates that something in your life is about to change. Change is social and personal. If, on the other hand, you dream of giving birth to a girl, a girl, the change is more abstract and less tangible. This dream means that a hidden wish is about to come true, a goal that you may no longer hope for. What if you give birth to twins in the dream?
This dream indicates a double personality: stay calm because it does not mean that it is something negative but the twin birth in dreams is still an exceptional event. Dreaming of giving birth to twins means in fact that the sides of your character that you believed dormant or changed are about to come out. This dream according to other interpretations can mean that the mind and heart are not in tune and that you are in a moment of great confusion. Or even that you will find yourself at a crossroads: will you be able to make the right choice or not?
And now that you have learned what it is to dream of giving birth, you can analyze your life and your projects and try to understand what is changing in your most intimate and profound level!

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