Dreaming of eating sweets - meanings and interpretations

Eating is a pleasant and fundamental gesture that is generally charged with positive meanings; metaphorically it alludes to the idea of ​​nourishment and inner enrichment, well-being and physical fulfillment, but what does it mean if we dream ourselves in the act of eating?

In order to give a correct interpretation of dreams that have food as their protagonist, however, it is essential to focus on the type of food that appears in the dream. For example, eating meat, especially raw, usually has a negative value, because it indicates unpleasant situations from which it is good to stay away, thus becoming a sort of warning and warning from our unconscious about one or more aspects of our life. On the contrary, dreaming of eating bread is generally charged with a positive symbolism: it alludes to a situation of fullness, harmony and peace with oneself and others. In any case, it is always good to remember that in order to interpret a dream correctly, it is essential to always pay attention to every detail of what you dreamed of, for example the sensation you get during the dream experience, one of the aspects of greater importance.

But when sweets, candies and biscuits appear in a dream, what are the meanings to which we must listen? According to popular tradition, dreaming of eating sweets is bad, because it would allude to a deficiency in one of the areas of life. In reality, the situation is not that simple and deserves several distinctions, as we will see shortly.

Before going into more specifics on the topic in question, here is a video with some of the most common dreams and their most common interpretation.

Eating sweets: the general symbolism

In reality, desserts have a clear positive meaning, because they satisfy the taste, satisfy a need and make everyone happy, but they can also allude to a compensation for deficiencies of various kinds, and this is precisely the most widespread interpretation that is given. more frequently.

In general, however, the dream symbology of sweets is much more varied and complex, and takes into account various aspects; below you can find a small glossary with the main semantic areas to which all sweet food dreams refer:

  • Sensation of sweetness, well-being, pleasure, physical and mental fulfillment, balance condition.
  • Symbol of pleasant news coming, such as a new love affair or a new professional experience.
  • Unfulfilled desire or unsatisfied need: here we enter the semantic sphere of lack, which, as we have said, is the most widespread. It can be a lack of both a work and a personal nature, such as the need for a family or a partner, the desire for a child who does not arrive, a lack of professional fulfillment. It is also often referred to a sentimental relationship that exists but does not fully satisfy or to a type of employment that is tight and does not allow one to feel fulfilled and satisfied.
  • An unsatisfactory sex life.
  • Lack of stimuli, a flat and monotonous life that needs to find meaning.
  • Excessive greed and frenzy with which one lives life, not settling for what one has and not enjoying the smallest things.
  • Desire for freedom, fulfillment and fulfillment.

See also

Dreaming of children - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of fish - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of flowers - meanings and interpretations

Dreaming of a table full of various sweets or a pastry counter

When a table laden with sweets, candies, biscuits and cakes of various kinds appears to us in a dream, or a pastry counter stocked with all the tastiest delicacies, our unconscious is probably telling us that we feel a lack of affection, sweetness. , attention and physical or sexual fulfillment.

The fact that one witnesses the scene without being able to savor its taste would confirm this feeling of lack and incompleteness.

Dreaming of bingeing on sweets

This type of dream can often mean greed and craving, metaphorically alluding to the feeling of never being satisfied, of always wanting more, without fully enjoying what you are experiencing in the present moment. This scenario does not communicate serenity and contentment, although a delicious and satisfying meal is being consumed, but rather an "inability to find happiness and a" basic restlessness that leads us to live everything without really savoring its deepest meaning.

Bingeing on sweets relentlessly can also be a warning from our unconscious that warns us against making choices that are too hasty and dangerous for the need to satisfy a sense of emptiness and lack, for example throwing yourself into a relationship for fear of being alone or undertaking new friendships or adventures just for the sake of turning your life around.

It could also allude to the desire to quickly resolve a situation that does not make us happy, whether it is work, personal or love. The urgency to close a chapter and leave it behind: even in this case, however, haste is a bad adviser. In any case, therefore, the act of eating too quickly and greedily is to be read from a negative point of view.

Dreaming of seeing or buying sweets and not being able to eat them

As already mentioned, seeing so many delicacies and not being able to taste them alludes to the feelings of inadequacy, insecurity and low self-esteem: even in this case, therefore, we are in the sphere of shortcomings, but we are more in the "context of the affective and emotional deficiencies that depend on a problematic relationship with oneself and not from relationships with others.
More specifically, seeing or buying sweets and not being able to enjoy them underlines the desire to feel part of a group, from which one feels excluded because one does not consider oneself up to it, the desire to participate in an event or experience a particular situation, personal or professional, which is considered at the same time too ambitious for one's abilities.

Eat sweets in secret

This dream alludes to a hidden desire that you are ashamed to confess to someone or a sense of guilt and remorse for something that you have lived, said or done and of which you are not particularly proud.

If then, the binge takes place in one's own home and not in an external place, the dream is further charged with an intimate condition that is difficult to externalize and that one lives between oneself and oneself, within the walls of one's conscience.

In case you find yourself eating sweets in a bar, bakery or any public place, in the act of hiding from someone, you are probably feeling a sense of guilt towards that specific person.

Eat sweets in company

This is a dream that unequivocally has a positive value. In fact, it indicates peace and harmony with oneself and others.

It may be that you happen to have this type of dream after having smoothed out tensions and misunderstandings with friends or acquaintances; it is an indication of a newfound serenity and shared joy.

Eating sweets offered by someone

In this case, it is not so much the fact of dreaming of sweets or the type of dessert that makes the difference for an exhaustive interpretation, but rather the person who gives you that gift, which in fact takes on a central meaning. We can say that dreams like this indicate that you are feeling a lack of affection or attention on the part of the person in question. It is almost always a lack of affection or love: for example, on the part of your partner, your dad, your mother, your children or your closest friends.

Dreaming of eating bread and jam or chocolate

As previously mentioned, bread, unlike meat for example, has a positive symbolism and if it appears in dreams, it tends to indicate that we are experiencing a situation of well-being, balance and inner fulfillment. It can be considered as a kind of metaphor of the house, because it alludes to a feeling of peace, serenity and security.
However, if the dreamer finds himself eager to eat large quantities of bread, then things change: the dream becomes a symbol of exhaustion and lack of energy and alludes to the need to find new strength to face more stimulating challenges.

Eating a slice of bread with chocolate or jam of various flavors can mean instead that the dreamer wants to get more attention and expressions of affection from the people closest to him, those who share the house and the most intimate and precious moments with him. .

Dreaming of eating chocolate sweets

Dreaming of eating chocolate sweets generally indicates the desire to let go and experience positive and rewarding emotions. However, it could also be a consolation for negative and unpleasant feelings, such as disappointment or rejection.

Sharing a chocolate cake with someone means that you have a good understanding with that person, whether it is of an emotional or sexual nature; it is therefore a positive and heartening dream. The same happens if you find yourself sharing it with family members, relatives or friends: it indicates that you are living a peaceful time and in a "family atmosphere, of quiet and well-being.

Dreaming of eating a cake or a tart

Dreams that have specific desserts as their protagonists are generally harbingers of good sensations.

Dreaming of a cake, whether it is with apples or any fruit tart, is a symbol of an imminent positive event: it alludes to the desire to build something new that enriches our life, whether it is a personal or professional event.In this case, therefore, the dessert in question indicates that we will find the strength and pleasure to face our new adventure.

What does it mean to dream of eating whipped cream?

It is one of the most positive and comforting dreams when it comes to food.
It can indicate:

  • Cash on the way.
  • Solving problems and overcoming a difficult condition.
  • Living a perfect situation that guarantees us physical, emotional and economic sability.

What does it mean to dream of eating cream desserts?

Dreamers who see sweets or cream cakes appear can rest assured: even in this case, we are talking about more than pleasant sensations. In particular, this dream indicates that we are able to enjoy the little things in life and are pervaded by serenity, gratitude and inner peace.

It can also allude to sexual fulfillment.

What does it mean to dream of eating sweets with ricotta?

Ricotta differs a little from the positive atmospheres of the other desserts analyzed up to now. Dreams like this would in fact allude to our need to transform ourselves into a new version of ourselves, one that more satisfies and makes us proud.

It is therefore a desire for change, which affects above all the personal and private sphere.

Eating bitter, salty or bad sweets

As you can guess, we are faced with dreams with a negative meaning; in particular, dreaming of tasting bitter, salty or gone bad-tasting sweets indicates that we are experiencing a situation that appears to be pleasant and intriguing which could however prove dangerous or counterproductive. It is a sort of warning of our unconscious to go beyond the surface to analyze the things with a greater critical spirit, shrewdness and attention.

Dreaming of tasting a dessert and feeling a different taste

Savoring a dessert and tasting it differently, not necessarily bad, very often indicates that the achievement of a long-desired goal has turned out to be less pleasant than expected. However, we are not faced with a completely negative dream, in fact the taste we perceive is not unpleasant, simply different from expectations: this can also be read as a confirmation to continue towards that goal, trying harder to get to fully enjoy it and be of the all satisfied.

Neapolitan grimace and Lotto numbers

According to the Neapolitan grimace, eating sweets is represented by the number 90. If we are talking about various sweets, we must focus on 66, if we are talking about candies, we must play 70, for cakes or chocolate, it is good to choose the number 7 or on 16.

If in the dreamed event we are cutting sweets, our number will be 5, if we offer them, 64 and if we take them out of the oven, 23.
Finally, if we are in front of a laden table, we should bet on 6, if instead we are in a pastry shop, then the lucky number will be 48.

Tags:  Star Actuality Beauty