Dreaming of having a child - the meaning of this type of dream will surprise you

Dreaming of having a child can mean that you are ready to make a creative project walk on your own! By reading you will discover many possible meanings of this exciting and particular dream that only in a small part of cases hides a desire for motherhood at the unconscious level of the couple. Watch the video and find out all the things that can happen if you are starting a new coexistence in a new home!

Dreaming of having a child and often it is a newborn: the meaning of the dream and its most intimate aspects

We have always discussed the interpretation of dreams and as we well know there is never a single way of seeing things even when it comes to the meaning of dreams. Today we discover together what your unconscious and your psyche wants to tell you if you have dreamed of having a son. Of course when we talk about the dream sphere the meaning is never the most immediate! The interpretation of dreams makes a true complete analysis of what you have dreamed of in the various aspects. Dreaming of having a child happens to everyone sooner or later in life. Certainly behind there may be a desire for maternity or paternity, this is the first thought that everyone does when it happens to have such a dream. But dreaming of having a child is not just a clue that we want to become parents, it is much more than a simple desire to be a mom or dad! It is not said that it is a premonition or a strong desire in short, there are many psychological explanations that can lead us to dream of having a baby. It may be that on an unconscious level we want to create something personal and our own or give vent to our creative flair: an "artistic activity? A new job in sight?"
As often happens in the dream, the details are fundamental: have you dreamed of a boy or a girl? Was he just born or were you struggling with childbirth? Based on an "analysis of what you remember of your dreams it will be possible to make a valid interpretation of it to understand what it really could indicate.

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Dreaming of having a child - it is always a good omen!

Dreaming of a child in general is a dream that brings good luck and novelty. A birth symbolizes the life that begins and in any case a new work or personal beginning, there is a new adventure that is looming on the horizon and you must be ready to take it! If you dream of a newborn it means that you feel helpless and that perhaps you feel that you are vulnerable to some situation. If in the dream the child we visualize laughs, it means that we are dealing with the child who lives inside each of us, with our childish side. Maybe we are stressed and our unconscious invites us to live in a lighter way, in the name of carefree: it is an invitation to be happier. Take it: always trust the suggestions of your dreams, this is precisely the most important part of understanding the their meaning.

See also: Two drops of water: the children of stars are the same as their fathers when they were their age!

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Dreaming of having a child: the special cases to take into consideration when having this dream

As always when it comes to dream interpretation, details are very important. The dream will take on a different meaning if you dream of giving birth to a boy or a girl. If it is female, it indicates that you are experiencing a moment of emotional stress and that you need more serenity. If, on the other hand, you have dreamed of a boy then the dream is even more propitious, there is something beautiful that is about to happen. and it is that in the dream the child is lifeless. But why dream of a dead child? In this case the meaning of the dream is that you live a block and c "is something that prevents you from being happy. You have to understand what it is to find the smile again. If you dream of having a child as you will see by continuing to read this article in any case your unconscious tries to tell you something. To understand what you need to focus and relax, or contact a real expert in dream interpretation. Surely sometimes even the most obvious interpretation can be the right one and in this case the dream shows you that you want to have a pregnancy and have children! The dream then becomes the sign of a desire to become pregnant and a desire to get pregnant. you are trying with your partner to have children this is certainly one of the most probable meanings.

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Dreaming of having a child: the numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia

If you have dreamed of giving birth and having a child, whether you have dreamed of the moment of birth or a phase of life together with a child of yours or a girl, the numbers of the Neapolitan Smorfia to play the lottery with the hope of being able to win they are number 6, 9, but also 21, 72 and of course the inevitable number 52 which represents the mother in the Neapolitan bingo.

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