Premenstrual syndrome: symptoms, remedies and ... how many days before?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMS =pre mestural syndrome) is a heterogeneous set of physical and psychological "disorders" that appear in a specific period of the menstrual cycle. Indicating the appearance of PMS is the recurrence of certain symptoms, in the same period, for at least 3 months. Sporadic manifestations or changes do not necessarily represent the onset of PMS. About 80% of women complain of symptoms reminiscent of PMS.

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But what are the main symptoms of premestural syndrome?

Symptoms of PMS

And now let's get more specific: the symptoms of PMS vary from woman to woman and can be:

  • breast tenderness
  • nausea
  • abdominal bloating
  • swelling of the legs
  • anxiety
  • sadness
  • irritability
  • behavioral instability

A very important factor in evaluating PMS symptoms is their intensity of manifestation / severity. In some patients, PMS symptoms worsen slowly while for others they are unstable and go from intense peaks to moments of total absence. It can appear at any time in a woman's reproductive life: both from early adolescence and later in life, the most frequently reported eventuality. In severe cases, PMS can also have social repercussions, preventing the normal performance of daily activities and leading, in infrequent cases, to acute depression. In some cases, even if it is not yet scientifically tested, PMS symptoms begin to disappear as menopause approaches.

The causes
Although the factors that determine PMS are still uncertain, some hypotheses of possible causes have been made:

  • hormonal, with a drop in progesterone in the luteal phase
  • hypoglycemic condition, with which it shares some of the symptoms
  • vitamin B6 deficiency, in relation to endocrine functions
  • hypothyroidism or thyroid disorders, with relative improvement with the administration of dedicated drugs
  • psychosocial, also associated with psychiatric disorders
  • stress, which is why it tends to manifest itself more between the ages of 30 and 40.

See also

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How many days before the period does PMS start?

PMS begins 10 to 5 days before menstrual flow and then disappears completely when the period begins. In some women, the symptoms of PMS appear from the first days of ovulation (about the 14th day), and last until the arrival of menstruation. In fact, to ascertain the presence of PMS, it is also necessary to evaluate the moments of absence and well-being, which should coincide with the follicular phase (at the beginning of the cycle, when the flow occurs).
"It is this specific periodicity", explains Dr. Alessandra Graziottin, "that differentiates PMS from mood disorders, which have a constant trend over time, and from bipolar forms, which have a periodicity not necessarily linked to the cycle. ".

Premenstrual syndrome: remedies (including natural ones)

To deal with premenstrual syndrome, various remedies have been tried, from the most traditional to natural ones, depending on the type of disorder that most manifests itself. So let's see some remedies associated with their problems:

Traditional remedies for PMS

Some drugs are considered suitable for treating the symptoms of PMS, especially in those cases where it significantly affects the quality of our life. Your doctor may therefore also recommend some medicines, such as those able to regulate hormonal activity (eg birth control pills).
Furthermore, the administration of vitamin B6 has been shown to be effective in regulating hormonal activity and in strengthening the immune system. We can find it naturally in various foods of vegetable origin or
animal but for this specific phase of the metrual cycle, there are supplements on the market that combine vitamin B6 with vitamin E, calcium and magnesium, already known for the great benefits it has on our well-being both from a psychological point of view and from the physical one.

Natural remedies that reduce PMS symptoms

The alternative remedies to combat PMS are various, and they concern various aspects. By identifying the most relevant problem that a woman encounters in this period, it is possible to choose the most suitable one. Natural remedies vary from a balanced diet to sport, up to the intake of natural substances depending on the symptoms, such as:

  • chamomile and verbena for anxiety states
  • officinal dandelion and ginger for swelling
  • chaste tree and calendula for breast swelling and hormonal imbalances.
  • Magnesium can also be of great help in reducing fatigue (buy it on Amazon for € 12.80 (17% discount)

Eat a balanced diet to reduce symptoms

Hunger and cycle are an established combination.But many women feel a strong feeling of hunger even in the days leading up to their period. This is because, already a week before, blood sugar levels begin to decrease, as well as serotonin, a drop that makes us crave chocolate, sweets and pasta. To remedy this constant feeling of hunger, just balance your diet with fiber, fruit, cereals and a little salt. We welcome fish and say goodbye, at least for a while, to drinks that contain caffeine.
In this moment of emotional sensitivity, in which we alternate euphoria with moments of sadness, we can also focus on foods that we know are right for us, like these:

See Also: Antidepressant Foods: What to Eat to Fight Depression

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Play sports to reduce stress, anxiety and irritability

It will take 15 minutes a day for 3-4 days a week and you can choose your favorite sport. We highly recommend running, biking or long walks, which promote the production of endorphins, which decrease during the pre-cycle and menstrual cycle.

Premenstrual syndrome or pregnancy?

There are symptoms common to PMS and the signs of an oncoming pregnancy. This happens because, very often, both can have to do with hormonal changes, which is why the body reacts in a "similar" way. Symptoms such as nausea, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, but also mood swings, hysterical crying and quickly alternating emotions may occur in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy. Confusion can arise because many women continue to have period or discharge even during the first months of pregnancy and why these discomforts occur on days when there is no menstrual flow The solution: do a pregnancy test immediately and consult a doctor.

For more useful information on PMS, you can visit the Humanitas website.

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