Swollen breasts: are pain and swelling symptoms of pregnancy or of the menstrual cycle?

Swollen breasts can have different causes and, when it causes pain, it can also be very annoying for women. Breast swelling is among the most common symptoms of pregnancy, but also among those of menstruation. In some cases, moreover, it can be among the symptoms of more serious pathologies, even breast cancer.

When breast swelling is not associated with health problems, it tends to disappear by itself: if it is linked to the cycle, just wait for the lowering of the levels of progesterone, the hormone that causes swelling before the arrival of the menstruation, when the flow occurs, so it should not cause any concern.

Even pregnant women feel tension and swelling in the breasts, especially in the morning: this is one of the first signs of a pregnancy, due to the "increase in the levels of prolactin, the hormone that prepares the breast for" breastfeeding when it is born. the child.

In general, therefore, the swelling is always associated with some kind of hormonal imbalance and it is not always easy to identify the causes. So let's try to investigate together what can be caused, whether it is to be associated with a possible pregnancy, the simple arrival of the menstrual cycle or - in the worst cases - the presence of pathologies (from mastitis to breast cancer).

When swollen breasts are related to the menstrual cycle

As we have anticipated, swollen breasts are often related to the menstrual cycle and the hormonal variations associated with it. It will therefore undoubtedly be one of the symptoms of menstruation if it occurs every month in the same period (which usually goes from one to three days before the arrival of the flow until its end) and is widespread on both breasts (even if it happens to times that can be felt more on the right or left).

The cause of breast swelling during this period is the increase in the level of progesterone, which stimulates the flow of blood to that area, starting with ovulation. When the period comes, the levels drop and the problem goes away.

If the swollen and sore breasts are linked to your period, it is advisable to use sports bras, especially during physical activity, and - if the pain is really very strong - to resort to painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

See also

The menstrual cycle and its phases

Anovulatory cycle: what is the menstrual cycle without ovulation and what to do if so

Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms in Pregnancy and the Risks to the Baby

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Swollen and sore breasts: one of the first symptoms of pregnancy

Breast swelling can, however, also be one of the first signs of an ongoing pregnancy, especially if it occurs together with a feeling of nausea and tiredness, the need to urinate more frequently, changes in taste and smell or desire to specific foods, interruption of the menstrual cycle.

If it is due to conception and therefore a pregnancy, you may also have other symptoms such as thickening of the nipples, the appearance of Montgomery tubercles (small dark bumps) or an increase in the diameter of the areola. However, the only way to make sure that the swelling and any pain in the breasts are due to pregnancy is to carry out a special test.

When breast swelling is due to health problems: from mastitis to breast cancer

Breast swelling can also be caused by health problems, especially when it is accompanied by pain. It may indicate lumps, most of which should not cause concern, but should still be checked by a doctor to make sure they are not symptoms of a more serious problem such as breast cancer.

Swollen breasts can be caused by mastitis, which is an "inflammation of the breast tissue due to a" bacterial infection. Breast tissue can also become inflamed due to breastfeeding causes, causing severe pain. Mastitis can also be accompanied by redness and swelling of breast tissue, breast sensitivity, lump formation, nipple discharge, flu-like disorders.

If the pain in the breast is particularly severe and there are inflamed lumps and fever, it could be an abscess of the breast tissue, which causes pus and is usually due to a "bacterial infection. It will be good to speak to your doctor immediately to proceed. with antibiotic treatment.

In severe cases, fortunately much rarer, the swelling is a symptom of breast cancer. Breast cancer presents with other recognizable symptoms such as the presence of a solid lump, the change in size or shape of one or both breasts, the presence of nipple discharge with blood streaks, the indentation of the nipple. sinus depression or redness of the nipple or surrounding area.

See also: Breast cancer: all the VIPs who defeated it!

© Getty Breast cancer: all the VIPs who defeated it - Anastacia

Breast swelling and lactation

Since the first trimester of pregnancy, the breasts tend to swell: this happens due to the raising of the levels of prolactin, the hormone used to prepare the breast for breastfeeding when your baby is born. months of the baby, the breast will remain larger and it may happen to feel pain due to the so-called "milk whipping".

There is no need to be alarmed, therefore, if the swelling is not accompanied by strong and constant pain. In this case, however, it is always good to contact your doctor because breast engorgement may be present. Breast engorgement is nothing else that an "obstruction of the milk ducts that prevents milk from escaping."

During breastfeeding, in addition to breast engorgement, breast pain can also be caused by mastitis, breast abscess, or yeast infection in the nipples.

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When to see a doctor?

The Istituto Superiore di Sanità recommends that you contact your doctor if the pain is particularly intense, if it tends to be continuous and / or worsen, if you feel the symptoms of an infection (redness or overheating of the breast, onset of fever), if symptoms related to the presence of cancer occur.

The doctor will proceed to examine the breasts to trace the cause of the disorder, possibly proceeding with an "ultrasound or an X-ray. Be careful, however, not to panic immediately: these are checks that are always good to do, but which in most some cases do not lead to serious results such as the (rightly feared) presence of cancer.

For further scientific information on the subject, you can consult the website of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.

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