Mother's Day: 5 special gifts to steal a smile from her

Every year we find ourselves celebrating Mother's Day between people who say that "I always love my mom for nothing" and people who run from side to side in search of the perfect thought.
There is no need for an expensive gift, sometimes just a present is enough to make her understand that we are there and that, just like her for us, we will always be there.

1. A memory

There have been several years when your mom has been your eyes and ears as you wobbled uncertainly putting one foot in front of the other. Now you have learned to walk and, of course, you owe it to her.
Do you remember your first lunch together, when she came to you at work and you were finally able to offer you? Or that time when she was the first to realize that you were in love because you seemed to be walking in space?
Write to her and let her know that you remember everything, that what you have been together has helped to make you the woman you are.

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2. A poem

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You don't need to write it yourself, unless you feel extremely comfortable between kissed rhymes and elegiac couplets. You can rely on those who, before you, have held up a pen and decided to put their heart on paper. If there is one thing that goes beyond time, it is the love that poets and artists have nurtured towards those who raised them.

3. A mixed cassette

Mixed cassettes always have an incredible charm, especially for a woman who has lived the "era of mixed cassettes" for real. Think back to your childhood soundtrack, to those songs you played them so many times that it was impossible not to memorize them.
Maybe today it will be difficult for you to prepare a cassette, but you will certainly do better with a CD ...

4. An AIRC research azalea

In addition to a flower, you can give your mother a piece of the future. AIRC, the Italian association for cancer research has been fighting for years against female tumors and encourages prevention in order to advance against cancer.

For years, on the occasion of this anniversary, AIRC has been organizing the delivery of azaleas in the main squares of Italian cities, the symbolic flower of Mother's Day and research on women's cancers. Given, however, the particular situation of the last two years, it is also possible to buy it online: it is possible, in fact, to order a map on, against a donation from 5 to 30 euros.

AIRC Research Azalea (with donation) starting from 25 €

The Research Azalea: not a simple flower but a precious ally of women's health which, from 1984 to today, has contributed to improving the quality of life of women thanks to the results achieved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer breast and reproductive organs. In short, a beautiful and precious gift that will undoubtedly make her proud of you!

Not only that, however, it is possible to guarantee the continuity of the precious and fundamental work of AIRC researchers also through a donation:

  • with all credit cards on or by calling an AIRC operator on the toll-free number 800 350 350 (active from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 to 19.30)
  • by calling 45521 from a landline to donate 5 or 10 euros or by always sending one or more SMS worth 2 euros to 45521
  • Banco BPM by bank transfer IT63R0503401633000000007226, for customers at all authorized ATMs and through home banking.

© AIRC - Alberto Gottardo / Carlotta Ferlito

5. A photo of you two yesterday and today

It only takes a few euros to print them, unless you have a printer ad hoc: choose a photo from when you were little, choose one from today, and frame it, perhaps accompanying them with a nice personalized dedication. The mother and daughter bonds are eternal, and so you will show them how yours has evolved.

And, if you have recently become a mother ... Get ready to live one of the most incredible adventures of your life!

Tags:  Lifestyle Love-E-Psychology Old-Luxury