For lovers of whims: how much fats can you take per day?

A legitimate question, because fat contains by far the most calories of nutrients. 1 g of carbohydrates and proteins have 4.3 kcal, but 1 g of fat has 9 kcal! So it's no surprise that high-fat foods are real calorie bombs. However, completely banishing fat from your waist is not the right solution - our body needs it. It is therefore more important to follow the recommendations on how many fats should be consumed in the daily diet and especially which fats.

For example, did you know that there are healthy foods that are high in fat? Here is a short video that will clarify any doubts.

Not all fats are created equal

Fats are divided roughly into saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Not so good for our body are saturated fatty acids. They are found mainly in animal foods such as meat, sausage, cheese or butter and contain cholesterol, which in turn promotes the development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks or strokes.

How many fats in the form of saturated fatty acids are allowed per day? Experts recommend eating as little as possible. Pay more attention to hidden fats in sausage, cheese or ready-made products.Look at the label next time you go shopping!

See also

Foods with Omega 3: Foods rich in these beneficial fatty acids

Glycemic index: the table of foods with high, medium and low GI

Oats, a precious ally of sportsmen

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in vegetable oils or in nuts and seeds, are good for our health. They contain vital fatty acids that our body needs. So go ahead and eat them (in moderation)!

Fatty fish also has a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Experts therefore recommend eating oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring or tuna once to twice a week.

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Is there a difference in the daily amount of fat that men and women can eat?

Experts recommend 60 to 80g when asking how much fat we can eat per day. It sounds like a lot, but in reality this amount is reached quickly. This can be seen from the fact that most people easily eat twice this amount every day!

Women should rather focus on 60g of fat per day, men can eat a little more. However, more important than how much è which fat is eaten daily: vegetable fats are to be preferred and a variety of low-fat animal foods should be chosen.

In the case of sausages, for example, they are poultry cured meats, roast beef or cooked ham. These contain less than 5g of fat per 100g. Salami or liver sausage can contain more than 30g, so half of your daily fat requirement is already covered! More or less the same happens with cheese. Brie, for example, has more than 30 g of fat, while a Camembert only 14 g.

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How much fat per day is allowed if you want to lose weight?

Low-fat diets recommend a maximum fat intake of 30g per day. You can do this if you want to lose weight, but far more important than how much fat you consume is undoubtedly your total daily calorie intake. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you consume.

It doesn't matter if you exclude fat or carbohydrates, most of the time you will automatically eat less fat because you would be cutting out those foods that are also calorie bombs. However, don't get rid of fat completely - the body needs a certain amount of it to survive.

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By the way: the question of how much fat is allowed per day for muscle building comes up again and again. Since the body primarily needs protein for muscles, fat plays a subordinate role. Here the recommendations of the experts apply: 60 g or 80 g per day.

Simple tips to avoid fat in daily life

There are many ways to avoid fat. Next time you go shopping, look at the label and consciously choose low-fat alternatives. Also, cook for yourself as often as possible, because even ready-made meals contain a lot of hidden fat.

  • Use vegetable shortening for cooking and measure it with a spoon.
  • Use non-stick pans.
  • Replace cream with low-fat alternatives such as sour cream. You can also make delicious sauces with milk and broth.
  • Use only half of the specified cheese for foods such as pizza.
  • Spread your bread with cream cheese or mustard instead of butter or margarine. If you eat jam and the like, you can even do without it altogether.
  • Prefer lean meats: chicken and turkey instead of red meats.
  • Buy low-fat sausages and cheeses and indulge in fat bombs only rarely and in small quantities.
  • Get in the habit of buying low-fat foods: 1.5% high-fat milk instead of the full-fat variety.

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