How to protect the rosebushes from the cold?

Which plants to protect?

Rose shrubs do not require any particular protection during the winter, while hybrid and dwarf roses, climbing roses and sapling roses need to be protected.

When to start?

See also

Outdoor plants resistant to the sun and cold: find out what they are!

Don't start protecting your roses too early, or you risk rotting the roots, but wait for the soil to freeze. As soon as the temperature rises a little, remove the protection immediately.

What protections to adopt?

Tossing the roses

The most sensitive part of a plant, the one that must be protected the most, is the grafting point, that is, the point where the stem enters the ground. The simplest and most effective way to protect it is to cover the base of the rose with a mound of soil. According to the plant, the mound must measure from 3 to 15 cm but if necessary it can reach the lower branches. Do not use the earth around the rose bush because you risk discovering the roots and exposing them to the cold.

The straw

To protect your plants even more, you can cover the graft point with straw. Avoid classic straw, which can rot, use flax straw or composter straw. This technique will allow you to keep the roots warm.

The antifreeze sheet

In colder regions, where snow is frequent, we recommend that you cover your rose plants with special winter blankets, which you can buy in flower shops or nurseries. Think of this solution especially for sapling roses, which are the most fragile. Another solution is to cover the roots and branches of your rose bush with fir branches, which will protect them from the cold.

Good to know: Plastic sheets are not suitable for winter protection. Plastic condenses the air and causes an excess of humidity that can be fatal. However, if you choose this solution, making holes in the sheet will allow moisture to disperse.

Advice from the professional: in November, do a light pruning, to clean the plant and remove the dead leaves and branches, which no longer bloom. Do not cut too much, otherwise you risk exposing the buds to frost and weakening the plant (cut the branches by a third of their length or half). Pruning is especially recommended in regions where it snows frequently, as the snow could weigh down the branches and break them.

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