Pregnancy belly button piercing: when to keep it and when to remove it

The navel piercing during pregnancy can cause problems but not all women. Some manage to wear it as in other periods of their lives, others take it away sometimes afraid of the idea that it may somehow harm the baby. Living the pregnancy with serenity is very important for both the baby and the mother, but there are some things to be avoided absolutely. Watch the video to find out!

Belly button piercing in pregnancy: the body's response varies

Let's start with a general consideration: there is no equal rule for all women. We know well that the type of skin changes from person to person and, consequently, during pregnancy, even the navel piercing (belly button or navel piercing in English) may react differently. Also, things change if the piercing is recent or a gift you gave yourself many years ago. In any case, pregnancy and piercing are not necessarily sworn enemies: but a little attention in this delicate phase of your life is a must!

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Piercing and pregnancy: always take a good look at the affected area

There will therefore be those who during pregnancy will feel the need to remove it immediately and those who may do it in the eighth month, who will happen that the navel completely changes shape and who will not notice almost any difference. This is why if you decide to keep the navel piercing during pregnancy, it is important to keep the situation monitored to respond promptly to any skin reactions.

What to do during the nine months of waiting when you have a navel piercing

When you are pregnant, during pregnancy, as your belly grows, you may feel a slight discomfort in the affected area, such as the sensation that the skin is pulling. Before removing the ring completely and forgetting about the piercings, if the skin does not show redness or infection, try replacing your jewelry with a smaller one or, better yet, with a bioflex acrylic navel piercing for pregnant women. , specific for the female belly during pregnancy. This material is particularly flexible and can adapt to changes in your body.

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BioFlex acrylic is flexible and perfect for mothers-to-be

On the market, in fact, there are banana-shaped piercings in bioflex acrylic, a neutral and hypoallergenic material which, compared to the classic and rigid bananas in steel or silver, is flexible and therefore gradually adapts to the shape of the belly as it grows. The piercings of this special material can be found at your trusted retailer or you can buy them online (on Amazon or Crazy Factory for example) and order their shipment. There are also packs of 10 ball-shaped pieces or with multi-colored pendants, although pink and blue are the masters.
“They will cost a fortune,” you may be thinking. But no: the prices of bioflex acrylic piercings start at less than 1.50 euros for the classic banana with the ball or the crystal to around 8-9 euros for the most precious jewels. There are all kinds, colors and very nice birth-themed charms, with heart-shaped pendants, feet, pacifiers, with the words “Girl” in pink and “Boy” in blue, or “Baby on board”. The flexible bioflex acrylic piercing is a product for all budgets and for all tastes and is certainly the best alternative for not giving up your navel ring during pregnancy and getting rid once and for all of the thought that the hole may close. Even on the fear that the hole may close it is right to clarify: the possibility of this happening varies a lot from woman to woman, in many cases, especially if your piercing is old, it takes several years for the It is better to observe the hole in the piercing: it may happen that, as your belly grows and the navel changes shape, small marks will form starting from the hole.

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Pregnancy belly button piercing: whether it is ring, bar or banana, the danger of infections always exists

If an infection occurs in the months of gestation, do not be alarmed. First of all, remove the piercing and heal the infected area. However, if the infection does not pass after 48 hours at the latest, consult a doctor. Remember that infections can also be transmitted to the newborn and that, to cure them, you must take antibiotics - all things that the fetus does not like. For all these reasons, getting a piercing during pregnancy is highly discouraged. If your belly is growing week after week maybe it's really time to take it off: if your fear is that the navel piercing hole will close quickly, be calm. By continuing to read you will discover that the piercing hole does not certainly closes in a few weeks without wearing the ring!

Is the birth approaching? The navel piercing of any shape must be removed

In any case, before giving birth, whether natural or caesarean, we all have to separate from our navel piercing because during birth, by protocol, we have to remove any metallic object we wear, jewelery, gold or silver: piercings, earrings, rings and bracelets, but also nail and foot polish. So let's go with the new flexible piercings such as the classic models and rings in surgical steel! This is to avoid any complications and not to cause infections.

After delivery: nipple piercing and breastfeeding

The nipples are a very stressed area both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The presence of surgical steel piercings in this area does not affect the milk supply, however breastfeeding could be painful and is certainly dangerous for the baby who could swallow the balls, the bar, the pendant or the ring.
The advice, in general, is to remove all the piercings and wait until the end of breastfeeding to put them back on. When your baby no longer gets your milk, you can wear your favorite piercings again.

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The best materials for your navel piercing and more

In general, to avoid infections and allergic reactions, choose piercings for your body made from safe materials, such as surgical steel, which lasts a long time and does not react with body fluids. However, if you are allergic to nickel, go for titanium, which is more expensive but safer. Never wear silver jewelry if the skin is not perfectly healed: this is because sterling also contains a small percentage of copper, which can cause allergic reactions. It is also better to avoid wearing low quality and inexpensive costume jewelery, especially if the hole is not perfectly healed to ward off the risk of infections. Surgical steel is usually the wisest choice, does not lead to allergies and is easy to clean and disinfect properly.

From navel piercings to tattoos: how to behave during pregnancy

In this case, it is likely that your postpartum tattoos may appear faded or accompanied by subtle stretch marks. Much depends on the age and elasticity of the skin. As soon as your body has regained its usual shape, you can go to a tattoo artist who will make your tattoos shine.

Now you know that, if you wish, you can keep your navel piercing during pregnancy as long as you do not tease it, monitor it and keep it constantly clean and disinfected. The reactions are very subjective: if your skin is already normally subject to redness and infections, perhaps keeping the navel piercing in pregnancy is not advisable and starting from the twelfth week when the belly begins to grow and become evident is a choice to be evaluated. carefully. In any case, we invite you to always follow the instructions of your gynecologist and to contact an expert doctor for all questions during the weeks that separate you from childbirth, also regarding the risks of carrying a navel piercing during pregnancy!

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