Hardy houseplants: evergreen guide to denial

Resistant houseplants are now a real piece of furniture, ideal for making our home even more beautiful, welcoming and liveable. Believing that green plants are only suitable for those who have terraces, balconies or a garden would be a real shame, but in this article we will debunk this and other myths.
Plants what a passion: watch the video and find out what they can do for your home!

Why choose plants for your home

Do not give up your oasis even with beautiful flowers inside the house both in summer and in winter: continue reading our article and find out which plants lend themselves very well to becoming your roommates. And if your doubts about having plants in the apartment are related to their being not very resistant or to your inability to take care of them, do not worry: there are many species of really resistant houseplants that can certainly be for you even if you have little. time or if you risk forgetting to water them. Find out what they are!

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Outdoor plants resistant to the sun and cold: find out what they are!

10 evergreen outdoor succulents, hardy and easy to care for

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Hardy green plants: our top five!

A very resistant plant is certainly the Tronchetto della Felicità: if many choose it for their home it is not only for the promise of happiness and well-being but also for its extreme ability to adapt to any environment, also thanks to its average height. The leaves at the bottom of the trunk dry out and fall off on their own - you don't even have to remove them! This plant native to Madagascar (original name Dracena Marginata) does not like direct sunlight but is otherwise decidedly autonomous: it resists various temperatures and does not need much care. Very little cluttered and it is beautiful to look at: in short, perfect to invite to your home! Another very widespread and beautiful plant is the Ficus Benjamin, the most loved plant by Italians, among those in apartments. It is a real design piece of furniture, it grows in height and does not like direct light. It should be watered periodically, without exaggerating (it cannot stand excessive humidity) and does not need to have a lot of air. The only attention you will have to pay to your Benjamin ficus is to pour it if the roots come out of the pot: choose a larger and capacious pot and a little more soil and that's it!

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In third place of the most beautiful and resistant apartment plants we find the Photos, also known as the Devil's Ivy. This plant seems heavenly more than the devil's: it costs little, is easy to keep at home and is satisfied with everything you have to offer it and at any temperature. It has a small size, it looks good in more or less bright rooms but never in direct light. Do not overdo the water from the watering or it could rot! The Photos also has another important advantage that should not be overlooked, in fact it is able to clean the air in your rooms. It does not need air: if you have rooms with few windows it is perfect for purifying them! After the Photos, there is the Sanseveria with its beautiful green leaves with an elongated shape thanks to which this plant is also called Mother-in-law's tongue. Its leaves will win you over with streaks of different shades of green. It looks good indoors and belongs to succulent plants for which it requires little water: however, do not leave it on the balcony, it is better at home and does not like the cold outside and the swooping temperature! More than a mother-in-law she is a good friend: she does not require care and keeps you company in the apartment! The unmissable Bamboo of Fortune, the original name Dracaena braunii, concludes our ranking, in reality it is not a real bamboo but a plant that originates in tropical forests. This species requires little care and zero maintenance. You take it home and put it in a bright spot and remember to water it once a week - you will have a beautiful hardy houseplant with a long life! And it doesn't end there: this plant brings happiness, in fact it is often found in restaurants and hotels because it is not afraid of anything, not even humidity, on the contrary! If small you can also place it in a jar full of water and keep it on your desk to benefit from its positive effects! And here the house becomes a winter garden!

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Four lesser known but very resistant houseplants: how to choose the right one!

Not only succulents need little attention! Here are other less common but equally beautiful and resistant plants with which you can decorate your home giving a green and relaxing touch to any environment. The first plant to consider is Chlorophytum comosum for Nastrino friends.
This delightful plant has very long leaves (hence the name ribbon) of green and white color: it is a very refined decorative object, often used as a hanging plant to emphasize the particularity of its leaves.This plant is easy to care for: unique prudence to water it a little more during the summer. It reproduces without difficulty: its flowers produce new seedlings on top ready to be potted.

Another beautiful plant is the Ficus Elastica commonly called the Rubber Tree. This species of ficus is native to Tanzania and the island of Zanzibar and prefers the heat: that's why it will look great in your home! It does not need a lot of pampering, it is easy to grow and also adapts to a humid climate as long as the temperature inside your apartment does not drop too much. Just think: he prefers your home to the most beautiful garden! This beautiful plant has lanceolate leaves characterized by a nice glossy green, you can easily keep them that way: here's how! Its soil must be irrigated regularly but it can resist well for a long time even without water: ideal for forgetful or busy owners and if gardening is not your passion!

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Dieffenbachia also has a very difficult name to pronounce but apart from the name it is a resistant houseplant that you can take care of without any difficulty. It has no flowers but leaves of a particular color and you recognize it at first sight: they are in fact dark green with large areas of cream, yellow or white, with spots of different sizes. Its stem can go from 60 cm up to 2 meters in height. In terms of light it is not very existing: it looks good in bright rooms and also in places with little light. In the summer it will ask you for a little more water and in exchange it will give your eyes the spectacle of its leaves and a lot of lasting serenity. Be careful with this indoor plant for children or pets in the house as it can be toxic: its leaves can irritate the eyes and mouth and if ingested it can cause stomach inflammation!

Finally, do you know which plant is a must in your home? Aloe. It has long and propped leaves, requires zero care, is easy to keep and is very useful when you burn yourself and on a thousand other occasions thanks to its many properties. What do you say are you ready to get to work and fill your apartment with resistant plants? If despite our advice you are still not convinced for now you can fall back on a green furniture!

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