Negative people: how to recognize them and remove them from your life

There are days when everything seems to go wrong, when negativity takes over our thoughts and minds. However, these are usually "bad moments", dictated by external factors. There are people, however, who they constantly tend to compromise the happiness of others, finding the negative side in everything and in any situation. They can be recognized because they have certain characteristics and you have to remove them from your life, even if only partially. To do this, use your self-esteem above all and never stop to think positive!

The typical characteristics of negative people

"If we allow a negative thought to lodge and take root within us, we run the risk of never getting rid of it for life."

As already mentioned, negative people have some attitudes that make them easily recognizable. Of course, we shouldn't confuse this ever-present negativity with those "no" days that each of us experiences from time to time.

See also

False people: a guide to recognize them and remove them from your life

Empathic people: 7 characteristics to recognize them

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It is impossible to overcome difficulties

A particularly complicated period or an "authentic challenge in the workplace" to then obtain a turning point in one's career: the difficulties can be different situations, but they are united by the willpower and the spirit that is needed to overcome them. From this point of view, negative people never put themselves in. For them, one difficulty remains such: it is impossible to overcome.

This vision of life leads them not only to never accept a challenge for themselves, but to not encourage those around them in the most difficult moments. A negative person will never tell you: "Come on, you can do it! I believe in you". Indeed, it will be very likely that he will say: "it seems to me really impossible that you can do it in this situation". This pessimistic view of things can only undermine your confidence in yourself and in the possibility of reaching your goal.

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They isolate themselves

It is part of the human being to seek interjection and comfort in other people. It is not necessary to surround yourself with many friends, but to know that you can count on someone you can trust both in case of difficulty and to share the happiest moments. Negative people, instead, they tend to withdraw into themselves, never telling anyone who tries to be close to them anything, not even a positive episode. Always trying to get them out of their "shell", without ever getting a result, can definitely spoil the mood of the person who tried to help them. By doing so, therefore, their negativity is reflected on others, having particularly intense effects on the most empathetic.

They find the "dark" side of everything

Unfortunately, negative people deflect both their own happiness and that of others. Even in a positive moment or after receiving good news, they immediately find the negative side that can spoil not only their mood but also that of those around them. This attitude is probably what makes the relationship with the negativity of these individuals "toxic". By always finding a "dark" aspect in everything, a negative person undermines his, but most of all your joy and positivity, making a great achievement or achievement seem less important and less significant.

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How to turn negative people away

"Don't hang out with people in a bad mood: they tend to behave in line with their state, ruin the environment, make others uncomfortable, create distrust and separation."

Turning away negative people doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of them. In reality, it means limiting their influence and feeling less of their "burden" on one's life, so as not to be influenced by negativity and the "black" mood.

Define your emotional limits

This "step" to follow is not only good in the case of the most negative, but, in general, for any relationship. In fact, every person with whom we come into contact has an effect on us, even more evident when it comes to empaths. In this way, it is up to you to give due importance to every single human relationship and decide how much you want to be influenced by it. Especially for negative people, try not to be influenced by their attitude, finding your own balance and inner shield to protect yourself from negative attitudes. You have to define your boundaries, otherwise you risk that the judgments, opinions and problems of others affect you, distracting you from what matters most to you.

Try never to be alone with them

If you spend an evening with a negative person or only hang out with them, it can often be really difficult to manage without spoiling the evening. This is why it would always be better to have someone with a positive and cheerful character at your side, who does not tend to see everything black. In general, you need to interact with these people by trying to deflect their negativity. A joke and some irony are effective antidotes against continuous complaining and, obviously, they will have the desired effect even better if there is also the support of another friend of yours.

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It deflects attention

Often negative people occupy the center of the attention of others, even when it was not their intention. In fact, they turn out to be very self-centered, given the continuous complaining that they can carry on or the air drenched with suffering that they show on the outside. it is not due to a specific cause, but only to their negativity, the solution is to divert attention from those negative energies.

Not surprisingly, those who complain activate cortisol, the stress hormone, which acts on the hippocampus, another area of ​​the brain that deals with creativity, imagination and memory. This is why these people and those around them feel not very creative and very dull. To break this vicious circle, it is best to change and start a particularly funny and positive speech. You can perhaps tell some of your anecdotes, which may seem trivial but which will make everyone smile.

Don't argue with them

It may happen that it is not always possible to divert a discourse - and, in the same way, the perennial lament - of a negative person. All this could be the "spark" of a possible discussion which, however, would lead nowhere. In fact, arguing with those who make negativity their mantra does nothing but establish a vicious circle of bad mood, as well as giving an extra excuse to these people to wallow in their problems. Thus, not only will the discussion not be constructive, but it will undermine your peace of mind, prompting anger and bad mood. Keep your most passionate feelings in check, such as anger and rage, and do not try to change those who are negative and do not want to "give themselves" to positivity: detach from them and make use of that inner balance of yours, giving that person the right weight.