Why do we always attract the wrong men?

Why do we keep attracting the wrong men? Have you also wondered after the umpteenth bad experience? Let's try together to take stock of the situation and understand why we always find ourselves in front of liars, egotists, narcissists, emotional vampires and traitors (and whoever betrays once, will betray forever, like show our video) ...

Here are the 7 reasons why we always attract the wrong men:

See also

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1. Because we have little self-confidence

Universal rule: we end up with "attracting what we are. If we have little confidence in ourselves, we will attract men who have little confidence in themselves", and the lack of confidence creates men who are insecure, unable to give us real and concrete support in our own. life. Next !!

2. Because we let ourselves be duped by the charm of the bad boy

The so-called fascination of the "bitch" ... which of us is not there? It would be appropriate to begin to mature and choose, consequently, someone with their head on their shoulders.

3. Because we think we can change them

The belief of being able to change a man has created an unspeakable number of victims in the female gender. Get it out of your head: if it is done in a certain way, there is no way to change it, and consequently it is better to change a man directly if you don't like it!

4. Why we have Red Cross syndrome

The Red Cross syndrome is what leads many of us to attract men with serious relationship problems. We are convinced that we can heal them, that only our love will heal their wounds, but the truth is that we will surely end up being hurt too.

5. Because we don't learn from our mistakes

Why do we attract the wrong men? Perhaps because we never learn to recognize them. Not even after being burned several times ... we always fall back into the same type of male and things always turn out in the worst way.

6. Why do you think you don't deserve more

This is a rule that not only applies to men, but in every field of life: we will never have anything more than what we think we deserve. If we have little respect for ourselves, we will only attract men who have even less and who will treat us accordingly.

7. Why do you fall for it every time

The bouquet of flowers, the gift you wanted, dinner out, the weekend ... there is little to say, he knows how to woo you and you fall for it every time. It will be vanity, it will be self-gratification, but it always ends up that you give in with men you are not really convinced of first ... follow your instincts and you will not go wrong! You will then see how beautiful it will be to experience all the pleasures of love together:

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