Odaka Yoga: a new style you did not know!

Odaka yoga is a new and much appreciated practice that allows you to regain well-being and balance. We already like a discipline inspired by the waves of the sea for the emotions it can transmit! toned and sculpted buttocks also watch our video and get to work with these exercises that are a little more strenuous but ensure fast results!

Odaka Yoga: like the waves of the sea

Odaka Yoga is the result of thirty years of experimental research by its founders, Miletti and Cassia. This practice acts on deep intimacy, dissolving physical and emotional blocks, helping those who practice it to find themselves. The body moves smoothly, passing from one pose to another with circular movements, taking on different shapes, like water does. These changes prepare for traditional yoga positions. Odaka Yoga obviously cannot be the alternative to official medicine to treat ailments of the body or psyche, but it is also an effective adjuvant in a therapeutic path. Our body has potential that can also act positively on the mind. Compared to the other types of Yoga, Hatha or Ashtanga, more rigid and dogmatic, Odaka allows more freedom and considers the journey, the path to get to the pose, as important as the pose itself or more. Ashtanga, for example, is an ancient technique of iron discipline and pays particular attention to the pose and its perfection. As for the movements, in Hatha or Ashtanga one arm is raised in a straight line, in Odaka with a circular motion involving all the joints and muscles.

See also

Hatha yoga: what it is, positions and benefits of the most practiced form of yoga

Yoga positions in two: 5 exercises to fall in love more

Yoga for weight loss: 5 top exercises!

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Odaka Yoga and the psyche

Yoga is supposed to relieve inner suffering. It's not that it can solve problems, but it can change the way people see and deal with each other. One suffers not so much for the facts, but for the way in which the psyche judges them, not based on the "event as it is, but on the sensations and ideas that connect it. As happens with fear. For this reason one thing does to some people. fear and others not Fear is created by the mind that connects it to past negative or positive experiences that you fear you will not be able to try again or to considerations made by other data reported by others: ideas belonging to the mind and not to the reality of the facts. The philosophical theory on which Odaka Yoga is based is that of the immobile psyche in a mobile body. It relies on the way of the warrior, the Bushido. The warrior, when he fights, is not subject to any disturbance. During the battle, which metaphorically it represents life, it is impenetrable by negativity: it does not become prey to its fears and does not fear the enemy.

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Odaka Yoga: Yoga that dances

Inspired by the waves of the sea, this discipline draws an almost dancing gesture from the movements of yoga, with movements and bending typical of sea waves. These slow, continuous and refined gestures allow you to reach the pose almost unconsciously. In this swaying of hands, arms, body and mind fears and worries move away, the body becomes one fluidly, regains its balance, without traumatizing the joint points: everything happens spontaneously and naturally. These movements that connect the asanas have no value from an aesthetic point of life, but capture the energy of the third chakra, in the abdominal area, distributing it from this central area to the rest of the body, favoring the overcoming of physical and psychological blocks, tensions and emotionality. The motions start from the Tanden or center of gravity, under the navel, where our energy is based and where it returns after its expansion. Like the warrior, the yoga practitioner is, albeit alert, steady, calm, untroubled, full of intimate peace. Transiting with the wave motion from one asana to another, the mind calms down and totally savors every vital moment, without thinking about the past or the future.

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