Number 7: the meaning of the number of completeness

Numbers are not just related to mathematics. We are literally surrounded by them, even if we do not realize it, and for many, since the dawn of time, they would even be the key to deciphering the mysterious secrets of Nature, the Earth and the entire universe. Both for those who believe in it and for those who consider all this a lie, it is necessary to know that around particular numbers an elaborate symbolism has been created that gives each of them more than one meaning and interpretation, exactly as it happens for dreams.

"Seven, due to its hidden virtues, keeps all things in being; it is a dispenser of life, of movement and is decisive in influencing heavenly beings. "

In this article we will focus on the various studies addressed by numerology on a very particular number, the 7. Over the centuries, many theories have been advanced on the meaning of this figure, which seems to come back almost always in all disciplines, from philosophy to religion. from conventional language to history and mythology. In addition, so-called "7" personalities have been outlined based on the combination of the numbers of the date of birth: we will also discover what traits all the individuals thus identified have in common.

So here's all there is to know about the number 7 and how it appears to affect our destiny.

See also

Empathic people: 7 characteristics to recognize them

Lotus flower: symbolism and meaning of the flower of rebirth

Empathy: what it is, what are its types and why it is tried

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The symbolism of the number 7

Numerology is that branch of studies related to esotericism that deals with numbers not only for their quantitative and mathematical aspect. According to various researches and experts on the subject, the modern one would be linked to that already present in Babylon or Egypt , in Alexandria. In fact, since ancient times numbers were used both to interpret reality and to predict the destiny of man. In the same way, contemporary numerology attributes to the various figures irrational and mystical qualities, relating them to the characteristics of physical objects and living beings.

Therefore, according to numerology, when one thinks of 7, it should not be understood only as a prime number, a mere result of the sum between 3 and 4, but it could be considered as the figure of the totality.

It is therefore not surprising that 7 has become a symbol of various concepts. Already for the ancients, it was the number par excellence of mystical research, because it represents every form of discovery and new knowledge. Thanks to its more spiritual aspect, it is possible to trace even the most hidden part of existence until reaching its deepest meaning. Thus, especially in the field of philosophy or analysis, it also becomes a symbol of the concepts of loneliness and completeness. Finally, it is possible to understand how important the number 7 is for the countless times it appears in different disciplines, not only religious.

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Where is the number 7 often found

As already mentioned, of all the numbers, 7 is one of the most often found in the different areas - humanistic and non - since the "origins of time. We have summarized in a list every time we come into contact" "with this mysterious figure without realizing it and how it marks and somehow forms part of our life. Let's start with the religious aspect where the 7 occurs very often. It is therefore not surprising that it has become the spiritual number par excellence.

  • Religion

- 7 days in which God created the world and the universe (including, specifically, the seventh day, when God rested)
- 7 virtues and deadly sins
- 7 books in the Bible
- 7 arms of the Hebrew candlestick, Menorah
7 is the number of completeness in Buddhism
- 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit
- 7 heavens created by God according to the Koran

Let's now pass to the area of ​​history and philosophy, where 7 occurs quite often without an apparent logical reason.

- 7 wise Greek philosophers
- 7 wonders of the ancient and modern world
- 7 kings of Rome
- 7 for the Pythagoreans was the symbol of totality and space

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  • Art and astrology

- 7 liberal arts
- 7 planets of astrology identified by Dante

  • Conventions

- 7 colors of the rainbow
- 7 days of the week
- 7 lunar cycles
- 7 musical notes
- 7 Chakras (characteristic points of man)
- 7 years of bad luck when a mirror breaks

People of number 7

Again according to numerology, around the various numbers it would not only create a symbolism, but they would also mark our life in an individual way. In fact, every living being would receive at the moment of his birth "an" astral imprint ", that is the influences that would then be reflected, over the years, on his own character and personality. Not only the zodiac sign would contribute to all this, but also a numerical combination derived directly from the date of birth.

If the result of this sum is 7, it means that that person will have certain characteristics. It is a very reflective, spiritual subject with a marked mental depth. Individuals of 7 are idealistic, meditative and introspective, with a strong sense of independence and are constantly striving for perfection. From their being sensitive, they are said to be endowed with extrasensory powers and attentive connoisseurs of human nature. All this would make them difficult to fool because they would be able to see behind appearances.

Such qualities lead them to initially be wary of love. Also in this circumstance, they turn out not so romantic because they tend to keep "the feet on the ground" and turn out to be irritable.

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Dream about number 7

Like the other numbers, the figure of 7 can also be presented in a dream. We must not think of dreaming of the number as it is, written according to traditional rules. We must pay close attention to the elements that are seen in the dream image to be able to identify it and try to remember them the next day to be able to interpret everything in the best possible way.For example, in the most common dreams the 7 may appear on a playing card, in the sky in the form of seven stars, with a menorah - or a Hebrew candlestick -, with a 7-year-old child or some objects or people that are repeated 7 times.

In any circumstance this symbol number is revealed during the night, its meaning is always positive. In fact, in the world of dreams it very often represents success, inner enrichment, personal growth, wisdom and the achievement of a goal. In various cases, it can refer to the dreamer's private life and indicate a turning point in his love relationship or reveal to him a prosperous and fortunate destiny. Obviously, every meaning must find confirmation in everything that appears in sleep, but it is good to know that the presence of 7 can slightly modify the interpretation in a positive way.

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