Managing panic attacks: here are 5 simple steps to do it!

When panic attacks come they don't warn. This is what makes them so subtle. It is even difficult to recognize the causes, perhaps because, at times, they occur for no apparent reason. And then there is the fear that they may reappear at any moment and this paralyzes us even before this happens. Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating - what might seem like symptoms of a heart attack are often traced back to a panic attack.

The current situation certainly doesn't help. Every day we are subjected to a media bombardment that can have a devastating impact on our psycho-physical health, even unknowingly. A pandemic is underway that is disrupting the whole world and killing thousands of lives. It goes without saying that keeping calm becomes a difficult task and it is not uncommon for someone to be seized by increasingly frequent moments of panic.

Never be afraid to ask for help!

The signs of inner discomfort cannot be ignored in the long run. If panic attacks heavily affect your life, it is good to seek help from a specialist, opting for a therapeutic path. It should be emphasized and highlighted, in fact, that mental health is not worth less than physical health and, for this reason, it should not be neglected. When you are physically ill, you go to your doctor, don't you? Why not do the same, then, when you feel psychological distress? In fact, there are doctors who treat the mind and who, by digging deep into your unconscious, will help you to bring out the causes of your discomfort and, later, to regain control over your body. I write it in large letters: there is nothing to be ashamed of in addressing the latter.

However, although the best solution is the one mentioned above, there are some tricks with which to mitigate panic attacks or, at least, try to prevent them:

  • reduce stress
  • sleep well
  • eat regular meals
  • avoid coffee, black tea, or green tea
  • avoid foods rich in sugar
  • exercise regularly

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4 simple exercises to combat anxiety

Breathe calmly

If you feel that the panic attack is around the corner, the first step to counter it is to sit up straight and breathe deeply on a regular basis. Take deep breaths, inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. method that can be really effective!

Relax your muscles

Although anxiety is a mental state, when it is strong, it also involves the body. The latter will suddenly become tense and the tension will only aggravate your panic condition. Listen to the signals your body gives you and when you notice the first symptoms of an attack, try to at least relax your muscles. You can proceed like this: stretch your neck and turn your head left and right, pulling it towards your shoulders. If you have space available, don't hesitate to lie down to stretch your entire body. You will benefit immediately!

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Distract yourself

When anxiety seems to suffocate you, even if it is difficult, try for a moment to take your mind off what is happening to you. Try to focus on positive thoughts. Memories that warm your heart, magnificent places that you will visit once the quarantine is over, the voice of a loved one, even better to engage in manual activities such as gardening, painting, brigolage, sewing, but also, trivially, household cleaning. In short, it is essential to focus one's mind on practical actions that free us from distressing worries.In this sense, our home can become an inexhaustible source of distractions.

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Accept the fear

Getting distracted yes, repressing your feelings no. The more you try to stifle your fear, the more likely it becomes that it will stifle you. Once again, the importance of listening to your body and the signals it sends us should be emphasized. Accept negative feelings and try to investigate their origins. Take a few minutes a day to dedicate only to yourself, talk to yourself, but above all, listen to yourself. Only in this way will you be able to know your fears and face them, since, more often than not, it is the fear of fear, as it is unknown, and not the fear itself that paralyzes you. You are not required to always have a smile on your face, grant yourself the right to suffering, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

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Remember that it will pass

A feature that should not be underestimated when it comes to panic attacks is that they are relatively short-lived. In most cases, their duration varies from ten to thirty minutes. Remember then that it will pass and calm down at the thought that, soon, everything will be fine again.

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