How to store avocado? The tricks to prevent it from going bad

The avocado is one of the most complete and rich in properties in nature. Its benefits, the wide range of uses from recipes in the kitchen to beauty remedies, make it a much sought-after fruit, which we recommend you try. it is easy to find avocado from the most well-stocked supermarkets to the specialized greengrocer, precisely because its importance has made it in great demand. However, it is an easily perishable fruit, which spoils easily and when it is too ripe it becomes not very usable. How to choose and store avocado? Here we offer you several methods to keep it at its best without waste.

How to choose and store avocado?

The first thing to do when preparing to buy an avocado is to press lightly on the peel of the fruit to understand if it is ripe or unripe. The ripe fruit will be soft under pressure, the unripe one will be hard. If by pressing the peel the pulp is soft but a groove remains on the surface, it means that the fruit is very ripe and must necessarily be eaten immediately, reduced to cream or blended in sauces such as guacamole. In case the avocado is so ripe, buy it only if you intend to eat it the same day. Otherwise, if it is more unripe, check it every day to find out when is the best time to use it.

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How to store potatoes: useful tips and tricks

Ripe avocado: how to tell when it is (too) ripe?

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Accelerate or slow down ripening: find out how

If you buy an unripe avocado and want it to ripen quickly, you can use the apple trick: just put the avocado with some apples inside a pot, preferably a crock, closed with a lid, or alternatively you can use a bag of paper to hold the fruits together. Apples naturally develop ethylene, which spreading in the microcosm formed inside the pot or bag makes the avocado ripen faster. Remember to check every day so that you don't make it too mature.

If, on the other hand, you want to make it last longer by delaying ripening, keep the avocado in the fridge, with low temperatures the avocado stops ripening completely.

To make it ripen naturally, place the fruit in a paper bag at room temperature, in a few days it will be ready to be used. When it is ripe, you can keep it in the refrigerator for 1 - 2 days, but no longer, as it risks rotting.

How to prevent avocado from turning black?

Once opened, the inside of the avocado, the pulp, is exposed to air and light, triggering a natural oxidation process that darkens the pulp, making the avocado almost black. To prevent it from becoming black with oxidation, just wet the uncovered surface of the avocado with lemon: its acidity in fact contrasts the oxidizing effect.

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And to cut it? Here is a simple video that shows you how to cut, clean and taste avocado flawlessly!

The methods of extracting the pulp from the fruit

To extract the avocado pulp from the fruit you can use two methods:

  • cut the avocado in two and extract the pulp with a spoon, turning it around the stone
  • take one half and, holding it with your hand on the peel side, place the lower part of the pulp on the edge of a glass, press the fruit by sliding it so that the pulp goes inside the glass and the peel on the outside

How to use the pulp? The flash recipe for avocado ice cream

Now that you have freed the pulp, you can think of a quick recipe, to add to the many recipes offered by this fruit. Have you ever thought about avocado ice cream? You can make it in just one minute with this quick recipe!

Take the avocado pulp and reduce it to a cream, adding honey or sugar to taste. Put the mixture in plastic cups, inserting an ice cream stick once you have finished filling. Cover the surface of the glass with cling film to contain the pulp well and prevent it from freezing in direct contact with the freezer. Place in the freezer and take out the ice creams once they are well hardened. And serve for a delicious snack!

Avocado? It is an excellent purifying food. Find out the others here!

Avocado is a food with detoxifying virtues, very suitable in the detox diet. Discover the other purifying foods below!

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