Nespresso and the charity auction

The new flavors are inspired by the stars themselves: the sweetness and intense aroma of cherry for Ambra, the floral notes of vanilla for Eva and the rich and enveloping flavor of chocolate for Marchioni.

The snapshots of MaurizioGalimberti immortalized the launch event, fragmenting and then reassembling the 3 Variations, the world of Nespresso and the faces of the three Stars, creating 9 works of art that will remain on display until January 3 at the Nespresso Boutiques in Via Bigli 1 / 3 in Milan, Via Roma 27 in Turin and Via Sparano 113 in Bari.

At the end of the exhibition, the shots will be put up for auction and the proceeds will be donated to the BanqueAlimentareOnlus Foundation, which has been recovering surplus food goods for 15 years and then redistributing them for free to associations and charities.

See also Basil: varieties, care and use