Menopause: here are the expert's answers to the most frequently asked questions of women on the subject

Menopause, as we know, represents one of the most complex and delicate moments in a woman's life. Physical and psychological changes are in fact on the "agenda for women who are about to enter this phase of female life, and with these, also doubts, fears and perplexities. It follows that often women find themselves rather unprepared in the" facing menopause and all that this entails. To try to solve some of your most frequent questions regarding the topic, we asked for help from an expert, Dr. Stefano Lello, Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Scientific Consultant at the Department of Women's and Child Health, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Cuore and at the A. Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome.

Our forum users have in fact had the opportunity to ask some questions to the expert on the subject: here are the ones we have selected for you and the specialist's answers.

Before proceeding with the reading of the article, we offer you some natural remedies to counteract all the symptoms of menopause!

See also

Menopause: what it is and how it occurs

Sty: causes and remedies of "eye infection"

Kegel exercises for women and men: how they are done and how they work

Premature menopause and the possibility of getting pregnant

Hi Doctor, I'm doing a long series of tests to confirm whether or not it is premature menopause. I would like to know what kind of treatment should be done in these cases (is it invasive?) And if there is the possibility of getting pregnant naturally. I am very afraid, because if it really was premature menopause, I am afraid that it is not a possibility of getting pregnant naturally, is it? (nerula)

Dear Madam, this is a rather delicate and particular topic, you should therefore contact an Endocrinological Gynecology Center, where colleagues who deal specifically with a problem such as the one you describe will be able to give you more precise information about it, both from the point of view of the diagnosis and of the possible treatment.

Problems in Menopause

Doctor I have been taking low-dose estrogen for a few weeks to try to combat the symptoms of menopause, but if on the one hand this helps me to solve the problem of hot flashes, on the other it does not help me with vaginal dryness and general pain to the abdomen. What can I do? Do you think I should change therapy? (annamary62)

Dear Madam, first of all talk to the gynecologist who prescribed this therapy, describing the symptoms and problems you are experiencing. As for the problem of vaginal dryness, check, also with the help of your gynecologist, the evolution of this problem in the course of therapy, considering that not all people respond in the same way to a given therapy.

Tos (hormone replacement therapy) plus xanax: is it useful?

I started the livial in support of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for about a fortnight, because the symptoms were affecting my days too much, but being an anxious person already on my own, waiting for improvements my doctor advised me to take 7 + 7 + 8 gc of xanax. Can it be useful, in your opinion, together with Tos? To tell the truth, it must be said that despite everything, to this day I continue to have anxiety, tachycardia, shortness of breath, in short, a general malaise ... (ipolippa)

Dear Madam, with regard to hormone replacement therapy, generally, we wait for the first three months of administration to evaluate its effects on symptoms related to menopause. The anxiolytic drug that was recommended to you is among the most used and known. If your symptoms do not tend to improve, however, talk to your doctor.

Always tired and down in tone ...

I am in the early stages of menopause and even though my gynecologist told me to stay calm and that the symptoms I experience are normal, I cannot live this phase peacefully, I always feel tired and irritable and super swollen. I haven't changed my diet and I do sports twice a week but between the swelling and hot flashes I feel out of place. Should I change anything in my lifestyle? (piffina78)

In the early periods of menopause, the body puts in place adaptation mechanisms that are not always able to solve the problems that may arise. The symptoms you report may be caused by the arrival of menopause (with the well-known reduction in estrogen), but also by other problems, of a hormonal type (eg thyroid disorders) or metabolic type (alteration of the basal metabolism, increased insulin levels, with a tendency to weight gain). Talking more thoroughly with the gynecologist and perhaps taking advantage of a nutritional consultation could help.

Excessive emotionality and irritability ...

I realize that for some time now I have reacted to situations in a truly disconcerting way! Yes, I would say that this is the right ending, because I can no longer manage my emotions and I let myself be carried away by a state of nervousness crazy! What can I do to avoid getting to this level of irritability? Is there anything I can take on? Will this condition pass? (sarad841)

Dear Madam, I should first know your age and if your menstrual cycle is regular or not.

Fear of menopause and its symptoms

I am 44 years old and to date I still have no symptoms of perimenopause or menopause but I admit that it scares me. How can I best prepare my body for these stages of life? Is there a way to live them peacefully and without mood swings, pains etc ...? (Saraluna2000)

Dear Madam, for the moment, regular physical activity and a "healthy diet can be important aids to prepare as you say for the arrival of menopause. When menstrual irregularities occur (such as the cycle that delays or anticipates in presentation)," I recommend after a few months to perform hormonal dosages to understand how the ovary works. When menopause arrives, if you have vasomotor symptoms, you can use hormone therapy if you want and if it has no contraindications, or a therapy with substances natural (there are preparations with pollen extracts that can help you).

Fear and shame of menopause ...

My mother is 48 and going through menopause. She is a reserved woman and often cannot confide in us who are her daughters, but lately I always see her tired and she says she has abdominal pain. All with mood swings. Is this normal? What can be done? (Desire000)

First of all, his mother has to do a gynecological examination, perhaps with a pelvic "ultrasound scan (better if transvaginal). And then it may be useful to do hormonal measurements to understand at what point the ovary is functioning and to establish in which hormonal phase it is. From all this it will then be possible to establish an adequate therapy, whether hormonal or non-hormonal.

A consultation with your gynecologist is always the first step to take in these cases, as you have noticed from the doctor's answers, who tends to reiterate the specificity and singularity of each case; Having said that, however, some measures can be taken to make this period of female life as peaceful as possible. Among these there are new generation natural remedies, which can act on physical changes with non-invasive procedures and methods, which also hinder weight gain, one of the most common and unpleasant problems of this period of female life. Femal, ad for example, it is a new generation natural remedy that has an excellent tolerability and has no estrogenic effect. It is a preparation based on purified extract of pollen deprived of the allergenic capsule, which effectively treats vasomotor disorders caused by the lowering of estrogen levels that occurs during perimenopause and menopause. A valid help, not only physical, but also psychological, for women who are about to enter this new phase of their life.

To learn more about menopause, visit the Humanitas hospital website.

See also:
The menopause
Premature menopause: what it is and how to deal with it
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