The gynecological examination

When to do it?

After the appearance of the first menstruation or after the first sexual intercourse, girls should consult a gynecologist. Later, to prevent other diseases, an annual visit is made.

But if, between one visit and the next, you notice abnormal phenomena (irritation, itching, strange leaks), do not hesitate to anticipate the date of your next visit.

Each of us goes to the gynecologist for different reasons. There are those who go there only to be prescribed a contraceptive (pill, spiral ...), those who go there in case of pregnancy or menopause, those still due to a vaginal infection ... but in any case, the gynecologist is an interlocutor privileged who can give you valuable advice about your intimate life.

How does a visit take place?

A routine visit lasts no more than half an hour. After a series of questions, the gynecologist will examine the vulva, the cervix and the ovaries, using a speculum, that is a small, narrow and long metal or plastic instrument. In this way, he will understand if there are any irritation or signs of infection. The visit is completed by a vaginal palpation: the doctor, after wearing a glove, will check the internal genitals, putting pressure on the abdomen.

He might even get you a pap smear. It involves collecting cells from the cervix with a spatula. The analysis of these cells in the laboratory allows you to discover the presence of any germs. After the age of twenty, it is recommended to do one every two or three years.

This visit is not painful as long as you are relaxed. Most doctors try to put the patient at ease by describing how the visit will take place. Take the opportunity to ask your gynecologist all the questions that come to mind, to learn a little more about the functioning of your body and feel reassured if you have any doubts.

The reasons for going to the gynecologist

In case of anomalies, the gynecological examination allows you to identify the problem and start treatment. Certain viral infections can evolve: the papilloma virus, but also any abnormal, precancerous or cancerous cells. We know that 70% of women who develop uterine cancer have never had regular pap smears. This examination, therefore, is really essential.

As for the breasts, after the age of 50 women have to have a mammogram every two years. In addition to these control exams, the gynecological examination allows you to discuss intimate topics with your doctor, such as problems related to the sphere of sexuality, the desire for motherhood, infertility ... sometimes, it is easier to deal with taboo topics with him, than with your family doctor.

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