Does watermelon make you fat? All you need to know about the quintessential summer fruit

Watermelon is a juicy and fresh fruit, typically summery, known and appreciated above all for its sugary taste and thirst-quenching power. But if you are on a diet, is it a recommended food or would it be better to avoid it? It can help in weight loss, or Can it make you fat if consumed too often? We have answered the most common questions, but before continuing we leave you with a video with the foods that must never be missing on your table!

Characteristics and nutritional values ​​of watermelon

The pulp of the watermelon is composed of about 90% of water, as well as simple sugars that make its taste particularly sweet. Watermelons are available only in the summer period from May to September.

Curiosity: the name of this fruit derives from the Greek "Angurion" which means cucumber and was cultivated since the times of the ancient Egyptians, placed in the tombs of the pharaohs as a means of sustenance for the afterlife.

Here are the nutritional values ​​for about 100g of watermelon:

  • 16 calories
  • 92% water
  • 0.6 mg protein
  • 0.4 mg fiber
  • 6.2 g carbohydrates
  • 1 mg sodium
  • 112 mg of potassium
  • 10 mg of magnesium
  • 11 mg of phosphorus
  • 189 mg vitamin A
  • 37 mg vitamin C

From these data it is evident how much the watermelon is a very healthy fruit and not at all caloric: 16 calories per 100 grams.
It can and should be consumed especially when it is very hot and you tend to sweat a lot, as it helps replenish lost fluids.
The watermelon or water melon, other names with which the "watermelon is known, is an excellent ally in the fight against cholesterol, finally managing to prevent hypertension.

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Can you lose weight by eating watermelon? Here are its properties and benefits

Watermelon is the fruit of summer par excellence also because thanks to its red and juicy pulp, it helps fight heat and dehydration. Rich in water, vitamins and minerals, it also contains vitamins A, B and C which protect the skin from the sun's rays. The red color is due to the presence of carotenoids, antioxidant substances that fight free radicals.

This fruit has characteristics similar to those of tomatoes: it contains lycopene useful for protecting the eyes, with anticancer properties. It is an excellent food for strengthening the immune system, finally, according to recent studies, citrulline, a substance capable of promoting vasodilation, would be useful in case of erectile dysfunction, acting on the small blood vessels.

Finally, the pulp of the watermelon boasts among its properties, a "refreshing and moisturizing action, which is why, if mixed with milk and lemon juice, it is possible to create soothing and calming home-made creams. Using only the juice," instead, and by mixing it with clay, you can try your hand at creating a DIY face mask, refreshing like after sun.

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Does watermelon make you fat? Let's dispel the myth

In nature there are no foods that can perform the miracle and make you lose weight. For our health, therefore, it is always good to follow a balanced diet, specifically designed for our needs and our body type.

Basically, we can say that watermelon has few calories so it is also a recommended food for those who follow a low-calorie diet and no, it does not make you fat! Thanks to its sweet and fresh taste it can give a lot of satisfaction satisfying the desire for sweet that we often axle.

It should never be consumed at the end of a meal, especially if it was very abundant: the high percentage of water it contains limits the action of gastric juices, making the digestive process even longer and more tiring.

Better to opt for watermelon as a mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack: it will effectively eliminate the sense of hunger without weighing it down. The potassium and vitamin C contained in watermelon will also have a diuretic and draining effect, useful in case of cellulite or pathologies of the circulatory system.

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How much watermelon to eat in a day?

After having seen all the properties and benefits of watermelon up close, it is legitimate to ask: how much watermelon can you eat in a day? Despite the few calories, the rule is not to overdo the quantities.

  • You can have a slice of watermelon for breakfast to start the day with a burst of energy and freshness. In this case it is better to combine protein foods or foods with a low glycemic index; example: a slice of wholemeal bread with oil and tomato.
  • Watermelon is also suitable as an evening snack, as it reconciles a night's rest thanks to the slow release of serotonin.
  • The only aspect of watermelon to pay attention to is the high glycemic index, so this fruit is not recommended for diabetics, unless it is inserted in the right doses, within a low glycemic index meal, which provide a good dose of vegetables and proteins.
  • Even if you suffer from abdominal bloating you will have to pay attention to the consumption of watermelon, eating watermelon always in association with protein foods and with a low glycemic index.

You could also eat watermelon every day, but due to the sugar content, you have to pay attention to the quantity. The standard portion includes about 200 grams of watermelon, for a satiating and satisfying snack.

You can also eat watermelon seeds, they are rich in fiber and offer numerous benefits, but pay attention to their laxative effect, always try not to overdo the quantities.

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Eat only watermelon? Here's why you should avoid

With the arrival of summer we all want to lose those extra pounds put on during the winter, and we often find ourselves searching the web for quick and effective ways to achieve our goal. An example is the watermelon diet, which regularly returns to the fore in the spring months. It is a completely unbalanced diet that involves eating only watermelon for 3 to 5 days to lose up to 5 kilos in a week.

Although fresh fruit is a precious ally to keep the body hydrated by naturally integrating the precious mineral salts lost with sweating, you cannot think of eliminating all other foods and eating only watermelon for almost a week. In fact, our body needs a great variety of macro and micronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants ... this is why watermelon can never be the only source of nutrition.

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