Navel piercing infection: hygiene, professional piercer and hypoallergenic material to avoid complications

To pierce in English means to pierce. Both tattoos and other types of body piercings have a decorative or ritual purpose. The one at the navel, in addition to creating a beautiful "aesthetic effect, is more charged with sensuality than other types of piercings. There are many factors that can lead your new piercing to become infected. Surely adopting a" scrupulous hygiene is a "great way to keep bacteria away Watch the video and discover all the secrets of proper hygiene.

The navel piercing: from a sign of royalty to a sensual message!

The navel is a very seductive part of the woman's body for men. In belly dance the dancers decorate it with jewels and it is a fundamental sexy area of ​​their pelvis movement, which attracts the gaze of the spectators. Even the sari of Indian women shows the navel. The erotic meaning of the navel is ancient. Onfalos in ancient Greek has the meaning of navel and Onfale, queen of Lydia, loved by Heracles, who by the will of the oracle of Delphi became his slave, was an expert seductress. The navel piercing was also widespread in ancient Egypt. as a sign of royalty and nobility. In the "70s this area of ​​the female body was brought to the fore by Carrà, who performed on TV with the" navel in full view. In the "90s it became fashionable, when it was exhibited in London during a fashion show by a beautiful model. In short, it has become a new icon of sensuality, probably timeless, especially the banana type. And there are many movie and song stars who exhibit it as a symbol of fascination and sexual attraction. According to some experts, the navel recalls other erogenous zones as it forms, its exposure also symbolizes fertility and the ability to generate. The belly suggests the idea of ​​pregnancy, of the sensual and procreative female woman. Among some ethnic groups, the navel piercing indicates belonging to a certain social class, so its meaning is between the spiritual and the tribal.

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Earring infection: hygiene and constant care to avoid it

Tattoo infection: a complication to avoid

Tongue piercing: what you should know before doing it

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Various types of navel piercings, techniques and precautions

The most requested navel piercing is the Navel Piercing: it is performed by the piercer vertically from top to bottom. If there is no fold above the navel suitable for perforation, Navel piercing may not be an appropriate choice, as its application may be rejected. Instead, with the AntiNavel Piercing, also vertical, the navel is pierced from below. Therefore, the shape of the navel is very important and the choice of the piercing in this area depends a lot on the skin available for perforation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully decide with the piercer which technique is most suitable for the shape of the navel. The Double Navel Piercing is a combination of the two types of piercings mentioned above, as it involves drilling the navel vertically both above and below it. The lateral one pierces the skin horizontally from the right side of the navel or from the one. on the left. Combining, instead, Navel, Antinavel and lateral Navel with a cross design we have the Multi Navel Piercing. With the Horizontal Navel Piercing we have a perforation on the side, above and below the navel; it is a superficial piercing like the bridge piercing on the nose bridge.This is a very particular treatment, it requires an expert and professional piercer and a lot of attention and prudence in the period following the perforation by those who undergo this piercing.Many piercers apply local anesthetics or recommend anti-inflammatories for pain relief. The area where the piercing is performed should always be treated with an antibacterial disinfectant before application. The hole is made with forceps. A needle with a sterile cannula is inserted into the skin. The tube, ring or bar is removed. they find their home. All in a few seconds. If hygiene is not taken into account, infections, even quite serious ones, can occur, with cosmetic damage. For example, rejection could leave very noticeable scars. The pain that is felt during the navel piercing is not strong, it is a kind of pinch on the skin (obviously everyone has a more or less high pain threshold). However, it is always advisable to contact an authorized center, in a perfectly sanitized environment and with serious and scrupulous professionals. A couple of days after application, the treated area may swell and redden and pain may also be felt. Before 3 months, the hypoallergenic piercing should not be replaced with a jewel; you must avoid swimming in the sea or in the pool, in order not to cause inflammation with bacteria and chlorine and not to tease the perforation, not to scratch the crusts that may form and sanitize your hands before touching the piercing area.

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The Navel Piercing: healing, side effects and infections

Healing in these cases depends on various factors, from the client's skin, whether it is too sensitive or resistant to treatment, to its ability to heal, but usually the wound heals completely in six months or a year. To facilitate healing and not run the risk of not only inflammation, but even infections, it is necessary to keep the area clean, sanitizing it twice a day with a saline solution using a sterile gauze, at least for the first months, do not handle the jewel without wash your hands thoroughly and always touch it with the utmost delicacy. In fact, there is also a risk of causing lacerations with careless movements or heavy impacts, due to which the jewel can also move from its initial position. In addition, there is always the possibility of rejection. If the redness, the sensation of heat and the swelling in the piercing area increase, it will be essential to get checked by a doctor. Among the various complications could arise in addition to pain and swelling , also blisters, itching and swollen lymph nodes in the abdomen. Infections can occur with all types of piercings, due to lack of hygiene or unsuitable needles that can spread pathogens into the blood, causing pustules and abscesses. Beware of allergies, especially nickel. If you are already allergic, opt for non-allergenic metals. The best choice is gold and silver piercings, which usually do not lead to severe allergies. Allergic reactions cause papules, eczema and hives. Permanent scars and cysts may remain. subcutaneous. The risk of an "infection increases especially if you suffer from pathologies that easily lead to bleeding or if those who undergo poses to the piercing is easily prone to infections, for example diabetics, heart patients or immunosuppressed. Body piercing is also not recommended for those who take antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, immunosuppressants and cortisones and for those who are pregnant, body piercing is not recommended, even if some expectant women decide for flexible bars, which adapt to the growth of the belly. A choice that is perplexing, as even a minimal infection would lead to the consumption of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs that are harmful to a pregnant woman.

See also: Belly Belly. Beauty creams in pregnancy

Belly beautiful!

How to cure an infection: pharmacy remedies and doctor's advice for more delicate infections

If there are symptoms of pain, severe skin redness, swelling, pus or bleeding, the piercing may have become infected either due to the incompetence of the operator, who did not use perfectly sterile gloves or needles, or to have been performed in one place. not properly sanitized. Do not hesitate to treat the infection immediately, initially cleaning the part with soap and water. The piercing must be cleaned in these cases at least twice a day with the saline solution, applicable with cotton wool or with a cotton swab. An antibiotic ointment should be passed on the inflamed part. If the drug causes irritation, it could be an allergic reaction to its components and should be discontinued. Cold compresses can also be applied to the swelling, but not ice in contact with the skin, as it could cause burns. You can also repeat the same cleaning done immediately after applying the piercing, but if the infection persists, the intervention of a doctor is required, who may also prescribe an oral antibiotic in case of fever, chills and nausea. Since hands are one of the main causes of infections, wash them thoroughly and thoroughly before touching the piercing. It is not recommended to wear clothes that are too tight or pants that can rub the piercing or zippers that can tear it. Avoid swimming pools, whirlpools and gyms at least for the first few days, as being places full of moisture and bacteria, these could be more easily absorbed by a wound that is still fresh like that of the piercing. A little inflammation and a little pain is normal in the area for a few days, but beyond five days it is most likely an infection that should not be underestimated.

It is not advisable to remove the jewel in case of infection, without listening to the doctor's opinion, as the wound could close and cause an infection that is more internal and laborious to treat. Moreover, afterwards it will still be difficult to be able to put it back in its place without resorting to the piercer. On the market, however, there are also fake piercings, pretty rhinestones of various shapes, which can be attached to the navel with glue for eyelashes, or for nails and for actors.

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