What are skin blemishes and how to fight them?

Skin blemishes are a common problem for many women. These are skin imperfections due to different causes, which often combine together, and which do not allow us to show off a toned, smooth and, above all, healthy skin.

Among the most well-known skin imperfections there are certainly acne, wrinkles, stretch marks and the notorious cellulite, which always presents itself with the orange peel effect, that infamous pitted appearance of the skin. This imperfection, however, although it appears so evident on the surface, affects the underlying connective tissue. At that level, in fact, accumulations of fat are created with a relative increase in the volume of fat cells.

The areas most affected by blemishes related to cellulite problems - you know it well - are the thighs, hips and buttocks. The alteration of the skin tissue due, as we have said, to the increase in the volume of fat cells, leads to the accumulation of liquids, from which problems of circulation and water retention arise.

The severity of the imperfections depends on the type of cellulite: if it is edematous it will be less evident, if it is fibrous it will manifest itself with small nodules in the adipose tissue, if sclerotic with larger and more painful nodules. Finally, if it is cellulite in the fourth stage, you will suffer from circulation problems and your skin will have the classic "mattress" appearance.

How to fight skin blemishes then? Here are the 5 essential remedies!

1. Fight skin blemishes with physical activity!

To prevent and fight skin blemishes, movement is essential. Physical activity, in fact, promotes circulation and, in this way, prevents the stagnation of liquids in the tissues, thus making your skin more toned and smooth.

Practicing movement consistently is important: regularity is to be preferred over quantity! A first step, if you are a sedentary person, could be to walk to work, or in any case try to walk as much as possible, avoiding cars and vehicles. A run or a brisk walk of at least half an hour a day is a real cure-all against orange peel skin, try it!

If, on the other hand, you have the possibility to choose a real sporting activity, swimming (and water sports in general) are recommended to combat skin imperfections. The water, in fact, offers the skin a draining massage that promotes circulation and improves the elasticity of the skin, eliminating toxins.

Don't have enough time to go to the pool or gym? Here are some exercises you can do comfortably at home! And remember, the important thing is to be constant, to carry out a prolonged activity over time and at low intensity (especially if you are not trained), in order to favor tissue drainage.

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2. Hydration is essential against skin blemishes

Since one of the primary causes of skin blemishes is water retention, it goes without saying that the simplest and most necessary way to combat them is to drink, drink and drink. The water promotes circulation and avoids stagnation in the tissues, oxygenating and purifying our skin.

The recommended amount of water is 1.5 liters per day (even better if you get to 2 liters!). Obviously, carbonated and sugary drinks must be excluded, even those in the light or zero version: among their ingredients (not always healthy) there are some that favor the accumulation of fat in the tissues. Not even alcohol, a source of dehydration for the our skin!

Instead, you can combine natural water with anti-cellulite herbal teas: if consumed regularly they have an excellent draining effect! Among those most suitable for those with skin blemishes problems are the birch and fennel tea (ideal against fluid retention and for a deflating effect), the red vine one (which acts directly on the capillaries stabilizing the collagen fibers and the elastin) and the horsetail one, with a truly surprising effect in case of stubborn cellulite.

3. Take care of your nutrition

Having a "healthy and balanced diet" is of fundamental importance to prevent and combat skin blemishes. If you do not take fiber, but sugars and fats, it is normal for them to accumulate under the skin, favoring the accumulation of lipids and liquids .

What to consume then to avoid skin problems? First of all, as we have said, away with sugars and fats: therefore, no to sweets, fried foods and sausages. Not even to excess salt, the primary cause of water retention that leads to the formation of cellulite! You can always replace it with spices: some of them - such as ginger or turmeric - have a stimulating and energetic power for the body, with positive consequences also on the skin.

Extra virgin olive oil is good for you, if consumed raw and not in excessive quantities: always prefer it to butter for cooking, opting if possible for grilling or steaming. Yes also to fish and white meats (they help to burn the fats), as well as legumes, whose iron promotes blood circulation.

Ok also to foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin P such as kiwifruit and red fruits, also allies of circulation, as well as foods that contain potassium (see bananas and dried fruit). Here are some suggestions of excellent foods to choose for their detoxifying power:

See also: Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

© iStock Detox foods: foods for the detox diet

4. Choose a localized and specific treatment for skin blemishes

Nutrition, hydration and physical activity are very important to prevent and fight skin blemishes, but they are certainly not enough: it will be essential to combine a healthy lifestyle with the use of specific products that can ensure a localized treatment.

The specific products against blemishes have the advantage and the unique ability to act in a targeted manner, focusing on the areas affected by the problem. A really good cream can help you reduce cellulite and at the same time counteract its reappearance.

Generally these are cream treatments that must be massaged with circular movements until absorbed and that must be used with a certain consistency in the manner indicated.

5. Adopt good daily habits

Finally, there are some small tricks and daily habits that can help you prevent skin blemishes and that only require a little attention. For example: check your posture. If you keep your legs crossed for too long, you can create circulation problems, favoring the development of cellulite! Always try to get up and take a walk every now and then, even if you are in the office.

Circulation can also be impaired by clothing that is too tight, leading to compression of blood vessels. So opt for pants that are not too tight, not constricting! And don't always wear heels, especially if they are high: water retention problems on ankles and calves increase.

Just as it will only do you good to avoid alcohol excesses, we advise you to stop smoking immediately: smoking removes tone from the skin, causes water retention and accentuates imperfections. In addition to everything else.

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