Rice makes you fat: false myth or incredible truth?

Rice is in second place, after wheat, among the most consumed and appreciated cereals in the world. Much of this success is due to its versatility: the infinite varieties available on the market allow rice to be used for both hot and cold, summer and winter dishes such as risottos, salads and much more. Is it suitable for those on a low calorie diet? According to the rice diet we talk about in this video, it seems so ...

Characteristics and nutritional values ​​of rice

Oryza sativa is the scientific name for rice, which belongs to the family of Grasses. It is a cereal known since ancient times, perhaps the first to still be used in wheat.

There are many varieties on the market: basmati rice, black rice, classic white rice, red rice etc ... just think that only in Italy about fifty varieties are grown, different from each other in shape and size of the grains, as well as in taste.

But is rice considered a calorie food? 100 g of rice provides about 332 calories as well as the following nutritional substances.

  • Water 12 g
  • Carbohydrates 80.4 g
  • Sugars 0.2 g
  • Protein 6.7 g
  • Fat 0.4 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g
  • Total fiber 1 g
  • Sodium 5 mg
  • Potassium 92 mg
  • Iron 0.8 mg
  • Calcium 24 mg
  • Phosphorus 94 mg
  • Vitamin B1 0.11 mg
  • Vitamin B2 0.03 mg
  • Vitamin B3 1.3 mg

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Beneficial properties of rice

What makes rice a cereal so appreciated and consumed almost everywhere, is its being gluten-free, therefore suitable for celiacs, and at the same time rich in starch, but low in sodium. Let's see the main beneficial properties:

  • detoxifying action for the whole organism;
  • diuretic properties useful for fighting kidney disease or hypertension;
  • astringent function useful in case of diarrhea;
  • the integral type facilitates the absorption of sugars thanks to the presence of fibers;
  • it is more satisfying than pasta because, once cooked, it increases in volume;

Rice makes you fat: true or false?

Rice is suitable for the preparation of many recipes, but often the doubt of those who follow a low-calorie diet is linked to the fact that this food can promote weight gain. Let's try to understand something more.

Many believe that rice makes you fat more than pasta, but in reality pasta from a nutritional point of view is more caloric and rich in lipids and proteins. On the contrary, rice is more digestible and with a higher satiety index, which is why we often hear that it is "lighter" than pasta.

It should be noted that no food makes you fat especially if taken in the right quantities. This rule also applies to rice, so we can answer the main question of this article: rice does not make you fat, and indeed is good for your health!
In general, some beliefs related to the consumption of carbohydrates at dinner, attribute the blame for weight gain: as in all things, it is the quantities that make the difference. The excesses are always unhealthy, but beyond that it will be fundamental it is important to choose the right cooking method, the most suitable culinary combinations We will be able to enjoy our rice without any kind of guilt.

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Which rice to eat for weight loss and weight loss?

So far we have seen all the benefits of rice, but now let's try to understand how to use it in the kitchen. The first step is to choose a good rice, since there are different qualities, the choice is not always easy. Here's how to find your way.

White rice is the most commonly used, it has a high glycemic index especially when consumed as white rice, without adding any seasoning. Eaten often and in large quantities could affect your diet. In reality, if you are trying to lose weight you do not have to give up this type of rice, just a few small tricks will be enough to consume it without causing damage. Accompany your portion of rice with sautéed vegetables (fiber) and a homemade pesto (fat): in this way you will have created a simple, balanced and tasty dish.

Brown rice is the type of unrefined rice, very rich in fibers that also give it the characteristic amber color. The fibers contained in brown rice help to keep intact the well-being of the intestinal tract, moreover, it is ideal as a food in slimming diets since it gives a greater sense of satiety that lasts in the hours after the meal. If you have eaten brown rice, the the release of sugars in the blood will be very slow, in this way there will be no insulin spikes, especially if we combine fiber (vegetables).

Basmati rice stands out from the others for its thin and elongated grains that remain firm and separate even after cooking. It has an unparalleled taste and scent, and a very low glycemic index that makes it perfect for those who are trying to lose weight. The fat content is very low, and finally, basmati is a highly digestible rice that immediately makes you feel full for a long time even with a small ration.

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How much rice to eat per day?

How much rice should you eat to benefit from its properties without gaining weight? How many times a week can we include it in our low calorie diet? The amount of rice to eat per day varies according to the food needs of the individual, also in relation to sex, age, weight and lifestyle. As a general guide, we could focus on 60-70g of rice per single serving. If you are following a low-calorie diet that aims to lose weight, the advice is to include rice in the weekly menus about 3 or 4 times a week. All this is very subjective, we recommend that you ask your nutritionist for advice.

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Rice-based foods: what they are and what benefits they bring

To exploit the benefits and properties of rice, there are some foods on the market that are produced precisely from the famous cereal. Just think of puffed rice or rice milk, two common foods especially for breakfast.

Puffed rice can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made, taking care to choose a product with no added sugars. The ideal is to enjoy it in the morning in milk or yogurt, from a nutritional point of view it is like the classic rice in grains. For a tasty version you can mix puffed rice with dark chocolate, thus obtaining excellent bars also as afternoon snacks.

Rice milk is an ideal drink for those who are lactose intolerant. Low in sodium, cholesterol-free and naturally sweet, it is very digestible and perfect to alternate with classic cow's milk. It has a lack of micronutrient content, that's why before you start drinking it regularly, check with your nutritionist.

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