Popsicles against nausea

Unfortunately, nausea and vomiting affect 70% of women between the sixth and eighth week of gestation: Lillipops helps relieve these annoying problems, reducing nausea by up to 95% (according to a clinical trial conducted by the AGOI - Association of Gynecologists Italian Hospitallers).

Popsicles are made with natural ingredients, contain no artificial colors and flavors, are sugar and gluten free, and are low in calories.
Each pack of Lillipops contains five different flavors: the revitalizing lemon and mint, the energizing lime and vanilla, the calming version with chamomile and orange, the soothing ginger flavor and the refreshing grapefruit and mandarin.

Lillipops can be found in pharmacies, at a recommended price of € 7.50 for the pack of 10 popsicles and € 12.90 for the pack of 20.

See also

Nausea in pregnancy: when it starts, when it ends and the remedies to fight it!

Steiner school: pros and cons of this educational method

Car weaning: here are the pros and cons for the baby


See also:

    • The epidural becomes a right
    • The evolution of the child in pregnancy
    • Pregnancy: the myths about nutrition to dispel
    • Vegan nutrition. Possible choice during pregnancy?

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