Gestosis: what is it and what are the causes of this disorder in pregnancy

Gestosis is a condition that can occur around the 20th week of pregnancy. Often, the main cause behind this disorder is pregnancy hypertension, as well as the presence of protein in the urine. Gestosis is also called preeclampsia and affects the placenta causing damage to both the expectant mother and the baby. But what exactly does it consist of. gestosis, and what are the causes and above all how can it be remedied?

What is gestosis?

In Europe gestosis during pregnancy occurs in rare loved ones, but if we consider that the average age of women who decide to have a child has increased, together with factors such as obesity and the greater frequency of chronic diseases such as diabetes, unfortunately the frequency of preeclampsia could be increasing in the coming years.
The main cause of gestosis is, as we said, "hypertension in pregnancy. Even if in some cases it does not cause particular problems for mother and child, this condition must be kept under strict medical supervision, because it is potentially dangerous for the health of the woman and the child. fetus. Preeclampsia is in fact an "initial" phase of the "eclampsia, which has as a frequent symptom epileptic seizures in the pregnant woman, potentially lethal. In some cases, hypertension can carry certain risks such as placental abruption.
In all these cases, early diagnosis is essential, but at the same time the woman must be informed and aware of the first signs and symptoms that should not be underestimated. Let's see what they are.

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Symptoms of preeclampsia

The first signs of gestosis usually appear no earlier than the twentieth week of pregnancy. Before this period it is difficult for anything to manifest itself. Obviously the frequency of the disorder increases with the continuation of the pregnancy, becoming very probable towards the end. In rare cases, gestosis can also occur in the first six weeks after childbirth.
In most cases, the initial symptoms are very mild and include:

  • tremor in the hands
  • bone pain
  • headache
  • blurred vision
  • nausea and vomit
  • pain in the liver
  • excessive weight gain (over 5 pounds in a week)

If these disorders appear, it will be of fundamental importance to inform the doctor immediately, even if most of the time preeclampsia will not cause other problems. Immediately after delivery, conditions will improve, but the risk of serious complications, both for the mother and for the baby, remains.

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Gestosis: the main causes and symptoms not to be overlooked

The causes of gestosis are diverse, and symptoms of the disorder are likely to occur mainly for:

  • women with hypertension prior to pregnancy
  • women who have already been pregnant with hypertension or preeclampsia
  • obese women already before pregnancy
  • women with diabetes or kidney problems
  • twin pregnant women

Symptoms of gestosis are mainly:

  • high blood pressure
  • increased protein in the urine
  • frequent headaches
  • blurred vision
  • abdominal pain

These are the same symptoms as hypertension, as it is obvious to imagine, and must therefore be monitored continuously.

How is preeclampsia diagnosed?

Preeclampsia can occur without warning or occur in women who already have high blood pressure. This is why constant blood pressure monitoring and blood and urine tests play a fundamental role in identifying the problem. If your doctor has warned you of the dangers of gestosis in pregnancy, or if you are a subject at risk, remember to never underestimate any signal and get a valid device to do all the necessary monitoring.

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Gestosis in pregnancy: how is it treated?

Preeclampsia resolves spontaneously after childbirth, which is why often women who are subjected to it are kept under medical supervision until it is possible to deliver the baby. In case of suspicion of the disease, hospitalization can be resorted to for further analysis and necessary treatment.
If the doctor only finds high blood pressure without any other ailments, the patient can go home, committing to never skip checkups on a daily basis.
If, on the other hand, the diagnosis of gestosis is confirmed, some useful tests will be carried out to safeguard the mother and child. Here are what they are:

  • detection of protein in the urine
  • blood tests to check kidney and liver function
  • blood pressure monitoring
  • frequent ultrasound scans to check that the baby's development and growth are proceeding regularly, also and above all according to the week and month of pregnancy.

Dos and don'ts if you have preeclampsia:

  • A slight alternating motion with rest phases is recommended.
  • Treatment for high blood pressure can only be started if the values ​​have increased slightly and if the doctor deems it appropriate.
  • However, vaginal delivery for mothers with gestosis remains the first choice.
  • In all cases of severe preeclampsia, immediate delivery is recommended after stabilizing the mother's condition, regardless of the week of pregnancy.
  • Even after giving birth, the woman will need to keep her blood pressure under control and continue taking antihypertensive drugs for a few weeks.

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Nutrition and movement to combat gestosis in pregnancy

Gestosis is treated, on the advice of the gynecologist, with drugs to lower blood pressure, but also daily habits can help keep pressure at bay and avoid further problems. What to eat then? It is necessary to prefer balanced and low-calorie foods, with little salt. You need to get a lot of fiber, through fruits and vegetables, and a lot of water. Avoid alcohol and smoking, of course, and foods that are too fatty. In general, it is useful to follow the good rules of nutrition during pregnancy. As for daily habits, it is a good idea to do sport even during pregnancy, to lower high blood pressure, even with long walks.

Tags:  Parenthood Marriage Love-E-Psychology