Phrases about the mountains: quotes and aphorisms from climbers and high altitude lovers

Being in the open air is very good for our organism: the mind relaxes and the body reactivates. Taking a holiday in the mountains is a "golden opportunity" to take great breaths of fresh air and breathe deeply. some walks in the woods, even better if combined with some stretching and toning exercises. Include a themed exercise in the workout, the mountain climber!

The mountain quotes not to be missed

If you are a lover of rocky landscapes and nature, high-altitude contexts are just the perfect place for you.
The mountains have a unique charm that never ceases to strike: they are majestic and at the same time lonely and reaching their peaks is a "once in a lifetime experience".
The hills are also the ideal place for those who want to switch off, in fact they are much loved by those who work in the frenzy of the city and want to get away from the chaos for a few days.
There are many beautiful phrases that you cannot miss if you like the mountains! Here you will find a selection of the best known themed quotes conceived and written by great climbers and mountaineers such as Walter Bonatti, Mauro Corona, and Messner.

The mountain is not just snow and cliffs, ridges, streams, lakes, pastures. The mountain is a way of living life. One step ahead of the other, silence, time and measure.
(Paolo Cognetti)

You can't go anywhere from the top, you can only go down.
(Mauro Corona)

The mountains were born for the blows that the Earth has always given against Heaven in an attempt to emulate it.
(Genghis Kahn)

Now we are in the mountains and the mountains are within us.
(John Muir)

I do not carry flags on the mountains: on the peaks I never leave anything, except, for a very short time, my footsteps that the wind soon erases.
(Reinhold Messner)

The Mountains are mute masters and make silent disciples.
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

On the highest peaks you realize that snow, sky and gold have the same value.
(Boris Vian)

The great mountains have the value of the men who climb them, otherwise they would be nothing more than a pile of stones.
(Walter Bonatti)

When I look at the mountains I have the feelings of the mountains inside me: I feel them, like Beethoven who heard the sounds in his head when he was deaf and composed the Ninth Symphony. The rocks, the walls and the climbs are a work of art.
(Reinhold Messner)

The mountains are the great cathedrals of the earth, with their portals of rock, the mosaics of clouds, the choirs of streams, the altars of snow, the vaults of purple glittering with stars.
(John Ruskin)

Thousands of tired, stressed and overly "civilized" people are beginning to understand that going to the mountains is going home and that unspoiled nature is not a luxury but a necessity.
(John Muir)

phrases about the mountain: Paolo Cognetti

Beautiful aphorisms about mountaineering

When you spend some time in the mountains it is impossible not to stop and reflect on yourself, especially if you are hiking. Mountaineering is a very common practice among those who are at the top, amateurs and professionals in the sector who interpret the fatigue of the route as a sort of inner enrichment. Mountaineering is a unique experience, to be lived to the full.
As with the beauty of the mountains, many thoughts have also been written about the concept of mountaineering; some real metaphors to think about the meaning of life; read the most thoughtful and exciting aphorisms about mountaineering below.

I ask a climb not only the difficulties but a beauty of lines.
(Walter Bonatti)

Nobody sees them, the climbers, when they are suspended above the abyss, in the boundless silence, engaged in a reckless fight; when, surprised by the night, they crouch freezing on a slender terrace, to wait for the sun to return and the fight can begin again.
(Dino Buzzati)

When men and mountains meet, great things happen.
(William Blake)

In truth it can be said that the outside of a mountain is good for the inside of a man.
(George Wherry)

Every road followed precisely to its end leads to nowhere. Climb a mountain just a little, to verify that it is a mountain. From the top of a mountain you cannot see that it is a mountain.
(Frank Herbert)

At the top of each peak you are on the edge of an abyss.
(Stanislaw Jerzy Lec)

A peak reached is the border between the finite and the immense.
(Erri de Luca)

The higher he climbs, the farther he sees; the farther he sees, the longer he dreams.
(Felice Bonaiti)

There is, as some theorize, the modern, ancient or future climb. There is only climbing, and as such it is only a means conveniently adapted to one's ethics to achieve one's aspirations.
(Walter Bonatti)

A plain country as beautiful as it is, it never was in my eyes. I need streams, rocks, wild pines, black woods, mountains, steep steep paths to climb and descend, surrounding precipices that instill a lot of fear.
(Jean-Jacques Rosseau)

Never measure the height of the mountain before reaching the top. Then you will see how low it was.
(Dag Hammarskjöld)

From me, alone, only with my soul, with the ice ax of cerulean steel, on slow, on yearning, on forever; despising you, or frost!
And I go up again, by myself, making myself the ladder, tacitly, assiduously; in the frost that I break, digging out the end and the means.
(Giovanni Pascoli)

Mountaineering is an exhausting activity. One climbs, climbs, climbs higher and higher, and never reaches the destination. Perhaps this is the most fascinating aspect. One is constantly looking for something that will never be achieved.
(Hermann Buhl)

phrases about the mountain: William Blake

Phrases about the mountain in English (with translation)

You go to the mountains for different reasons, some to breathe some fresh air and some to climb a peak admiring fantastic landscapes. No matter the motivation that drives you to go to high altitude, the mountain always gives unique emotions! Here are some English phrases (with translation) that convey very well the magnificence of the mountain, of nature and its relationship with man.

The mountains are calling and I must go.
The mountains are calling and I have to go.
(John Muir)

As swift as wind, as gentle as forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as mountain.
Fast as the wind, as gentle as the forest, as fierce as fire, as unshakable as the mountain.
(Sun Tzu)

What are men to rocks and mountains?
What are men compared to rocks and mountains?
(Jane Austen)

It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand in your shoe.
It is not the mountain in front of you that wears you out; is the grain of sand in your shoe.
(Robert W. Service)

You are not in the mountains. The mountains are in you.
You are not in the mountains. It is the mountain that is in you.
(John Muir)

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but happiness and growth lie in the path of climbing it.

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.
He who climbs the highest mountains laughs at all tragedies, real or imaginary.
(Friedrich Neitszche)

It is not the mountains that we conquer, but ourselves.
It is not the mountains that we conquer, but ourselves.
(Edmund Hillary)

Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountains.
Our peace will be as firm as rocky mountains.
(William Shakespeare)

The mountains, the forest, and the sea, render men savage; they develop the fierce, but yet do not destroy the human.
The mountains, the forest and the sea make men wild; they develop the ferocious, but they do not destroy the human.
(Victor Hugo)

After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.
Only after climbing a large mountain do you discover that there are many other mountains to climb.
(Nelson Mandela)

See also: Holidays in the mountains: activities and places to discover in Trentino

© Apt Val di Non - D. Marini Holidays in the mountains: activities and places to discover in Trentino - Castel Thun, Val di Non

Hike more. Worry Less.
Walk more. Worry less.

Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery.
The mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenarios.
(John Ruskin)

You want to climb the mountain because it's there and you know you can do it.
You want to climb the mountain because it is there and you know you can do it.
(Alex Zanardi)

The best view comes after the hardest climb.
The best view comes after the hardest climb.

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
Only those who risk going too far will have a chance to find out how far they can go.
(Thomas Stearns Eliot)

The cliche is that life is a mountain. You go up, reach the top and then go down.
The cliché is that life is like a mountain. Go up, reach the top and then go down.
(Jeanne Moreau)

Whoever aspires to the heights and wants to fly must cast off much that is heavy and make himself light - I call it a divine capacity for lightness.
Those who aspire to the heights and want to fly must get rid of all that is heavy and become light: I call it a divine capacity for lightness.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain.
Eventually you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing the lawn. Climb that damn mountain.
(Jack Kerouac)

All good things are wild and free.
All good things are wild and free.

You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!
You're going to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting for you, so… go your own way!
(Dr. Seuss)

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
The man who moves a mountain begins by moving small stones.

Whose sunbright summit mingles with the sky.
Their sunlit top blends with the sky.
(Thomas Campbell)

And into the mountains I go to lose my mind and find my soul.
And in the mountains I go to lose my mind and find my soul.

The mountain remains unmoved at seeming defeat by the mist.
The mountain remains indifferent to the apparent defeat with the fog.
(Rabindranath Tagore)

phrases about the mountain: in English

Calming and reflective thoughts on the mountain

There are words that calm the senses and soothe inner restlessness, just like the effect of the hills and peaks, which make us feel small in their boundless silence. mountain itself is in some way a refuge for the soul, especially for those looking for answers that cannot find in the daily frenzy. Here are some reflective examples on the concept of majesty and high altitude environments.

The color of the mountains is the body of Buddha; the sound of running water is his great speech.

If you are looking for angels or on the run from demons, go to the mountains.
(Jeffrey Rasley)

When you go to the mountains you become theologians of the wind, of the leaves, of the sky. In each stone you can recognize the same vein of light that the universe is made of.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

I go to the mountains more for fear of not living than for fear of dying.
(Ada Gobetti)

He dreamed of rocks, open spaces and sky overhead. Without it, it was sad.
(Mauro Corona)

No matter how loud the wind howls, a mountain cannot bow to it.
(Mulan, Disney)

Come back healthy, come back friends, get to the top: in this precise order.
(Roger Baxter Jones)

Only the mountain, the gorge, the pass and the stream can access the pantheon of travel, undoubtedly to the extent that they seem to support a moral of effort and solitude.
(Roland Barthes)

The mountain taught me not to cheat, to be honest with myself and what I was doing. If practiced in a certain way it is undoubtedly a hard school, sometimes even cruel, but sincere as it does not always happen in everyday life.
(Walter Bonatti)

Up here I don't live in me, but I become a part of what surrounds me. High mountains are a feeling for me.
(Lord Byron)

On the mountain we feel the joy of living, the emotion of feeling good and the relief of forgetting earthly miseries. All this because we are closer to heaven.
(Emilio Comici)

Mountains are beautiful because they have emptiness around them. A void that scares us, perhaps because it reflects what we have inside.
(Mauro Corona)

Friendship in the mountains strengthens, becomes intense, but enmity and rivalry also exacerbates. [...] Up here where everything is more difficult, our gestures carry more weight, generosity is amazing, selfishness it's meaner. We can cover as much as we like, the mountain reveals us. We are more naked than downstream.
(Erri De Luca)

phrases about the mountain: Mauro Corona

Reflections inspired by high altitudes

The beauty of being in the mountains is that the sensations and discoveries made in contact with nature are not unique, but personal. Mountaineers, philosophers, poets and mountain guides have had different experiences and have drawn different conclusions; read their reflections on the topic.

There are no mountains of their own, you know, but there are their own experiences. Many others can climb mountains, but no one will ever be able to invade the experiences that are and remain ours.
(Walter Bonatti)

The world has two powerful voices: the voice of the sea and the voice of the mountain.
(William Wordsworth)

Be firm like the mountain; move like the great river.
(Lao Tzu)

In the mountains, the shortest route is from peak to peak: but for this you need to have long legs.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Those who crawl on the earth are not exposed to falling as easily as those who climb mountain tops.
(Søren Kierkegaard)

The mountains are my church.

Freedom is in the mountains! The world is perfect everywhere, except when man comes with his own torments.
(Friedrich Schiller)

Each of us has a favorite altitude in the mountains, a landscape that resembles him and where he feels good.
(Paolo Cognetti)

Determination says: I want. The man says: I will climb this mountain. They told me it is too high, too far, too steep, too rocky and too difficult. But it is my mountain. I will climb it. You will soon see me greeted from the top or dead to its hips in an attempt to do so.
(Jim Rohn)

It seemed to me that I was able to grasp the life of the mountain when man was not there. I did not disturb her, I was a welcome guest; then I knew again that in his company I would not feel alone.
(Paolo Cognetti)

Tell me what you like about the mountains.
I like the absolute simplicity, that's what I like. When you are climbing your mind is clear, free from any confusion: you are concentrated and, all of a sudden, the light becomes sharper, the sounds are richer and you are invaded from the deep, powerful presence of life.
(from the movie Seven Years in Tibet)

When you climb a mountain, what is in front of you has no perspective. What you leave behind, however, is the real landscape. The beauty.
(Vanessa Montfort)

Compared to meditation, mountains have a lot to teach, as significant archetypes in all cultures. Mountains are sacred places and humanity has always sought spiritual guidance and renewal there.
(Jon Kabat-Zinn)

But I must say that the mountain has given me what men, women and parents have not been able to give me. From the mountain I felt understood, listened to, worthy of attention.Sometimes even pushed, but always after being warned.
(Mauro Corona)

phrases about the mountain: Walter Bonatti

Aphorisms about the climb and the summit

Reaching the summit can be both a physical achievement, understood as the summit of the mountain, but also the point of arrival of a spiritual path or even as a metaphor for a professional career.
Thanks to the phrases on the tops that we have selected you can find new stimuli to try to achieve your goals, with the help of great men and women of the past and present.

Once we got to the top we turned around, and we were presented with a beautiful view. The splendidly clear atmosphere; the intense blue sky; the deep valleys; the wildly jagged profiles; the piles of debris accumulated over the centuries; the vividly colored rocks, contrasting with the quiet snow-capped mountains; all this together created a scenario that no one could have imagined.
(Charles Darwin)

The way to the top is like the way to yourself, lonely.
(Alessandro Gogna)

Climbing is not so much reaching the top, but rather everything in between.
(Lynn Hill)

Climbing is not about conquering mountains; the mountains remain motionless, it is we who are no longer the same after an adventure.
(Royal Robbins)

I have learned that everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness lies in the way of climbing the cliff.
(Johnny Welch)

The steps that lead to the top are exhausted and yet light, you are at the point of maximum wear of the body, of the maximum loss of weight, muscles and brain cells, you are at the hum of the hive in your body, a noise of fibers grasping between each other. they compact the fabrics: the top finally. It is the most certain of the limits on which you set your feet. I do not know what the day of the end of the sentence is for a prisoner, what the arrival of dawn is for a sick person, what the last word of his book is for a writer, but it must resemble the summit, the promise kept. to the little boy who screams in each of us.
(Erri De Luca)

Up there we experienced that almost inextricable bundle of particular feelings, which is usually called the sense of the summit. The external world, the interior and the cosmic interpenetrate each other.
(Eugene Guido Lammer)

I have learned so much from you, Men ... I have learned that everyone wants to live on the top of the mountain, not knowing that true happiness lies in how this mountain was climbed.
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Love is a soft embrace of sky and clouds on a summit reached with a festive heart.
(Bianca di Beaco)

My life has almost reached the top: one more step and the other side of the mountain will be visible. A strange omen warns me that in this one, admirable case, the next path will also be uphill.
(Roberto Morpurgo)

phrases about the mountain: Alessandro Gogna

Days in which the universe seems to find harmony and fate lets you touch the right peaks.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

It is strange, but each of us in our life touches a climax. Once reached, it can only go down. But no one knows where its apex is. The border line can appear suddenly, when you think you are still safe. Nobody knows.
(Haruki Murakami)

Man can climb the highest peaks; but it cannot stay there long.
(George Bernard Shaw)

People think there is not enough space at the top. They tend to think of it as some kind of Everest. My message is that there is a lot of space at the top.
(Margareth Thatcher)

It will not make it to the top. He's too busy not picking up whoever is under him.
(Dino Basili)

An idiot in an important place is like a man on top of a mountain: everything seems small to him and he looks small to everyone.
(Arthur Bloch, Maxim of Match, Murphy's Law)

The encounter with oneself is the highest peak to which man ascends.
(Carlos Saavedra Weise)

Even the struggle to the top is enough to fill a man's heart.
(Albert Camus)

You always want to stay on top, but the secret is knowing that when you are on top it's hard to stay in this profession, because your career floats all the time, up and down, like a pair of pants.
(Rod Stewart)

In life it is like on a swing: once you are at the top, once at the bottom, but you are always on the swing.
(Andrzej Majewski)

Like when you go to the mountains and look up and everything seems unreachable, but it is so beautiful that your head is spinning, you would like to close your eyes and live only on peaks and heights. This probably happens when you fall in love.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Crossing a desert is a spiritual exercise, climbing a peak a passionate exercise, getting lost in a forest an exercise in introspection
(Erika Martinez)

To get to the top of the mountain, sometimes we have to struggle with the icy winds that come from the glaciers, other times with the incessant rains, but we must continue the journey, otherwise we will never see the light of dawn.
(Romano Battaglia)

A peak reached is not enough. You have to go down it with tiredness at its peak, the emptying that comes from reaching the top. Going down is undoing the climb, undoing all the points where you have placed the steps. The descent is a cancellation
(Erri De Luca)

phrases about the mountain: George Bernard Shaw

Popular sayings about the mountain

We finish the selection of aphorisms, quotes and phrases about the mountain with some proverbs about the hills and the mountaineers who live there. Sometimes popular wisdom stirs souls like the footsteps of famous poets and philosophers!

Those who love you send you to the navy and those who love you badly send you to the mountains.

Mountains move with faith.

With patience the hunchback goes to the mountains.

Behind the mountain there is the china.

Where there are great mountains there are great valleys.

In the mountains, those who do not bring you do not magna.

The top of the mountain is closer to the valley than the valley is to the top of the mountain.

The most difficult mountain is the front door.

The mountains stand still and men walk (and sooner or later they meet).

Praise the mountain and keep to the plan.

Each mountain has its own valleys.

The mountains give birth and a mouse is born.

Step by step you cross the mountain.

When the sea is clear and the mountain is dark with rain you can be sure.

If the mountain does not go to Muhammad, Muhammad goes to the mountain.

Even the farmer is a jerk in front of the montanino.

Twelve judges, thirty-six notaries and a saint did not change a mountain man's mind.

Mountain people who lose it gains.

Montanini and aquatic people, courtesy and little practice.

A mountaineer who sleeps knows more than a devil who watches.

It is easier to divert the course of a river or to level a mountain than to change a man's soul.
(Chinese proverb)

Men meet and the mountains stand still.

The man who moves mountains begins by taking away the smallest stones.
(Chinese proverb)

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