Phrases about pregnancy: the most beautiful to dedicate to mothers

Bringing a child into the world is one of the most magical adventures that can happen in a woman's life. With these phrases about pregnancy and childbirth we want to celebrate the breathtaking journey that leads to the most important appointment in a woman's life. Pregnancy is a 9-month journey made up of great changes, transformations and conflicting emotions. Every woman experiences motherhood in her own way and there is never a "right" and a "wrong".

Quotes about pregnancy that make you think

No state is so similar to madness on the one hand, and to the divine on the other, as being pregnant. The mother is doubled, then divided in half and will never be whole again.
(Erica Jong)

If I went back, instead of looking forward to the nine months of pregnancy, I would have loved every moment of it, knowing that the wonderful thing that lived inside me was my only chance to collaborate with God in the realization of a miracle. .
(Erma Bombeck)

And suddenly the feeling of becoming a mother clung to her body like abundant and silent snow during the night.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

- How did you know I'm pregnant?
- The belly has not yet grown, but the children already shine in the eyes of mothers.
(José Saramago)

A baby is something that you carry inside of you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.

There is a power that enters women when they give birth. Women don't ask for it, they just get invaded. It accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through them, taking the child with it.
(Sheryl Feldman)

She had eyes that looked like no one had ever written a song for her.
So it was that the universe wrote him one that night
and gave her a baby as a gift.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Childbirth is the only blind date where you are sure that you will meet the love of your life.

The child begins in us long before it begins. There are pregnancies that last for years of hope, eternity of despair.
(Marina Tsvetaeva)

See also

Pacifier: practical tips for moms (and dads)

Growth milk: 5 answers to the questions that all mothers ask themselves

Ginger in pregnancy: here's how it can help expectant mothers

Pregnancy and being a mother: aphorisms to seal the moment

Childbirth is a change and it doesn't matter if you've already had eight babies. It is always a change the time another baby is born, because you are no longer the same woman you were before having that baby.
(Penny Handford)

Some stretch marks on the hips, some under the heavy, swollen breasts.
My body has changed, just like yours.
Just like a mother's body changes.
I'm not perfect, nobody is.
Don't think you are worse than anyone. You are splendid.
And we are all courageous, because we give life
it is always a gesture of great courage.
(Rosa Perrotta)

I have seven children. The three words I hear most in my house are "hello", "goodbye" and "I'm pregnant".
(Dean Martin)

I want to have children, but my friends scare me. One of them told me she had been in labor for thirty-six hours. I don't even want to do something pleasant for thirty-six hours!
(Rita Rudner)

I usually argue that pregnant women shouldn't read books on pregnancy and childbirth. Their time is too precious. Rather, they should look at the moon and sing for their baby in the womb.
(Michel Odent)

Now my belly is as noble as my heart.
(Gabriela Mistral)

A sailboat and a pregnant woman,
They are the two most beautiful things that can be seen.
(Benjamin Franklin)

A pregnant woman has the brightest face and always smiles. As if the baby were tickling her belly.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

When it is wide on the side a nice boy is born, when the belly is sharp it is certainly femininity.

We make pregnancy an occasion in which we appreciate our female bodies.
(Merete Leonhardt)

Attending births is like growing roses. I like to admire the ones that open and bloom at the first kiss of the sun, but I would never dream of pulling and opening the petals of the hermetically sealed buds and forcing them to bloom ahead of time.
(Gloria Lemay, midwife)

Nowadays there are also underwater parts. They say it is less traumatic for the child because it comes out in the water. I think it is probably less traumatic for the child, but certainly more traumatic for the other people in the pool
(Elayne Boosler)

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Quotes and phrases about pregnancy from famous people

You have this myth of being able to share the experience of childbirth with her. Unless you're expelling a bowling ball from your body, I don't believe it. Unless you get circumcised with a chainsaw, I don't believe it. Unless you open an umbrella up your ass, I don't believe it.
(Robin Williams)

Fatherhood also has its pregnancy.
(Anthony Burgess)

“Well, it doesn't look like me at all”.
(Cit. San Giuseppe)

Joseph went to register Jesus in the registry office, very embarrassed when the clerk asked: "Name of the father?".
(ItsCetty, Twitter)

Babies are fragments of stardust blown by the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of childbirth because she has a star inside her.
(Larry Barretto)

Pregnancy is a process that invites you to surrender to the invisible force that is hidden in life.
(Judy Ford)

I was born after midnight
a way like any other to get out of the house
(Aldina Di Stefano)

The only time a woman would like to be older than a year is when she is expecting a baby.
(Mary Marsh)

When I got pregnant with my son Orlando they took the part off me. But since then I got smart: I played Brigitte Bardot who was already pregnant. On the last day I said: "I'm pregnant, bye!", And I left.
(Laetitia Casta)

My wife and I wanted a child, but she couldn't get pregnant, and neither did I.

It is the usual law of opposites attracting each other. She was pregnant, and I wasn't.
(Daniele Luttazzi)

Never tell a woman a word that could even remotely make them think you think she is pregnant unless you see a baby emerging from her at that moment.
(Dave Barry)

There is a time to laugh and a time to cry. A time to rejoice and a time to suffer. A time to stay and a time to leave. But a maximum time to get pregnant. After that… bye.
(Luciana Littizzetto)

Childbirth amnesia: the condition that allows a woman who is past labor to have sex again.
(Joyce Armor)

Authors, writers and pregnancy: everyone brings their own contribution

Motherhood is not fatherhood. In motherhood the woman abandons her body to the child. And the children are on top of her as on a hill, as in a garden, they eat her, they beat her, they sleep on it and she lets herself be devoured and sometimes sleeps while they are on her. Nothing like this will ever happen in fatherhood.
(Marguerite Duras)

There are two things in life that we will never be prepared for: twins.
(Josh Billings)

It's not that bad to have twins. When one cries, one cannot hear the other
(Milton Berle)

Advice to expectant mothers: you must remember that when you are pregnant, you are eating for two. But you must also remember that the other person is more or less the size of a golf ball, so let's not exaggerate. In short, many pregnant women eat as if the other person they eat for was Orson Welles.
(Dave Barry)

Childbirth is painful. Fortunately, the woman holds the man's hand. So he suffers less.
(Pierre Desproges)

If you want to know the feeling of childbirth, just take your lower lip and pull it over your head.
(Carol Burnett)

They say men will never experience the pain of childbirth. They can ... if you hit them in the balls with a golf club for fourteen consecutive hours.
(Jo Brand)

My wife, God bless her, was in labor for thirty-two hours. And I've been faithful to her the whole time
(Jonathan Katz)

Women often welcome the benefits of painless childbirth with enthusiasm, without the slightest understanding that, by doing so, they renounce the experience of childbirth and the ecstasy of first contact with the child.
(Helene Deutsch)

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey: honor it with these phrases

The first birth is the greatest trauma to which the female organism is exposed; trauma as a result of which the woman tends to manifest all those neurotic symptoms which are latent in her disposition.
(Sigmund Freud)

I like the girl. She is beautiful, rich, young, cultured. In the ad you mentioned a small physical defect. What is it about?". "Is pregnant. Oh, but very little ”.
(Ennio Flaiano)

She - We will soon have a baby
Him - Are you kidding?
She - No, I will have a baby: the doctor told me ... it will be my Christmas present!
Him - But a tie was enough for me!
(Woody Allen)

Giving birth can be intense and magical and all but the act itself is not exactly pleasant, even if it is the beginning of something extraordinary, something new, something unpredictable, something true, something to love, something that you miss it, something that will change your life, forever.
(Meredith Gray)

I have a lazy ovary and he only has one ball ... it's like the Paralympics of conception! In what sick world does this produce pregnancy?
(Miranda Hobbes, discovering she is pregnant with Steve in Sex & the City)

When you came into the world, I was in labor for three days and two nights. But I have never considered it a pain. They say that babies like you, who have been carried so long in the womb, and have taken so long to see the light, are always the most loved babies, as they have rested for a long time near their mother's heart, and have had little. desire to leave her.
(Sue Limb)

My mother always felt sick after I was born.
(Rodney Dangerfield)

If men could conceive, abortion would be a sacrament at this time.
(Florynce Kennedy)

If nature had stipulated that husband and wife should have children alternately, there would never be more than three in a family.
(Lawrence Housman)

If pregnancy had been a book I would have cut the last two chapters.
(Nora Ephron)

- Was I born with painless childbirth, mom?
- Yes. I take this opportunity to remind you that it is the only satisfaction you have given me, to date.

As a child I was so ugly that when my sister first saw me she said to my mother: "Why didn't we keep the stork?"
(Diego Parassole)

More or less ironic phrases about pregnancy

We were so poor that my mother couldn't have me. So the neighbor had me.
(Mel Brooks)

She - My son looks a lot like his father.
The friend - A little but also to your husband.
(Claudio Gasparini)

- How's the pregnancy going? 😉
- Well well, so far I like 527.
(Dbric511, Twitter)

Statistics say that a woman gives birth to a baby every four seconds. Our problem is to find that woman and stop her
(Henny Youngman)

If one day men will learn how to give birth then we can start talking about equality between the sexes.
(Chuck Palahniuk)

Enough with the children, it is time to give birth to fathers.
(Ambrogio Borsani)

Man's childbirth is painful, especially when he gives birth to himself in adulthood.
(Stanisław Jerzy Lec)

As soon as a woman has a child, she still loves the man only as much as he loves her son.
(Christian Friedrich Hebbel)

The child calls his mother and asks: “Where did I come from? Where did you pick me up? "
Mom listens, cries and smiles as she hugs her baby to her chest. "You were a desire in her heart."

Giving birth to a child is such a profound and mysterious experience that alone it can give women sufficient knowledge of the truth.
(Banana Yoshimoto)

Childbirth is the deepest initiation into spirituality a woman can have.
(Robin Lim)

Pregnancy and a camel's rump cannot be hidden.
(Arabic proverb)

Childbirth takes the deepest fears a woman has about herself and shows that she is stronger than them.

Childbirth must be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear.
(Jane Weideman)

Childbirth is not a question of pushing and expelling the baby, but of yielding and surrendering to the energy of birth.
(Marie Reid)

In moments of labor and during childbirth, all the forces of the universe flow through a woman's body.
(Sandra K)

A strong will, a relaxed body and an open mind are the main ingredients for an active birth.
(Janet Balaskas)

Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs how to inhale, and her hand how to withdraw from the fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.
(Virginia DiOrio)

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