7 phrases that replace an "I love you"

Most men don't have many words and sometimes don't even use the right ones. If your boyfriend struggles to say what you want to hear, learn to read between the lines!

1. "Have you eaten?"

Are they afraid that you are emaciated because they know that you are under stress and that you often don't even have time to eat? Asking yourself if you have enough fuel is definitely a nice way to get interested in you!

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2. "I miss you"

Maybe it's unexpected. Maybe you are in the office, your eye fell on your smartphone screen and you read his message.
Maybe that's how he wants to tell you that what he feels about you goes beyond just friendship.

3. "Two salads, please"

Are you on a diet and not him?
Her giving up on the biggest plate of lasagna ever is certainly a veiled declaration of love.

4. "Change channel as well"

Derby, he is a super fan but, even if reluctantly, he leaves you the remote anyway: ask him to marry you. IMMEDIATELY.

5. "Do we book holidays?"

The future is one of the best things a person can ever give you. If he wants to spend his future with you it means he cares about your relationship, much more than you can imagine.

6. "Rest, I'll cook"

Rules are made to be broken. On Wednesday nights you usually cook but he insists on picking up the pans? This is also one of the ways he says he loves you.

7. "Don't worry, I'll wait for you"

Are you in an unbelievable delay but he doesn't make a wrinkle?
It is definitely Love.

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