Quotes about love over: all the most beautiful, romantic and funny aphorisms!

When a love ends, the world seems to collapse at our feet and a deep sadness in the heart is added to the indelible memory for the loved one.
Pain, however, also knows how to be a reason for growth and must therefore be lived and not kept within oneself: crying and expressing one's feelings can in fact help us to feel better and to get out of this condition more easily.

Below you can find the most beautiful phrases dedicated to the end of a love: from the most poetic, romantic and poignant quotes to encouraging aphorisms up to verses from famous songs and ironic and funny thoughts to live this condition with a pinch of lightness and a good dose of self-irony.

See also

Encouragement phrases: all the most beautiful aphorisms!

Phrases about hope: all the most beautiful aphorisms!

Quotes about self-love: the most beautiful quotes about self-love and hitchhiking

That's life. Sometimes you think that two eyes are looking at you and instead they don't even see you. Sometimes you think you have found someone you were looking for and instead you have not found anyone. It happens. And if it doesn't, it's a miracle. But miracles never last.
Oriana Fallaci

Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. He dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. He dies of illness and wounds, dies of exhaustion, wear and tear or opacity.
Anaïs Nin

We live to always say goodbye.
Rainer Marie Rilke

Why is loss the measure of love?
Jeanette Winterson

The beginning is sweet, absurd, happy. The plot full of good will, strong and full of tensions. The end, a laceration.
Nuria Barrios

In those long hours I was the sentinel of pain, I watched together with a new crowd of dead words ... I have to learn again the quiet step of those who believe where they are going and why ... now I felt a long pain in my chest that deprived me of any feeling .
Elena Ferrante

Very often, to be able to discover that we are in love, perhaps even to become one, the day of separation must arrive.
Marcel Proust

The death of a love is like the death of a loved one. Leave the same agony, the same emptiness, the same refusal to resign yourself to that emptiness. Even if you have waited for it, caused it, wanted it out of self-defense or common sense or the need for freedom, when it arrives, you feel invalid. Mutilated.
Oriana Fallaci

The beginning of love is often simultaneous. Not so the end: tragedies are born from this.
Alessandro Morandotti

Love is also learning to give up on the other, to know how to say goodbye without letting your feelings hinder what will probably be the best thing for those we love.
Sergio Bambarén

My veins had died, my skin was frozen. I was cold, he was gone.
Elena Ferrante

Men are not consoled by a great love that has ended: they prefer to forget it.
Angelo Gatti

When a love ends, one of the two suffers.
If no one is suffering, it never started.
If they both suffer, it's never over.
Marilyn Monroe

Each bears deep within himself like a small graveyard of those he loved.
Romain Rolland

Hell is no longer loving.
Georges Bernanos

Not being loved is simple misfortune, the real misfortune is not loving.
Albert Camus

It is almost always the fault of those who love not to realize that they are no longer loved.
François de La Rochefoucauld

When in love you stop fighting, love is gone.
Søren Kierkegaard

Why does it take a minute to say hello and always to say goodbye?

Some people don't deserve our smile, let alone our tears.
Charles Bukowski

Relationship failure is almost always a communication failure.
Zygmund Bauman

Love is like a cigar: if it goes out, you can also relight it, but it no longer tastes the same.
Arthur Bloch

It is easier to understand when love begins than when it ends.
Roberto Gervaso

You miss even the bad moments of a finished love, even the unhappiness.
Ivan Cotroneo

I don't think I'll ever see her again. I will never be able to see, hear, touch, embrace, hear her again; I will no longer laugh with her, I will not wait for the sound of her footsteps, I will not smile when I hear her open the door, I will not fit her body in mine, mine in hers.
Julian Barnes

It is better to have loved and lost than to have never lost anything.
Samuel Butler

It is hard, no doubt, not to be loved anymore when you love. But nothing compared to still being loved when you no longer love.
Georges Courteline

It's hard to break up when you don't love each other anymore.
Maxims, François de La Rochefoucauld

The pleasure of love lasts a moment, the pain of love lasts a lifetime.
Bette Davis

The stories do not end until we have closed all the accounts, until we have put a stop to it with the head or the heart.
Clara Sanchez

This is how loves end.
The lips get tired, the breaths subside, the heartbeats decrease, the horizons narrow.
You just feel the weight of things not done, of promises not kept.
And from the ceiling the questions look at you and don't even look for an answer anymore.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Love is like war: easy to start, but difficult to stop.
Henry Louis Mencken

The most beautiful moment of love is when we delude ourselves that it will last forever; the worst when you realize that it has been going on for too long.
Roberto Gervaso

No one approaches a broken heart without the high privilege of having suffered the same.
Emily Dickinson

If he were dead I would know at least who I lost and who I am. Now I don't know anything anymore. My whole life has sunk behind me as in those earthquakes in which the Earth devours itself. It sinks behind you as you escape.
Simone De Beauvoir

My love lies bleeding.
Thomas Campbell

As long as you love, you don't reflect, and when you reflect, you don't love anymore.
Pierre-Adrien de Courcelle

Inside your heart there were galloping fires and swinging prairies and melodious waves and strawberries in love. Sometimes they went out and went to party on my hand, until one day they came to say incomprehensible words to me and my hand felt nothing more. A book next to me told me that love is something that does not become chained, it comes and then fades and returns to the great nothingness from which it was born. But my hand doesn't read the books and some nights it keeps waiting.
Fabrizio Caramagna

Rekindling a love is like relighting a cigarette. Tobacco is poisoned; love, too.
Gabriele D'Annunzio

Whoever loves less does not love more.
Joseph Roux

If you love someone, you will never completely lose them.
Ernest Hemingway

To love is this: the possibility of losing.
Jean-Claude Izzo

But every story has the same illusion, its conclusion; and the sin was to believe that a normal story was special. Francesco Guccini

Anyone who has ever loved carries a scar.
Alfred De Musset

The most romantic and full of poetry quotes

I went down, giving you my arm, at least a million stairs
and now that you are not there, there is emptiness on every step.
Eugenio Montale

Loving is so short, and forgetting so long.
Pablo Neruda

He kept his eyes fixed on Herve Joncour's lips, as if they were the last lines of a farewell letter.
Alessandro Baricco

I keep it for real,
whatever happens:
I feel it when I suffer most:
It is better to have loved, and lost,
That I have never loved.
Lord Alfred Tennyson

Being remembered is almost like being loved, and being loved is Heaven.
Emily Dickinson

If unhappy is the lover who invokes kisses whose flavor he does not know, a thousand times more unhappy is the one who barely tasted this flavor and was then denied him.
Italo Calvino

Who knows if one day, looking in the eyes of those who will have you after me, you will look for something that belongs to me.
Pablo Neruda

I didn't love you out of boredom, or loneliness, or whim. I loved you because the desire for you was stronger than any happiness. And I knew then that life isn't big enough to hold together everything that desire can imagine. But I didn't try to stop or stop you. I knew that sooner or later she would do it. And it did. It broke out all of a sudden.
Alessandro Baricco

Why love if when it ends it causes us so much pain? We like to know that we are not alone.
C. S. Lewis

You tell me goodbye, if it fails to tell me. Dying is nothing; losing you is difficult.
Umberto Saba

The snows and roses of yesterday have vanished; and what is love but a rose that fades?
Edgar Lee Masters

To think that I don't have it, to feel that I have lost it.
Feeling the immense night, more immense without her.
Pablo Neruda

I was so close to you that I am cold next to others.
Paul Éluard

We were the one who is neither told nor admitted, but never forgotten.
Frida Kahlo

Can love ever be remembered? It's like evoking a scent of roses in a cellar. You can recall the image of a rose, not its perfume.
Arthur Miller

When in advance of your amazement they come to ask you about our love, to those people consumed in being listened to, such a long love, do not give it to them in a hurry.
Fabrizio De André

When a love ends: encouraging phrases and aphorisms

The human heart is indestructible. You just imagine it's broken. It is actually the spirit that takes the real blow. But the spirit is also strong, and if you wish, you can always take it back.
Henry Miller

Don't cry for a man who left you - the neighbor may fall in love with your smile.
Mae West

Come on, heart, take courage and heal.
Herman Hesse

Never have regrets: if it went well it's wonderful, if it went bad it's experience.
Eleanor Burford

If someone leaves, it is because someone else will come - I will meet love again.
Paulo Coelho

Sometimes good things fall apart for better things to happen.
Marilyn Monroe

For a while maybe I will continue to scream your name to myself, in my heart. But eventually the wound will heal.
David Grosmann

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Dr. Seuss

Here, you see, I've fallen in love twice in my life, but seriously, and both times I was sure it would be forever and until death, and both times it's over and I'm not dead.
Hermann Hesse

The most ironic phrases about the "finished love"

Ah, listen, there is only one type of love that holds: the unrequited one.
Woody Allen

It is better to have loved and lost than to put linoleum in your living rooms.
Amiri Baraka

The illusions about a woman who has loved herself resemble rheumatism: we never get rid of them completely.
Henry Becque

Don't be down because your woman has left you: you will find another one and she will leave you too.
Charles Bukowski

Lying kills love. Sincerity even more.
Arthur Bloch

When you love, even the soda tastes like champagne; when you no longer love each other, even champagne tastes like soda.
Roberto Gervaso

Not loving too much in love is a sure way to be loved.
François de La Rochefoucauld

You are right to leave. I, too, if I could, would break up.
Freak Antoni

Is it better to love or be loved? Neither if your cholesterol is over six hundred.
Woody Allen

My dearest friendships began with dislike; my sublime loves ended with antipathy.
Anselmo Bucci

An old love is like a grain of sand in one eye, which always haunts us.

Love adventures begin in champagne and end in chamomile.
Valéry Larbaud

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