7 mistakes to avoid when exercising (whatever sport you do)

Training is good, but doing it right is better!
This is because whatever type of sport we do, if we do not avoid some potentially harmful behaviors, we may not only not get the desired results, but also suffer pain, sprains and, in the worst cases, even fractures.

Before we find out what common mistakes to avoid when exercising, do you want to see how fitness has changed over the years? Check out this fun video about her story.

Here are the 7 mistakes to avoid when exercising.

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1. Don't take breaks

Whether you are immersed in a jogging session or you are in the gym, take breaks after a certain amount of time and between one set of exercises and the other.
Working without interruptions can cause injury and excessive fatigue.
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2. Don't focus when doing squats

The squat is probably the best exercise for toning the muscles of the lower limbs and glutes, but doing it the wrong way can lead to knee pain and other injuries. Ask an instructor to show you how to perform this exercise.

3. In the gym, lift weights alone or lift the wrong weights

Especially if you have no experience with weightlifting, always ask a trainer for advice: lifting excessive weights could be harmful and could cause you pain and muscle injuries, but even lifting too little would not lead to muscle growth.

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4. Always train the same muscles

Focusing solely on the development of certain muscles can create an imbalance in the body: seek balance or engage in an activity - such as swimming - that trains practically the whole body at the same time and in the same way.

5. Prefer quantity over quality

When it comes to workouts, quality is as important as quantity. Doing the exercises quickly will not help you achieve the desired results faster, quite the opposite.
Intensity and focus are important if you want to see the fruits of your hard work.

6. Running on the asphalt

Jogging and running have never been so fashionable and cities are becoming real training tracks for many. Running on asphalt, however, is not particularly healthy because this type of terrain is not suitable for the foot, which prefers to tread on dirt or grass. lower limbs and does not cushion. It also promotes periostitis, that is the inflammation of the periosteum, the muscle that we have in front of the tibia.

7. Forget about stretching

Everyone knows the importance of warming up and recovering at the end of the session. But stretching for at least ten minutes at the end of the workout is also essential because it will prevent you from cramping and relieve tension, increasing blood flow and leaving your muscles relaxed. .

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