All the benefits of the cold shower for our psycho-physical health

Have you always thought that a nice hot shower, sometimes even hot, was - at least apparently - the remedy for all ills? Here, nothing more wrong. In fact, cold showers are particularly beneficial for our body. A jet of ice water can reactivate circulation in an instant, strengthen the immune system and bring about a whole series of benefits that we will see in more detail in the course of this article.In short, you just have to take courage and immerse yourself, literally, in this new challenge in the name of wellness. Let's find out together why it is important to expose our body to low temperatures and how to do it!

Before reading, watch this video and discover some exercises with which to improve blood circulation and reduce cellulite!

The benefits

There are countless reasons why you should immediately start taking "glacial" showers. Exposing your body to a low temperature, in fact, can generate an optimal psycho-physical well-being condition, considerably improving the quality of our life.
So, let's see in more detail what are the main advantages that we can find when we get used to washing with cold water every day ... or almost.

  • Low temperatures intensify the blood flow thanks to the vasoconstrictive action with which the body reacts to the cold. In fact, to warm the vital organs, the body tends to pump blood faster.
  • Washing with cold water stimulates the immune system. This is because the body's response to low temperatures favors the production of a greater number of white blood cells with which to defend itself during unfavorable living conditions.
  • Taking a cold shower allows the body to purify itself, eliminating waste and harmful substances. This detoxifying action is particularly beneficial especially for the skin which will consequently be healthier and cleaner.
  • Thanks to a study conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, it was found that a cold shower is not only a source of well-being for the whole body, but also helps us sleep better. It has been discovered, in fact, that cold activates the "blue point" of the brain, stimulating the production of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter able to relieve stress and fight depression.

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Cold water is good for your skin and hair

It is not only health that benefits from regular cold showers, but also aesthetics. A cold jet, in fact, in addition to optimizing the performance of the circulatory and immune system, lends itself to significantly improve the quality of skin and hair. Exposure to low temperatures purifies the tissues, favoring the expulsion of waste substances, and tones the skin, making it more elastic and less prone to the possible appearance of cellulite. As for the scalp, however, it should be emphasized that cold water is able to restore the keratin fibers and protect the cuticles, giving us a stronger, brighter and healthier hair. In short, if your locks usually break and fall off, we recommend that you avoid rinsing them with hot water because, in the long run, they could weaken further.

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Cold showers make you lose weight

If you are on a diet and are looking for all possible solutions to lose weight faster and more effectively, know that a cold shower, in addition to having the benefits listed above, even helps to activate the metabolism, promoting excess weight loss.

When it comes into contact with cold water, our body begins to produce greater doses of brown fat, a particular type of fat capable of burning calories and then transforming them into energy. This process is of fundamental importance because it allows the body to raise the body temperature, keeping the organs warm. and, at the same time, it helps us lose weight by turning fat into heat.

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What does it mean to take a cold shower after training?

Washing with cold water on a regular basis is particularly recommended for athletes or those who usually train frequently. Exposure to cold after each workout is essential because it has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and relaxing action on muscles and joints and increases the amount of oxygen present in the tissues. This process favors the elimination of some toxic metabolites such as lactic acid, considerably reducing muscle pain. In addition, it helps prevent cramps, protects the body from the action of free radicals, counteracting premature cell aging, optimizes recovery times after intense physical activity and speeds up the healing process following injuries.

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How to manage to wash yourself with cold water

Those who suffer from the cold will certainly be wondering how to resist under a jet of cold water for more than a few seconds. The exposure process must obviously be gradual. First of all, you start by wetting only the extremities, such as feet and hands, and then proceed with the rest of the body, paying attention to the head and genitals, where a milder temperature is preferable. To warm up, it is useful to carry out circular massages on the whole body, for example when applying the shower gel, in order to activate the microcirculation. Usually, the duration of a cold shower should be around 10-15 minutes. If your body is absolutely unable to withstand this exposure to cold, you can still try to avoid hot water, opting for a warmer temperature, or bathe only legs, buttocks and feet with cold water, the areas most prone to muscle aches and water retention.

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When and how often

To find certain health benefits, it is essential to undergo such a practice with some regularity. In general, even if you are unable to wash yourself with cold water every day, we recommend that you do it at least once a week. Alternatively, you can take warm-lukewarm showers and use the cold jet only for the final rinse. Without a doubt in the summer, when it is too hot, taking a cold shower will be a relief and no longer a torture.


Before adopting this good habit, we recommend that you discuss with your doctor and understand if it is the right choice for you and your body. Usually, cold showers are not recommended for those suffering from cardiovascular problems and back rheumatism.

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