The genetic diet: written in your DNA

How does it work

If you want to try the genetic diet you must first fill out a questionnaire with questions about your lifestyle and send a biological sample of your saliva to a laboratory to allow geneticists to extract your DNA and know the exact nutrient requirements of your body and the different reaction of your organism to each of these. At this point the geneticists provide the information they have gathered to their nutritionist colleagues so that they can develop a specific diet for your organism. The originality of the genetic diet is precisely the personalized food plan that the team of geneticists and nutritionists can provide to each of us. DNA analysis will also reveal which type of physical activity is most congenial to your body. The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene matches three different genotypes: (II), (DD) and (ID). genotype (II) you have a strong muscular endurance and a good cardiac metabolism: you are therefore predisposed for prolonged physical exertion. If you have the homozygous genotype (DD) you are predisposed to perform physical activities based on muscle strength. Finally, if you have the genotype heterozygous (ID) you can be placed in an intermediate position.

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See also

Detox diet: what the detox diet is and how it works

Ketogenic diet: what it is, example of allowed menus and foods

The rice diet works! How to lose weight fast in 9 days

Who to contact

  • DNASlim is an avant-garde "company" in the nutrigenetics sector that operates within the "Area Science Park of Trieste which offers food programs of different duration and prices: the cheapest costs 193 Euro and includes the DNASlim kit, the metabolism test. of fats and sugars, a personalized diet, three calls with the nutritionist and three months of constant coaching via email.
  • LaClinique offers two packages of different duration: the six-month one costs 799 Euros, the one which lasts one year 1,399 Euros.
  • Genedieta, headquartered in Denmark, sells the saliva collection kit complete with instructions for use for € 193.60 (shipping costs and VAT included).

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© thinkstockphoto The principles of the genetic diet

It is important to understand that the genetic diet is not a restrictive diet: on the contrary it allows the intake of a wide variety of foods. metabolism However, Dr. Floyd Chilton, a great proponent of the genetic diet in the USA, has established 5 basic rules, common to many other diets, that everyone should follow:

  • Exercise more, at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes
  • Reduce calories by 20-30% of what is needed to maintain current weight;
  • Increase the intake of fibers, at least 30 grams per day to reduce hunger attacks;
  • Consume foods rich in good unsaturated fats, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids
  • Increase the intake of polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that slow down the aging process and cellular degeneration, contained in large quantities in fruits, vegetables, seeds and green tea.

Success and weight loss

The genetic diet guarantees a weight loss equal to 90% of the total overweight. You lose an average of 5 pounds every 4 months, which may not seem like a lot but is actually a remarkable result since it is not a restrictive diet.
It is very popular in England and in the world of celebrities (Jessica Alba lost 8 kilos).

If you wish to undertake the genetic diet, or any other diet, consult your physician before starting.

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