Ketogenic diet: what it is, example of allowed menus and foods

The ketogenic diet is a food plan that allows you to reduce weight quickly: in just one week it is possible to lose 4 kilos, but you must be strictly followed by a professional to avoid unwanted effects. It is usually useful for athletes, but what are the cases in which this type of diet is recommended? Before continuing, watch this video with the things to know before going on a diet.

Ketogenic diet: what is it?

Have you heard of the ketogenic diet and are you looking for a sample menu to find out if it can offer you good results too? Before drawing up a list of foods allowed and cooking, it is important to find out about the principles of this much-discussed diet.

The ketogenic diet is a high protein diet with a high protein intake; it is mainly based on the mechanism of ketosis or acetonemia (impaired glucose metabolism leading to prolonged hypoglycemia and an accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood). By drastically reducing carbohydrates and increasing proteins and lipids, the accumulation of fat can be reduced and used for energy purposes. The decrease in glucose levels, in fact, forces the body to draw energy from fat.

An example of a ketogenic diet menu will therefore be based on foods rich in proteins and lipids, without carbohydrates, in order to keep insulin levels unchanged, preventing fat from accumulating and using it for energy.

See also

The Kousmine diet: an example of a weekly menu for weight loss

Low glycemic index diet: the ideal diet for weight loss, with example of me

The muscle diet: how the Mark Lauren diet works with an example of me

Ketogenic diet: results and contraindications

By consistently consuming the menus provided by the ketogenic diet, you can achieve the set goals, losing up to four kilos per week without losing muscle mass or lean, as protein intake facilitates muscle formation and tone.

However, beyond the results, the ketogenic diet has several drawbacks. First of all, it forces the liver and kidneys to work twice as much to eliminate nitrogen in glucose deficiency, poisoning the whole organism. Of course, it is a job that increases the number of calories burned and stimulates the production of metabolites that help burn fat, but it is not advisable to follow this type of diet for prolonged periods.

The ketogenic diet can therefore create serious problems, from uremia to ketosis, but also less serious, such as halitosis, headache or constipation.

This diet also exposes you to a risk of lack of nutrients: not only carbohydrates, but also vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

We also remember that the brain needs carbohydrates (and therefore carbohydrates) to function properly. In the absence of carbohydrates, cognitive and nervous system disorders, fatigue and mood swings can be observed.

For all these reasons, anyone who approaches this type of diet must do it for short periods and always under the strict control of a specialist. The results, in terms of weight loss, will be quick, but the lost pounds could be regained within a few months.

Ketogenic diets can still be useful in case of specific pathologies, but, we repeat, only if included in a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor.

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Why does the ketogenic diet make you lose weight?

Many wonder what principle behind a ketogenic diet causes weight loss so fast compared to other diets. According to some recent studies, the mechanism that would lead to weight loss is to be found in the increased introduction of proteins compared to carbohydrates: this causes the metabolism to be activated by burning more calories.
This is what happens specifically, in the body of those who are following a ketogenic diet.

  • The appetite is reduced because the proteins have a high satiating power
  • The sense of hunger decreases thanks to the action on hormones
  • Ketone bodies suppress appetite, using only protein as an energy source
  • Not introducing sugars reduces the formation of fat

Ketones can have positive effects on mood in overweight subjects, with the exception of the first week of ketogenic in which it is easy to feel tired and sleepy, albeit for a short time.

Foods allowed in the ketogenic diet

An example of a ketogenic diet menu includes, as main foods, all high protein foods such as ham, speck, bresaola, salmon, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, steak, game, smoked meat, hamburgers, sausage, lamb, chicken . For the condiments extra virgin olive oil is used. To these foods are added rye bread, pistachios, walnuts and almonds.

In order for the ketogenic diet to bring good results, it is necessary to eliminate most carbohydrate sources, including bread, pasta, sodas, sugar, ice cream, pizza, milk, and even most fruit. The carbohydrates present in vegetables are allowed - asparagus, celery, mushrooms and broccoli, in the first place - and in some berries, such as those of Goji, as the latter have a rather low carbohydrate content.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to know the foods to exclude from the menu, since a ketogenic diet includes foods high in fat and low in carbohydrates, the opposite must generally be avoided, that is, foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates.

Vegetables rich in carbohydrates, such as carrots, peas, potatoes and grains should be consumed in moderation. High-carb fruits such as grapes, apricots, bananas, peaches and olives, as well as extracts and juices from these fruits, should be replaced with low-carb fruits, such as watermelons, strawberries, melons and avocados. High-carb drinks such as beer are not recommended for your ketogenic diet. The high sugar content in these drinks will in fact replace fat as the main energy producing nutrients, increasing the risk of accumulating body fat.

Processed foods, like most canned foods, are high enough in carbohydrates to compromise the results of your ketogenic diet. Seafood such as clams, crabs, lobsters, scallops and squid are foods low in saturated fat, however they contain a large amount of essential fatty acids for the body.

Examples of menus for the ketogenic diet


  • Yogurt or milk 200 g with cereals
  • If you prefer salty, opt for bresaola or ricotta with almonds or walnuts


  • Yogurt or parmesan cheese

Lunch or dinner

  • White / red meat
  • Grilled or baked fish
  • Sliced
  • As a side dish broccoli or green beans.
  • Yogurt or strawberries are allowed.


  • 15 g coconut oil
  • 3 eggs
  • frozen vegetables
  • Scramble everything in a pan.


  • coconut milk smoothie with half a tablespoon of protein powder, almonds and blueberries.


  • almonds, a handful or two.


  • minced meat with side vegetables.

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How long does the ketogenic diet have to last to be effective?

Being among the low carb diets, ketogenic can last for 3 to 4 weeks. The slimming regime should never exceed 12 months. It is always recommended to take days off alternating a more balanced diet to restore blood sugar reserves. In any case, never do your own thing, but contact a specialized nutritionist.

What is the maintenance of the ketogenic diet?

Once we have reached the weight set as the initial goal, we will be able to reintroduce carbohydrates by entering to all intents and purposes the so-called maintenance phase. Again it will be necessary to strictly adhere to the doctor's instructions, reducing the percentages of fats and proteins. Starting with those with a medium glycemic index, to pass, finally, to those with a high glycemic index.

Will the lost weight be regained at the end of the ketogenic diet?

One of the contraindications of the ketogenic diet is that if you do not pay attention and once you are finished you go back to eating as before, it will be very easy to regain all the lost pounds and even more. Suspending the diet only under strict medical supervision is the only way to maintain the weight achieved for at least 6 months.

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What's the difference between the ketogenic and the Dukan diet?

The ketogenic diet is based on the elimination of carbohydrates, by including proteins but above all fats such as extra virgin olive oil, butter, dried fruit in the food plan.
The Dukan diet, on the other hand, allows the intake of certain types of carbohydrates (oat bran and wheat), and is based on the intake of lean proteins, without any type of fat.

We would like to specify once again that both of these diets may be useful for some specific individuals, but they are not good for everyone due to the important contraindications: also for the latter reason, it can only be the nutritionist who decides if one of these two types of diet is right for you.

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  • For more information on the ketogenic diet, consult the publication of the Medical Endocrinologists Association
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