Hair removal in pregnancy: laser, razor, cream, wax ... which is the best system and which ones to avoid?

Hair removal in pregnancy: what is the best system to use to hair removal if you are pregnant? It is certainly not a small question: some of the methods that we commonly use for our hair removal, when pregnant are completely discouraged, while others require the necessary precautions.

In pregnancy, and in particular from the fourth month onwards, hair tends to grow much more slowly, and this is due to estrogen, the female hormones that increase at the expense of male ones, responsible for hair growth. Despite this, however, the appearance of some hair is inevitable and it is good to know how to do it if you want to eliminate it without any risk for our health and that of our baby ...

So let's review the different methods that we commonly use for hair removal and find out together if they are suitable or not during pregnancy. First, however, here is an always useful video on how to prevent post-hair removal irritation:

Hair removal in pregnancy: the razor

Do you want to be on the safe side? Bet on the razor! This is undoubtedly the simplest and most harmless method during pregnancy, and this is because the razor only cuts the hair, without going deep.

The only thing you will have to worry about is to prevent irritation: pregnant skin becomes particularly delicate and sensitive, so avoid razor sharp. Always remember to moisten the skin, wipe with soap or a shaving foam, better if for sensitive skin.

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Is the depilatory cream recommended during pregnancy or not?

Hair removal cream can also be used in pregnancy, but with some care. Applying a large amount of chemicals to our skin while we are expecting a baby could create problems for the baby. Hair removal cream is not absorbed systemically, but more we can limit its use, the better: the chemical substances it contains (first of all thioglycolic acid) are always very aggressive and potentially dangerous.

Furthermore, as with the razor, we must be careful that it does not irritate the skin that has become more sensitive. First try applying it on a small amount of skin to check that there is no redness!

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Can i wax if i'm pregnant?

The answer is yes, but only when it comes to cold waxing! During pregnancy, circulation is more difficult, vascular fatigue is created, also due to hormonal changes. The first consequence is the weakening of the walls of the capillaries. If you do a hot wax, you risk causing further stress on the capillaries!

Cold, on the other hand, or with ready-made strips, the problem does not exist. Better, however, to get help from a "beautician and always ask for natural and soothing substances on the skin. An" alternative to cold waxing could be oriental waxing, based on sugar, honey, water and lemon, to slide like a ball quickly on the skin: it is a less traumatic method than the classic tearing, but just as effective.

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Epilation with the electric machine: yes or no?

Even the electric epilator can be used as an alternative to waxing. The important thing is to focus on the latest generation models, which reduce skin trauma, making the operation less painful. Also, never forget to use post-depilation creams. that have a good soothing effect: in this period your skin will be more sensitive than ever!

Also be careful if you suffer from ingrown hair: in this case waxing is more effective than the machine, which often ends up breaking the hairs and making them grow back under the skin.

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Hair removal in pregnancy with laser or pulsed light

Finally, we come to the definitive hair removal methods: pulsed light and laser. These hair removal systems use light energy to carbonize the hair, destroying its matrix, in order to prevent it from regrowing later. These systems require from 6 to 8 sessions, at least, and at a distance of one month from each other.

During pregnancy it is strongly not recommended to use this hair removal technique, because the light could damage the fetus. Furthermore, the woman's hormonal imbalances could make the result ineffective, for example leading to the growth of hair in areas such as the breast, where they are generally not present.

Consequently, although in themselves these are safe and effective systems, it is advisable not to carry them out during pregnancy to avoid exposing the fetus to dangers. If you are already carrying out the practice and you discover that you are pregnant, it is good to interrupt it and resume it in the post-pregnancy, even if you are breastfeeding (it will always be good, however, to ask your gynecologist).

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