What to eat to go to the bathroom: nutrition tips to combat constipation and a lazy bowel

You may have asked yourself many times: what should I eat to go to the bathroom? By reading this article you will discover the most suitable foods to help you fight constipation and abdominal bloating. Having a swollen belly does not allow you to feel at the top and to make the most of your days. Watch the video and discover unexpected foods to avoid because they ferment and make you feel bloated and weighted in a flash!

Causes, consequences and diagnosis of constipation or constipation (lazy bowel)

Among the causes of constipation there can be various pathologies, hormonal disorders, wrong diets, dehydration of the stool, imbalance of the bacterial flora, change of daily habits, nervousness. The causes must always be investigated to exclude serious pathologies, especially if the intestinal disturbance lasts for a long time, if you have pain in the abdomen, blood in the stool, lack of strength, fever, cases of colon tumors in the family. have hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, anal fissures, diverticulitis. In order to diagnose constipation, in addition to analyzing the patient's symptoms and medical history, the specialist can prescribe a colonoscopy, an anorectal manometry, a double-contrast opaque enema. constipation we can mention irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, hypothyroidism, medicines against diarrhea, tumors. The doctor will also consider daily hydration, the right consumption of at least 30 gr. of fibers per day, the state of the intestinal bacterial flora, the hours of sleep, stress and physical exercise. First of all, the triggering factor of constipation should be treated and intestinal regularization with yogurt and lactic ferments should be taken care of. Relaxation is very useful. regular, but not sedentary, and stress-free lifestyle. Do not overdo constipation drugs, which are undoubtedly effective, but can be addictive or cause diarrhea and inflame the bowel. Herbal laxatives or castor and olive oil should be used only in case of real need, without exaggerating and giving preference to laxative herbal teas, prunes, honey and tamarind.

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What to eat to go to the bathroom: the right advice includes fiber and plenty of water

The constipation diet includes an increase in fiber and at least 2 liters of water per day. You need to hydrate, drinking plenty of still water and specific herbal teas. A low amount of fluid in the colon due to the dehydrated state of the body and slow peristalsis) causes the hardness of the stool. To remedy constipation, you must first take a large amount of fiber. In addition to satiating, they regulate intestinal functions, make the stool more consistent, facilitating evacuation. However, consuming foods with fiber is not enough, if you then take foods that slow digestion or remove water from the stool. In fact, they should be limited: bananas, apples with peels, white, toasted or spelled bread, white rice, oatmeal, black or green tea, white potatoes, dark chocolate, biscuits. The high-fiber diet is also referred to as the high-residue diet. Foods rich in fiber must be chosen carefully. Fibers can be soluble and insoluble. Cereals have insoluble fibers (oats, barley, bran); vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, spinach, oranges, berries, prunes, apples, fruit, algae and oilseeds contain many soluble fibers. Soluble fibers are found in fruit and vegetables, the non-soluble ones, which are less tolerated by the " intestine, are found in unrefined cereals, such as rice, wheat, corn and can cause air in the belly and colitis. Dried fruit, however, also contains excess calories, so it cannot be exceeded. Legumes with peel, if they are dry , it is good to soak them and cook them well to eliminate the side effect of flatulence. Fats are necessary to lubricate the stool: you can use those of vegetable origin, which in addition to giving the body a fundamental nourishment make the stools soft. Foods rich in water should be consumed: in addition to fruit and vegetables also soups in broth, soups of cereals and legumes, fish and meat, milk and yogurt with lactic ferments. Probiotics that benefit the fl now battery and sanitize the intestines, such as tofu, sauerkraut, cucumber, kefir. Prebiotic foods and other laxative foods, such as honey, milk, peaches, blackberries, beer, figs should also be included in the diet. For some, nerve foods work well; for example, coffee in the morning almost always facilitates evacuation.

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What not to eat and other triggers

Refined cereals and flours are not recommended (00, rice starch, pasta and white bread, white sugar), peeled legumes, fruits and vegetables without peel and low in fiber, such as bananas and potatoes, dehydrated foods, cheeses, cured meats , salted meat and fish, crackers, bread sticks and peanuts. Tea, lemon juice, banana, boiled white rice, carob beans, flour are also astringent. Other factors that worsen this disorder are therefore dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, low-fiber foods, travel, some medications, pregnancy. It is absolutely necessary to avoid skipping meals and eating too quickly, in order not to swallow air, and try to always have a food rich in fiber at hand. The most suitable vegetables against constipation are carrots, spinach, green salad, cabbage; such as fruit, pears, melon and kiwi. Broccoli and cauliflower should not be consumed in excessive doses, if you suffer from meteorism. Even oily dried fruit, such as almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, but should be taken in moderation, a handful a day. You can alternate i
alternate refined cereals, such as bread, pasta and rice, with unrefined ones, such as oat flakes, barley, spelled, bread and wholemeal pasta. legumes at least twice a week. In case of meteorism problems they can be pureed or centrifuged. Fermented cheeses, animal fats, fried foods must be absolutely avoided. The water must not be carbonated and preferably contain magnesium and sulphates which they possess laxative properties and facilitate intestinal function, eliminating constipation, such as specific herbal teas and unlike carbonated drinks, tea and coffee.

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How to eat to go to the toilet: war on constipation.

To combat constipation you should do physical activity for at least half an hour a day. We speak of real constipation when we evacuate less than three times a week, abdominal pain, bloating, abdominal swelling, stools without liquids that are difficult to expel, sensation of limited evacuation. We speak of chronic constipation and no longer occasional, when this disorder lasts for at least three months and more. In this case, constipation could be part of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, in which moments of constipation and discharges of diarrhea alternate. Eating meals regularly, at fixed times, chewing well and without speaking while eating, not only for good manners, but also to avoid swallowing too much air, which causes aerophagia and trying to evacuate shortly after one of the main meals improves the dynamics intestinal. Doing gymnastics or at least walking for about twenty minutes a day or practicing yoga or dance can also be of enormous help in reducing constipation. You should never postpone for lack of time, nor exaggerate in trying to avoid other problems, but help yourself by training the abdominal muscles, starting intestinal transit with soft massages and some jumping movements.

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