Corpus luteum: what it is, how it is formed and what are the possible disorders

The corpus luteum is a temporary endocrine gland that has a self-destruct mechanism in it and that produces progesterone, but also estrogen (in smaller quantities), the two main female hormones. The corpus luteum is formed during the luteal phase of the fertile days and the times of ovulation.

  1. · Luteolysis
  2. The corpus luteum in pregnancy
  3. · Hemorrhagic corpus luteum: symptoms, causes and treatments
  4. Cystic corpus luteum
  5. · The contraceptive pill


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Luteolysis is the self-destruction of the corpus luteum. How does it happen? With a collapse of the luteal cells, which is followed by progressive cell death, ending with the arrest of hormone secretion. This is a scheduled and fixed-term process, which can only be suspended with the intervention of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin, produced at the time of implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity. In practice, it is a hormone produced by the embryo. prevent the collapse of the corpus luteum, which must instead develop into the corpus luteum gravidarum precisely to fuel the pregnancy with the production of hormones.

The corpus luteum in pregnancy

The corpus luteum gravidicum, that is the one that develops and "nourishes" pregnancy with progesterone, is larger than the menstrual one and of an intense yellow. The production of hormones by the corpus luteum continues until the natural "passing of the baton" occurs with prolonged cycles: both are, in fact, due to insufficient luteal function.

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Hemorrhagic corpus luteum: symptoms, causes and treatments

The hemorrhagic corpus luteum forms when the follicular cavity is occupied by a clot of blood at the time of ovulation. If the amount of blood in the clot is excessive, a hematoma will form in the corpus luteum, with an enlarged ovary. The symptoms to recognize the hemorrhagic corpus luteum are a "transient anemia, severe pelvic pain and abdominal tension. The most used treatments for the hemorrhagic corpus luteum are mainly pharmacological, with the administration of anti-inflammatory and anti-haemorrhagic drugs. In the most severe cases, yes. one way to have a certain diagnosis is to subject the patient to a transabdominal ultrasound, very similar to those that are done during pregnancy.

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Cystic corpus luteum

Cysts can also form in the corpus luteum. This happens when blood or some other liquid builds up. Often the woman does not notice that she has them and the cysts absorb themselves, while other times they enlarge and burst. In this case you have to be careful, especially if you are pregnant because it can cause a "bleeding. In more serious cases, cysts can also prevent the corpus luteum from producing progesterone and lead to a miscarriage.

The birth control pill

A curiosity: the principle that regulates the corpus luteum is the same on which the functioning of the contraceptive pill is based, which is in fact called "artificial corpus luteum".

For more useful information on the corpus luteum, you can visit the Humanitas website.

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