How to remove silicone in 4 simple steps

Perfect home operation before the holidays? Here we are! If you want to renovate, fix and clean up your home from the winter just ended, roll up your sleeves and with a few small steps you will be able to give new life to your bathroom, your kitchen and other home environments. It may be easier than you think. !

  1. · What is silicone
  2. First step: clean carefully
  3. Second step: soften the silicone
  4. Third step: remove the silicone
  5. Fourth step: the final cleaning
  6. Fifth step: new silicone
  7. · Difficult cases: how to do it

What is silicone

Silicone is a very effective sealant that is usually used in the bathroom or kitchen for fixing tiles, sealing sanitary ware and for sealing shower windows or bathtubs. Its function is to prevent water from penetrating into cracks and places that are difficult to clean. Using silicone is a way to keep mold away from the humid rooms of your home. Silicone has several functions: it seals spaces, sanitizes small cracks and prevents water from infiltrating. Over time, however, the silicone deteriorates: it gets dirty, becomes less elastic and therefore useless. When the silicone deteriorates it is necessary to remove it completely and then apply a new layer and regain its effectiveness. Removing the old silicone may seem like a complex operation. By continuing to read you will discover how to remove it in a few steps and without any effort!

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First step: clean carefully

To eliminate silicone residues, the first thing to do is to carefully clean the surface. You have to remove the grease residues and clean the area perfectly. Only after cleaning can you dedicate yourself to removing the silicone: test the consistency with a small blade to realize the type of material to remove. If it is rubbery and elastic it is real silicone, if on the contrary it is quite hard what you have to remove is a latex-based sealant.

Second step: soften the silicone

Whether it is a real silicone or another type of sealant, you will need to make it softer to be able to remove it without too much effort. To soften this sealant you can spray the part with hot water or use a special tool, the heat gun. Just raise the temperature of the material a little to soften it quickly. In the case of sealant particularly hardened by time, to make it softer and facilitate removal, cover it with cloths that you will wet regularly for at least 3 hours. You can also try an oven grease remover: it can dissolve any type of fat and will work wonders even with silicone! Alternatively, you can also try with keta ethyl alcohol the property of dissolving the silicone or use the hard way, helping yourself with white spirit or acetone. If you don't like harsh chemicals and are looking for a grandmother's remedy to soften the acetone, you can also use white vinegar. In the case of particularly delicate and porous tiles, always test in a hidden spot to make sure you do not stain the surface.

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Third step: remove the silicone

When you have softened the silicone you can remove it without too much effort. What you will need at this point is a scraper or a spatula. If not, you can get a cutter to cut the silicone edges and then simply remove the entire strip by lifting it with your hands. Spatulas, scrapers and cutters are sharp tools and it is essential to pay attention to avoid getting hurt and also not to damage the surfaces: a too extreme movement would be enough to scratch a floor tile or damage a glass! If you do not have a suitable tool, you can also use a household tool, such as a sharp razor blade of those used in razors.

Fourth step: the final cleaning

Before covering the crack with new silicone you will need to make sure that you have also got rid of small residues. A trick is to pass the vacuum cleaner in order to remove even small residues deposited inside and then pass an anti-mold product over the entire surface.You can also use simple denatured alcohol, make sure that it penetrates deeply, it will be enough to clean and will ensure a perfect result.

Fifth step: new silicone

Now that your bathroom or kitchen surface is totally clean you can dedicate yourself to a new coat of silicone in order to sanitize, seal and complete your work. On the clean area, apply a strip of product evenly: avoid putting too much of it so as not to create too thick accumulations of sealant which will then be difficult to remove. Remember that according to the part to be sealed you can choose a white or transparent silicone. After application, let it dry carefully and make sure it is solidified before putting it in contact with moisture or water. Always remember to use a pair of gloves while carrying out these operations to protect your hands!

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Difficult cases: how to do it

In the case of silicone that is particularly difficult to remove, you may need specific products to remove it. This happens when it has taken a long time or if it is particularly hard. At the hardware store you will surely find a product that is right for you! These are solvents that eliminate all traces of silicone, even the patina that usually remains on the surfaces after the removal of the majority of the product, they can be in cream, fluid, spray or to be applied by brush. If you choose to use a specific solvent, apply it to the silicone and then leave it on for the time indicated on the package. At this point complete the removal with an abrasive sponge, moving it gently to avoid scratches on the floor, ceramic or glass. You will see, with these products eliminating all traces of silicone, it will be a game ... for girls!

And now that your bathroom and kitchen are as good as new, keep taking care of your home!

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