How to squeeze pimples: the mistakes to avoid

And "stronger than us, as soon as a pimple appears instead of waiting for it to heal on its own, we are there ready to squeeze it, making the situation worse in most cases. Often we do not even realize what a simple operation like squeezing can lead to. pimples, so here are some tips to keep in mind. Before moving on, there is also a video for you on how to remove blackheads.

Squeezing pimples: yes or no?

Squeezing pimples, according to common belief, would be forbidden and inappropriate. However, this is only partially true. According to skin experts, there are pimples that should never be squeezed under any circumstances. These include pimples on the upper lip, bridge of the nose or between the eyes, as there are important blood vessels in these areas. Squeezing pimples in these areas can lead to serious complications, in the worst case to meningitis.

In addition to these, there are also pimples that can be squeezed at home. The important thing is that the pimple is "mature". This means that the pustule must be on the surface of the skin. Pimples that are under the skin should not be touched!

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How to squeeze pimples in 4 steps

We have collected the opinion of the experts on the age-old problem of pimples and what to watch out for when the irrepressible urge to squeeze them assaults us. There are some aspects to which we must pay attention.

1. Disinfect the skin around the pimple
A facial tonic containing fruit acids can be used for this. Just apply it with a cotton ball on and around the pimple.

2. Wash your hands thoroughly
Not only the skin around the pimple, but the hands must also be sterile. A thorough washing with soap is therefore mandatory. It is also better to use a hand sanitizer.

Here are some tonics we have selected for you:

  • La Roche Posay Effaclar on Amazon for € 11.59 - Astringent Lotion 200 ml.
  • Vichy Purete Thermale Perfecting Tonic on Amazon for € 10.99.
  • L "Oreal Garnier Skin Pure on Amazon for € 3.46 - Purifying astringent tonic 200 ml.

3. Prick the pustule with a sterile needle
Before you can squeeze the pimple, you have to open it. A sterile needle (available at a pharmacy) should be used. Never use a needle that you found somewhere in the house!

4. Tighten the skin and let the pus out
Now you can pop that pimple. To do this, you should stretch the skin with your fingers and carefully empty the pimple from all sides from bottom to top, without pressing too hard.

On Amazon you will find an ideal kit to remove imperfections for 9.87 €

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4 tips for beautiful skin

After squeezing the pimple, a feeling of liberation remains! Indeed, now the sebaceous gland channel is free again. But the skin at this point is irritated and sensitive. Here are 4 tips to calm her down:

1. Disinfect the area again
To prevent the germs of the freshly squeezed pimple from swirling around the face, the area should be disinfected again and left completely free for about half an hour so that the skin can close again.

2. Avoid greasy creams
Treatment in the form of creams is now counterproductive; better to leave the skin totally free and simply dab with an aloe vera gel to soothe.

3. Better not to use makeup for a few days
Sure, you'd like to hide the squeezed, red pimple with concealer, but don't do it right after squeezing, as it can further irritate your skin. Let the skin air dry.

4. Don't scratch the area
Last but not least, you shouldn't scratch the scab or touch your face with your hands. This can lead to new inflammation.

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Better to prevent them than to squeeze pimples

Rather than repeatedly squeezing inflamed pimples, steps should be taken to prevent them from appearing. A pimple is usually preceded by a blocked pore, that is, a black dot: this occurs when skin fat accumulates in the sebaceous gland canal and cannot get out.

It is usually the fault of the upper skin cells, which keratinize so strongly that they block the exit of the sebaceous gland channel. In addition to dead skin flakes, sweat can also cause clogged pores. But makeup residue or dirt can also cause it. prevent skin fat from reaching the surface.

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To prevent pimples, it is therefore important to cleanse the skin thoroughly every morning and every evening. It is also important to regularly have treatments such as scrub to remove dead skin cells from the face and unclog pores. Even chemical exfoliation can help in this sense: but be careful to avoid doing it if you already have sensitive and reddened skin, perhaps because of crushed pimples.

Good to know: in the morning you should clean your face with warm water, but in the evening you should use mild cleansing products such as micellar water. This gently removes makeup and excess fat from the skin, leaving it clean, fresh and radiant.

Micellar water for sensitive skin on Amazon for € 10.99

Tags:  Parenthood Beauty Love-E-Psychology