Iron a jacket in a few simple steps

First of all, try to abandon the idea that ironing a jacket is a task that only know how to do well in the dry cleaners: it is an operation perhaps a little longer than usual but by following simple steps you will soon become very good.

A precious tip is to let the jacket air before ironing it and above all to brush it well.
In the meantime, prepare the ironing board, turn on the iron and adjust the temperature, making sure it is not too high.

If the jacket is of a heavy fabric it will be essential to use steam because the creases will go away more easily. If, on the other hand, it is made of a light material, the use of steam is not recommended because the fabric could swell. In any case, just do a test on a small area and see if it is appropriate to use steam or not.

The basic steps

To start, make sure you have a white cotton cloth at hand that you will have to place over the part of the jacket to be ironed and remember to turn it upside down because otherwise it could be damaged.

Unbutton the entire jacket (including cuffs!) And open it all up.

See also

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Once this is done, start by ironing first the pleats, then the seams and then the sleeves, making sure to let the fabric cool for a few moments. Generally, most ironing boards have a sleeve presser: it will be very useful for you!

After this step, continue with the collar and finally with the rest of the jacket.

The finishes

After this first phase, you can continue with the finishing touches, recomposing any splits and folds.

When you get to the pocket area, be careful to spread the inner lining well so you will avoid ugly wrinkles.

Now you can go back to the lapel and the collar which should be put straight and lightly brushed. Now it's time to put the jacket on the crutch, but you're not done yet!

Take the iron and, always using the usual cotton cloth to protect the fabric, iron the part of the shoulders in correspondence with the padding. Now you have finished ironing the jacket and you can hang it in the closet making sure it does not crease.

A few little tricks

If you are not very familiar with the iron, before ironing your favorite jacket it is best to practice something a little less demanding.

Sometimes it happens that, after ironing, shiny halos appear in some areas but don't panic: rub a slice of raw potato on the affected area and then brush well. The halo will disappear immediately.

However, remember that this happens if you dry iron on clothes that are too dry. Before proceeding with ironing, therefore, it is better to steam the fabrics with a little water, using a common sprayer.

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