How to delay your period: when and how to postpone the arrival of your period

The need to delay the arrival day of the menstrual cycle arises from very different factors but it is certainly a common need for many women at certain moments in life. Delaying your period can be an emergency solution to use occasionally ... but for all other cases, learn how to use the menstrual cup the right way!

Delaying the menstrual cycle: what may be the reasons

Doing some calculations on the calendar, you realize, for example, that the arrival of menstruation will coincide with the date of a really important event such as your wedding day, or with a sports competition in which it is essential to be 100 % or if you have to undergo surgery. The need to delay the cycle can arise from intimate and even religious reasons: of course, it is good to remember that the menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon and that it is better not to interfere with nature on whim or small needs. However, if you really need to delay the arrival of menstruation, the first thing to do is ask your doctor for an opinion, who will undoubtedly be able to advise you on how to do it!
This article obviously does not serve to explain in detail how to delay your period but rather to show you that there is a way to do it if your gynecologist authorizes you to proceed: it is a safe and fairly common method.

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From the birth control pill to Norethisterone

If you take the contraceptive pill, you know that taking it can affect the arrival of your period. Just do not take the 7-day break between one session and another. But if you don't take the birth control pill, then the only way to delay it is with Norethisterone, a progesterone that does not provide any kind of contraceptive coverage. Usually, one tablet is taken 4 days before the date of arrival of menstruation, taking the Norethisterone pill must continue for the entire period in which you want to avoid your period. It is good to take into account that the cycle can never be delayed after 2 weeks. As soon as you stop the Norethisterone, time 48 hours, menstruation arrives! There are also natural remedies to delay the arrival of menstruation: these are unproven hypotheses that have no scientific basis and are handed down generation after generation. Such as cold showers: the result is not guaranteed, indeed, there is no evidence that it can work!

See also: Everything you didn't know about menstruation

© iStock Everything you didn't know about menstruation

Delaying your period: what are the real risks of postponing the onset of menstruation

The problem is not that of delaying the menstrual cycle but is linked to all the contraindications resulting from taking Norethisterone. For example, this drug cannot be administered to women who suffer from liver or circulatory diseases or who have been diagnosed with a hormone-dependent tumor of a particular type. Norethisterone can only be prescribed by a doctor: in no case should it be taken without medical advice! Norethisterone is a hormonal drug, which synthesizes the female hormone, very effective because it is able to preserve the endometrium to delay the onset of the menstrual cycle up to a maximum time of 2 weeks. In addition to delaying the menstrual cycle, Norethisterone is used in cases of dysmenorrhea, endometriosis and for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome because this drug is able to have a sedative effect on the uterus. We remind you that Norethisterone causes delay but is not a contraceptive and cannot under any circumstances perform the function of contraceptive.

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Norethisterone: how to take it to delay the cycle

To delay your period you will need to take the first pill 3 days before your period arrives. During the period in which you want to stop menstruation, you will need to take 3 pills every day at mealtimes, breakfast, lunch and dinner. As soon as you stop taking Norethisterone, the endometrium begins the natural process that leads to the menstrual cycle which usually takes 48 or 72 hours.As we have said there are many cases where women cannot take this drug:
liver, heart and vascular diseases, some types of cancer, intolerance or allergy to galactose, skin irritations and Herpes gestationis. Your doctor will not prescribe it even if you have depression, epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, and if you have recurring chronic migraines. When you deem it essential to delay your menstrual cycle, then contact your gynecologist and remember to tell your doctor about everything you normally take, drugs but not only, including food supplements and herbal products with which Norethisterone can cause even serious interactions. Another important thing is never to take this drug together with other hormonal drugs just like the birth control pill.

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