How to cry: how to manage to get crying to vent emotions

How to cry when we feel the need, but tears struggle to come out of our eyes? A good cry can be useful to vent your emotions, which are often like "stuck": if you cry, you get rid of stress and you feel better immediately! Let's find out together why and how to cry, step by step. Meanwhile, watch our video that reminds you how those who cry are really louder:

How to cry: why is a good cry good for you?

Crying is not a symptom of weakness, on the contrary! A good cry can help our body to relieve stress, promoting our psychophysical well-being. Keeping emotions inside is never good, and those who find it hard to express emotions risk somatizing them: it affects their health, body and mind!

Those who cry are not fragile at all: a person who cries can easily make choices or take courageous actions. It is certainly not the tears that come to his eyes that define a person! A good cry, on the contrary, can only be of help: once the emotion of pain, anxiety, fear, despair is vented, you will immediately feel better, more ready to go on and face what lies ahead.

Crying has many benefits: it helps to ease tension, to vent emotions that make us feel bad or that we still feel as "overwhelming". Getting those emotions out is good! Crying relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, helps eliminate the toxins that anger causes us to accumulate inside.

It would seem that crying is a real cure-all for health, and to say it is science! However, if you feel inhibited, if you are used to stifling tears because you are mistakenly convinced that this makes you stronger and you do not know how to cry, do not worry: continue reading and we will discover together the different steps recommended on a psychological level to finally be able to let off steam with a nice liberating cry!

See also

Crisis of crying: what are the causes and how they can be solved

Dreaming of crying - meaning and interpretations

Phrases about empathy, the ability to experience the emotions of others

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How to cry to vent your emotions: the first steps

How to cry when we feel the need but can't get the tears out of our eyes? The first step is to find the right place to cry in peace. It is often difficult for us to cry because we fear that someone may listen to us: carving out a quiet space, all for oneself, to be able to give vent to one's emotions without having to answer to anyone is very important to finally be able to cry!

At home, you could choose to lock yourself in the bathroom (maybe in the shower!), Or in the bedroom. If your house is crowded, however, take the car and go to a quiet place, all to yourself. The important thing is that you feel calm and serene that you can bring out your emotions without feeling judged or having to worry about what other people might think.

The second step is to focus on what makes you feel bad: focus on the negative emotion that you feel the need to vent and do not "reject it", welcome it! Often those who have not cried for a long time cannot free themselves because they seek any way of distracting oneself with other kinds of thoughts. To cry and free oneself, however, it is necessary to "stay" in that emotion, even if it is not beautiful, to accept it as part of you, of what you are experiencing. Every kind of pain must be crossed Refusing it certainly does not help to overcome it, but only carries the risk of somatizing it or making us even more nervous or aggressive.

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Let your emotions emerge: after tears and a good cry you will feel better!

If you stay focused on the negative emotions you are feeling, on what is making you feel bad, but without trying to distract yourself and push away the worst thoughts, then you will feel the tears press behind your eyes. If something has happened that makes you particularly sad, focus on how bad it is, on how much you wish it had never happened, on how it will change your life now ... Go through these negative emotions and you will see that the tears will come! Emotions must all be lived, even if they are not beautiful ... it is part of life!

Of course you don't cry like that, on the spot, just thinking about what makes us feel bad: you need to give yourself some time for negative emotions to "mount" inside you, invade you, to the point of producing tears . Let these emotions drag you down with them, until you touch the bottom: it is the only way, then to be able to go back up and smile again! If you concentrate and really "live" these emotions, a nice liberating cry will soon come and you will be able to let off steam. Cry, cry without fear, until the tears stop by themselves. Don't try to stop them yourself, but throw it all out: the pain will come out of your eyes along with the tears and you will immediately feel lighter!

Sure, a liberating cry won't solve your problem, but it sure makes you feel freer. Crying will not make you happy, but less anxious, preparing you for the next step: addressing the problem constructively, reacting in the right way.

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How to cry: little tricks to unleash tears

Are you still wondering how to cry, how to do it in practice? There are some little tricks that can actually make crying easier. Tears, in fact, can be "helped" to leave your eyes by some means that bring out the emotions of sadness or anguish. For example, old photographs may be useful: if you have lost a loved one and you can't cry, looking at photos taken with her in a moment of happiness could help you cry and thus throw out all your pain.

Even music can perform the same cathartic function: it can be listening to a sad song, which matches your mood, or one that recalls particular memories, related to what makes you sick. Finally, try watching a sad or moving film: it could stir emotions inside you that could lead you to a nice liberating cry. You will think you are crying only for the film, but in reality you cry for your experience and your emotions with which that particular film managed to resonate.

Our advice for moving you?

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Tags:  In Shape Love-E-Psychology Actuality