How to stop hunger: 8 effective tips to reduce appetite

We know that hunger pangs are often around the corner during the day, especially if we have not had an adequate breakfast, we have eaten too much sugar or we have not been fed enough and with the right foods.

Sometimes, however, hunger can be attributable to a sense of boredom or nervousness, in that case we are faced with a nervous or emotional hunger, the latter more of a psychosomatic character.

In all cases, however, there are useful tips to keep the sense of hunger under control and relieve the appetite, especially if it is unjustified and the stomach has already filled up sufficiently.
One of these is undoubtedly focusing on a "protein diet, which allows us to maintain a sense of satiety for a long time, helping us not to fall into easy snacks which, in addition to not helping, can also gain weight with great ease. Here in the video that follows some super protein foods to focus on.

If you are looking for remedies and advice on how to eliminate the sense of hunger in a natural way, perhaps even to lose weight easily or avoid taking it, below you will find eight effective and simple methods that can help you in the enterprise.
These are small behavioral habits that can be a help even and especially if you are on a diet; in fact, it is often thought that diets only mean eating less, in reality being on a diet means above all eating better and choosing the right food to introduce during the various moments of the day. Below you will also find tips on foods and foods to fight the munchies and maintain a sense of satiety for longer.

See also

Nervous hunger: how to manage the urge to eat all the time

How to stop overeating: 8 tips against nervous hunger

Foods with vitamin D: the most effective foods to supplement their intake

1. Drink plain water or herbal tea

A great way to stop hunger is to drink a glass of plain water. That's right, this simple gesture, which also helps to drain and deflate, allows us to feel an immediate sense of satiety, helping us to chase away the sense of hunger.
You can also think of adding a little lemon juice, a detox food par excellence that has a deflating and detoxifying power, in short, a real panacea for health and shape.

If you really struggle to drink water, especially in winter, you can fall back on herbal teas or flavored waters, the important thing is that they are not in any way sugary.

2. Have a coffee

Even coffee, perhaps even more than water, would help to quench the appetite. What is certain is that it is a drink to drink in moderation.
Better to take it unsweetened, bitter, and without the addition of milk: it is the best version to counteract the sense of hunger.

3. Brush your teeth after meals

This is an excellent natural remedy: not only does it help the health of our teeth, but it also allows us to close the meal and avoid the risk of being caught by sudden attacks of hunger or gluttony, precisely because the toothpaste and its flavor actually establishes the end of meal time.

The mint taste in particular is able to suggest this sensation, helping us to easily avoid asking for more food or indulging culinary desires that arise more from gluttony than from real need.

4. Eat a big breakfast

As already mentioned, to counter hunger you need to start with a "hearty breakfast in the morning. This allows us to correctly balance the distribution of calories throughout the day and not risk getting a calorie deficit at lunch and especially in the evening. dinner, the time of day when you should eat less.

5. Have a protein meal

As already mentioned, protein stays satiated for longer, so having a lunch that favors protein foods can be a great way to avoid being surprised by hunger during the day.

In fact, there are foods that are defined as satiating and that allow us to feel a level of satiety for longer. These are precisely the foods we should focus on to avoid being surprised by an unjustified hunger,
Here is a gallery with all the foods with satiating power.

See Also: Satisfying Foods: 50 Foods That Quench Your Appetite

© istock 50 satiating foods that stop hunger

6. Get enough sleep and keep stress relieved

Sleeping well and at least 7 hours a night also helps keep appetite at bay. That's right, a reduced amount of sleep, coupled with poor quality sleep, increases our cravings for calorie foods and reduces the level of satiety.

In addition, as much as sleep, it is essential to pay attention to stress, a great enemy of physical well-being and the figure. Cortisol, also called the stress hormone, can significantly affect our weight, increasing the need to eat, often even in the absence of a real need or appetite.
This is why it is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle that also includes detox moments to regenerate and defeat moments of tiredness and tension. Very useful in this sense can be yoga sessions, relaxation techniques, mindfulness meditation and correct breathing exercises, all natural remedies to relax mind and body and help defeat stress by connecting with oneself.

Even natural remedies such as Bach flowers, homeopathic solutions and relaxing herbal teas can be a valid help in these cases.

7. Plan light, sugar-free snacks

Better to avoid sugar-laden snacks, as at first they seem full but later they literally open up the stomach and increase the need to eat.

Instead, snacks consisting of five or six almonds, a low-fat yogurt with chia seeds or a sesame bar are recommended. These are foods that can lower blood sugars, adequately satiating our appetite and preventing us from feeling hungry.

8. Choose foods with a low glycemic index

In addition to protein foods, it would be good to prefer a diet rich in foods with a low glycemic index.

These include whole grains, quinoa, green vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus and chard, aubergines, mushrooms and peppers. These are foods responsible for keeping the blood sugar level at bay.

Below you can find a large gallery with all the low glycemic index foods to be included in your daily diet.

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